Chapter 38

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After our night of fun we all crashed on the couches or on the floor.

Everyone was sprawled out anywhere comfortable they could fine.

I opened my eyes groggily and looked around the room. I was lying on top of Nik on the main couch.

I sleepily got up and walked up to my room to get ready, after I had showered I was much more awake and went downstairs to make everyone breakfast.

I danced around the kitchen in one of Nik's shirts and some leggings. I always stole one of my mates shirts on lazy days, it just brought a sense of comfort. Their shirts are just so damn comfy!

I was interrupted by Bonnie calling me asking if we can go over the spell and possibly help her with her magic.

I agreed and gave her the address of the witch house since it was the best place of power for any witch to practice at

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I agreed and gave her the address of the witch house since it was the best place of power for any witch to practice at.

I hung up and groaned dramatically making Elijah walk into the kitchen with a confused look on his face "are you alright Elsken?" he asked concerned.

I smiled at him "yeah, just have to teach the baby Bennet witch some things, you want to come along? We're going to the witch house you were going to look for" I said casually as I plated the breakfast I had made and put it on the table for everyone.

Kol's head immediately popped out from around the corner "can I come?" he asked eagerly as he bounced into the kitchen.

I smiled at him and his cuteness and nodded making him excited.


After we ate breakfast I brought Elijah and Kol with me to the witch house since they were the only two interested, Elijah brought up bringing the Martin's but I said no until we know where their allegiances stand. I am not taking risks with this much power. No fucking way.

Luckily we got there before Bonnie so I could give the witch spirits a warning before they get any bright ideas.

Right as my mates walk in the door I hear angry whispers and their daylight rings stop working making them groan and run to the shadows.

I glare at the house around me as the sight of my mates in pain immediately enrages me "bitches stop now or I will rip you all from the other side and send you to hell myself!" I screamed angrily into the house.

It still continued so I put magic into my tone "ENOUGH, IF YOU DEFY ME I WILL END ALL OF YOU" I yelled with power projected into every word making them finally stop. No one hurts my mates. No one. I will kill these bitches all over again if I have to!

Suddenly Emily Bennet was in front of us looking at me angrily "you dare bring vampires here? And originals no less?" she said accusingly.

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