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A couple weeks have passed since I told Colby about my nightmare. He has been so supportive about the whole situation which I was grateful for. The first week was rough though, since the nightmares happened multiple times a night.

Colby ended up sleeping in my bed with me so he could help me when I woke up. He always did such a good job at calming me down and helping me go back to sleep.

I felt bad that I was constantly waking him up but after about a week the nightmares started going away. I think it was because I was keeping myself occupied, and tried to not think about the night we had at the Biltmore.

The video Colby filmed with his ex was posted and people have been shipping them pretty hard. I tried to not let it bother me but the abandonment issues I had were flaring up. I was afraid Colby would start catching feelings for her again, I was afraid he was going to leave me for her.

It was a silly thought to have though.

Right now I was on the way to the airport to pick Ki up, since she was visiting for a long weekend. We have gotten pretty close since we met at that random Steak 'n Shake so I was really excited to hang out with her in person and introduce her to everyone.

I was almost to the airport when Colby called me. "Hey." I answered as I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel. "Hey, babe. Did you need anything from the store?" Colby asked as a small smiled formed on my lips.

He was just too sweet sometimes.

"Can you get some ground beef? I think I'm gonna make some chili." I said as he chuckled. "Okay, anything else?" He asked as I raked my brain for any other ingredients I would need. "Nope! Thanks baby." I said as I pulled into the terminal.

"You're welcome, I'll see you when you get home?" He asked as I smiled. "Yeah, I just got to the airport so I should be back in 45 minutes or so." I said and drove up to the curb where Ki was standing.

"Okay, I love you." He said as I waved to Ki, "I love you too." I said with a smile then hung up.

"BITCH!" Ki yelled as she opened the door. "Get in here!" I exclaimed and opened my arms as she climbed into the passengers seat, throwing her bag in the back seat. "I missed you!" She yelled and wrapped her arms around me. "I missed you too!" I said then pulled away and started driving us home.

"So what are we doing?" Ki asked as she buckled her seatbelt. "Well, we are gonna go to my house so you can meet Colby and the guys then maybe the girls will come over." I explained as she clapped her hands. "Sounds fun!" She said then rolled the window down and shoved her hand out.

"It's beautiful here. I'm actually losing my mind right now." She said as I laughed. "Just wait until you see the house." I said as she gasped. "And the hot ass LA men." She said with a laugh.

We spent the rest of the drive singing and laughing. It felt like we had been best friends for forever, and not like this was the second time seeing eachother in person.

It felt like how things used to be with Daisy.

"Holy shit dude, you LIVE here?!" Ki exclaimed as I pulled into the driveway. "Sam and Colby own it I just stay here." I said with a laugh as I parked the car. "Bro, your boyfriend is loaded." She said as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever, come on." I said and got out of the car.

I grabbed Ki's bag from the backseat then started going towards the front door. "Am I being punk'd?" She asked as I laughed. "I ask myself that every day." I said then opened the door.

"Is that you, V?" Colby called out from the kitchen. "Yeah, it's me." I said as Ki looked around the room with a huge smile on her face. "Come on, I'll show you around." I said then started walking towards the guest room.

I showed her around the house a little bit before bringing her to the guest room. "This room is bigger than my whole apartment at home." Ki said as she looked around the room. "Dude, you should see Colby's room. It's like a whole other house." I said as she groaned and flopped onto the bed.

"I'm moving in." She said as I laughed and grabbed her hands pulling her up. "Come on, let's go see Colby." I said as she perked up. "Let's go see your hot and rich boyfriend, yes." She said then stood up, hopping once.

"No flirting with him." I said as she gasped dramatically. "I would NEVER. I'm not a cunt like your friend Patunia." She said as I burst into laughter. "Not Patunia." I said and smacked my forehead as we walked to the kitchen.

"Hey, babe." Colby said as I walked into the kitchen. "Hey, baby." I said as he came up and kissed my cheek. "You must be Ki." Colby said with a grin as Ki smiled and waved. "That's me!" She said as Colby opened his arms so he could hug her.

As they hugged she looked at me and mouthed, 'holy shit, he's hot.', causing me to laugh. "Do you like chili?" I asked and turned to the the fridge so I could start cooking. "Yeah, why? Are you cooking?" Ki asked as she sat down at the island.

"Yep, maybe I'll get fancy and make some bread bowls." I said as Colby came over to the fridge. "Did you want a white claw, Ki?" Colby asked and opened the fridge. "Hell yeah, grapefruit if you have it." She said as I started cooking.

"Here ya go." Colby said and slid her a can of white claw. "Are the guys around?" I asked as Colby came over to help me. "Jake and Corey are in their rooms and Sam is over at Kat's." Colby responded as I handed him some veggies to cut up.

"JAKE! COREY!" I screamed as I went to grab myself a white claw. I waited a second to see if they would answer then sighed, "I HAVE FOOD FOR YOU TO TRY!" I called out and immediately heard their doors opening.

"Where's the- woah, who's the chick?" Jake asked as he and Corey came into the kitchen. "Guys this is my friend Ki, she's visiting for the weekend. Ki, this is Jake and Corey." I said and gestured to them as she smiled and waved. "Nice to meet you." She said then took a sip of her white claw.

"Nice to meet you. You know what having a visitor means, right?" Corey asked as he sat down next to Ki. "That we have to be on our best behavior?" Colby asked as I laughed and turned back to cooking.

"No. We have to throw a rager." Corey said as Ki gasped. "That sounds so fun, holy shit." She said and clapped her hands together. "I'm off all weekend so I'm down." I said and smirked at Colby as he grinned at me.

I know the guys have been wanting to have a reason to throw a party since it's been a while. "Let's throw a party!" Colby said then held up his can so we could clink ours with his.

We spent the next couple hours making and eating dinner while we planned the party. We were going to have it on Saturday night, giving us the whole day tomorrow to prepare for it.

"I'm so excited for this, dude. It's been forever since I've been to a party." Ki said as we got ready to go swimming in the backyard. "Same, I haven't even been to one since living here but apparently the guys throw crazy parties." I explained and pulled one of Colby's tshirts on over my bathing suit.

When I looked up Ki was just smiling at me. "What?" I asked and looked down at my body, thinking something was wrong. "You just seem really happy." She said as I breathed a laugh and brushed my hair behind my ears.

"I am. Way happier than the last time you saw me, that's for sure." I said with a laugh as she came over to hug me. "You deserve the happiness, Vi. You really do." She said as tears sprung to my eyes.

I laughed then pulled away. "I'm way too sober to be this emotional." I said with a laugh as I wiped my eyes. "Let's change that then!" Ki exclaimed then took my hand and ran out of the room, dragging me along.

When we got to the backyard Ki screamed with excitement. "Holy SHIT! This is like a resort what the hell?!" She said and looked around as Colby came over and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Yeah, I'm still not used to it." I said with a laugh as Colby chuckled.

"I haven't either honestly." He said as I giggled and kissed his cheek. He smiled down at me for a second then turned his head to Ki who was still admiring the backyard, while laughing with Jake and Corey

It made me happy that she got along so well with the guys. It made me feel like this friendship was going to last a long time.

I was just really excited for the rest of the weekend.

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