Chapter 51

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As we got back to the house I went straight to the basement.

As I got there I went through the side door that led to the dungeon area.

see I had created a spell that basically turns the door into a portal to a completely different location that is completely underground. I don't take risks.

I got the inspiration from Halloween town but I couldn't just create the dungeon out of nothing like they could in the movie so I had a complete underground building system that only has access to the outside world through the air system.

This way I can spell the door away and no one can get to the dungeon or get out. No escape's on my watch...

It was a bit extreme but one of my best works of magic so I was very proud of it.

As I entered I walked down the hall and saw Nik standing outside one of the four cells I had placed down here.

He gave me a hello kiss and Kol a nod as he was following behind me.

As I entered the cell I smirked at the glare John gave me "oh what? Did you think there wouldn't be consequences to giving them the dagger? I also needed to pay you back for that little Gilbert device situation" I said condescendingly. That and I hate him...

"All I've done is protect this town" he spat out angrily as he tried to get up

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"All I've done is protect this town" he spat out angrily as he tried to get up.

I rolled my eyes "no you didn't you idiot that's me. I'm the one that killed the tomb vampires. I'm the one keeping bloodshed to a minimum in this god-forsaken town. All you are is a hypocritical pain in the ass. Now, normally I would listen to you spew your bull shit but I'm not in the mood for games today" I said with a shrug.

It's not like he will listen to a word I say anyway. He is too thick-headed for that.

I looked at Kol "have fun honey, but make sure to turn him after. I think he should see what it's like to be on the other side of things" I said with a sweet smile towards my mate.

I could see the demon inside come out to play and I smirked as he went into the cell with Nik trailing behind him.

I walked away to the sounds of John's tortured screams

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I walked away to the sounds of John's tortured screams.

I pass a changed Wes on the way and smirked at him when he looked towards John's cell with slight fear.

I turned to him "now do you realize how you were the monster? This is what you did to so many while you tortured them every day. Well now you get to see what it's like on the other side of the bars" I said condescendingly to Wes. You'll be there for a while if I don't find some other use for you. Maybe Enzo? Ohhh, I could use him, for my own experiments, wouldn't that just be poetic justice...

He gave me a half-assed glare making me raise an eyebrow challengingly "okay be that way, I guess I will just send Enzo down here. I'm sure he would love having a torture session" I said with a nonchalant shrug before casually turning and walking back through the door and then up to the living room.

I found Elijah and Finn both in the living room so I sat between them before looking at Enzo who has been lingering around.

"If you want, I think the doctor is up for a bit of just desserts" I said motioning towards the basement.

He smiled with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes making me smirk "why thank you, lass. I think I will take that offer" he said before speeding away towards the basement with a predatory glee in his eyes.

I turn to my mates with a smirk "well that was fun" I said innocently.

I turn to my mates with a smirk "well that was fun" I said innocently

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They both chuckle slightly "Elskan you truly are made for us. Though sometimes your resemblance to those two is terrifying" Elijah said with a joking smirk.

I rolled my eyes as Finn nodded in agreement.

I give them both a deadpan stare "don't act like you two are any less bloodthirsty, your brothers just let their beasts out to play while you two keep them locked up tight, well everywhere but the bedroom" I said with a smirk at the end.

They both blink at me in shock before they had a slight strain on their faces as I could see the beasts fighting for control.

I gave them both a gentle smile and put a hand on each of their cheeks "shhh it's alright. Calm down" I said softly.

They deflated like putty in my hands making me hold back a slight smirk. God these men are such saps, I love it.

After their beasts were under control I smirked at them in triumph "see?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

They both huffed but I could see that they wanted to pout if their faces were anything to go by but they were both much too proper to pout. 

"You may have a point" Finn said in a grumble making me giggle.

I gave them both a smile as I calmed down and they both returned it with smiles of their own.

As I sat back between them I huffed "thank god I calmed you down though, could you imagine the destruction if both your territorial as hell inner beasts came out? Oh god, we would need to renovate, again" I said sarcastically but we all knew I was completely right. They do not have the ability to share. I would probably be the only thing stopping them from tearing each other to fuking pieces.

I sat with them for about an hour just reading and enjoying each other's company.

Suddenly I had a slightly bloody Kol standing in front of me with darkness in his eyes.

I was immediately picked up and he was speeding us to his bedroom.


So the next chapter is obviously the long-awaited Kol smut lol. I think it's gonna be its own chapter like before.

Do u guys like it better when I make a whole chapter or just a half one?

Tho there will always be short small ones that r less detailed coming up because I'm not writing a whole scene every time she fucks one of them lol. I don't got the inspiration for that.

It will probably be posted tonight but it might be tomorrow if I don't get it done by tonight. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

updated: 11/28/21

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