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I woke up to my phone ringing, causing me to groan and hold my head as the biggest headache filled my brain.

"Hello?" I grumbled as I answered the FaceTime call. "She's alive." Colby said with a laugh, "barely." I said and looked at myself in the camera.

The bags under my eyes were massive, and it looked like I was ran over by a truck. The bandage on my head was ripped off, showing the hideous scar on my forehead. The stitches were luckily still in tact though.

"Drink some water, you'll feel better." He said with a grin that made my heart skip a beat. "I need pedialyte. Or maybe more vodka." I said as Jarrod groaned next to me, stretching.

"Who's that?" Colby asked as I rubbed my eye, "oh, that's Jarrod. He's a friend." I said then panned the camera to Jarrod as he nodded once to Colby, "hey man, nice to meet you." He said as Colby looked at him for a second. I could tell he was trying to map out Jarrod and I's relationship all in one single look.

"Nice to meet you, too. Thanks for staying with Vi, that means a lot to me." Colby finally said but still had cautious eyes. "Yeah, it's no problem. We had fun." Jarrod said then looked at the time.

"Shit. I gotta go, V." He said then stood up. "Oh, okay. Thanks for coming over." I said as he smiled and grabbed his keys. "No problem, call me if you need me." He said then left.

"So just a friend, huh?" Colby asked as I grinned, "Getting jealous?" I asked with a smirk as I went to go clean myself up.

"Jealous? No. I just want to make sure you're I'm not a home wrecker." He said as I walked into my bedroom. I sucked in a breath as I looked around the room.

I almost forgot that literally everything I owned was ruined. "Vi? Am I a home wrecker?" He asked as I breathed a laugh. "No. Flattering that you think I could get two guys to fall for me." I said with a laugh then painted a smile on my face.

"What's wrong, V." Colby said as I let my face drop. "Daisy left." I said quietly as stress started to fill my body.

How was I going to pay rent? I couldn't afford a two bedroom place all by myself. I couldn't afford to back out of the lease either, so I was stuck. I guess I just had to find a new roommate, and live off of only the stuff I brought on the trip.

"Hey, it's okay. What do you mean she left?" Colby asked calmly as I sighed. "When I got home she was gone. All of her things were gone, almost as if she never even lived here." I said as he frowned. "I'm so sorry..." he said as I shook my head.

"It gets worse. She did this." I said then turned the camera around the room, showing him how destroyed everything was.

"Oh my god. You have to press charges!" Colby exclaimed causing my head to throb. "There's no proof that she did it though. No witnesses. No cameras. Just me and my word against her and her word." I said and flipped the camera back towards me.

"Vi, what she did is a crime! You can't let her do that!" Colby said as I groaned and held my head. "Please stop yelling. My brain is about to explode." I said as he frowned.

"What's your address, I'm gonna send you some stuff." Colby said as I sighed. "You don't have to do that." I said and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Let me just be a good boyfriend, Vi." He said as the butterflies in my stomach fluttered. "Is this your way of making it official?" I asked with a small laugh.

"I guess it is. Violet Richards will you be my girlfriend?" He asked as I smiled softly. "I will." I said then sighed and texted him my address.

"Have you been on the internet at all?" Colby asked as I shook my head. "I don't think so. I don't remember much from last night though. Why?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Don't go online. Promise?" He asked as I nodded. "Promise. I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to clean this shit up." I said and looked around the room.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Violet. I feel like it's my fault." He said as I shrugged. "You didn't do anything but have feelings. That's not a crime." I said as he clenched his jaw. "But ruining all of your stuff is. You seriously need to press charges." Colby said as I shook my head.

"I can't afford a lawyer or to miss any more work for court dates and stuff. Plus, she's ignoring me. I don't know where she is." I said and felt my heart break. "I can find her in three seconds. Just think about it. How are your stitches by the way?" He asked as I looked down.

"I think I ripped some of the ones on my stomach last night." I said and lifted my shirt, looking at them.

"Violet..." Colby said as I sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't want to get drunk I just...I wanted to forget. I lost my best friend, and the person I love is across the country. I'm hurting." I said as he frowned.

"The person you love may be physically across the country, but I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He said as I smiled. "Stop being cheesy." I said with a laugh as I blushed.

"Can't help it. Listen, Sam and I are going to a photo shoot so I have to go get ready but promise me you'll take care of yourself today?" He asked as I nodded.

"I'll take care of myself only if I get to see those pictures first." I said as he smiled his wide smile. "Of course. You'll be the first one to see." He said then winked. "Okay, love you." He said and brought his hand to his lips, then blew me a kiss. "Love you too." I said and blew him a kiss back then hung up.

I sighed then looked around, "I don't wanna do this." I pouted and stomped my foot causing a deep pain to fill my head and abdomen. I groaned then went to grab some of my medicine.

I didn't like being here alone, in the silence. It made me feel like I was alone in the world. I just wanted to hear from Daisy. I wanted to know that she was okay, even though I wasn't happy with her at all right now.

She was still my best friend.

I ended up putting music on so I wouldn't be surrounded by silence. I grabbed trash bags and started throwing things away. It hurt basically throwing away my entire life.

It hurt that my best friend did this to me.

I sifted through my books, which she ripped most of the pages out of. I noticed a piece of paper that wasn't ripped though.


I don't know when you'll find this, but when you do I hope you know how much your father and I love you. You're only a freshman and you've already broke such an adult. We are so proud of you. I hope you never lose that sparkle, Violet.

Love, mom.

I burst into tears and covered my mouth with my hand as I hugged the note. I would give anything to be able to hug her and my dad one more time, but reading that note made me feel like they were giving me a big ass hug.

I sat there and stared at the paper for a while, until I heard a knock on the door. I scrunched my brow then stood up carefully, groaning in pain as I did so.

I opened the door to a guy wearing a postmates shirt, "Violet Richards?" He asked as I nodded and took the bag from him.

As soon as I closed the door I looked in the bag to see a bottle of pedialyte, a giant sweatshirt, a bag of gummy bears, some Doritos and a bang energy drink.

"Fucking Colby." I said with a laugh then put the sweatshirt on. It felt like a warm hug, which is exactly what I needed.

I pulled out my phone and texted Colby thank you then cuddled up on the couch so I could watch a movie.

I couldn't believe I managed to have the best boyfriend in the world. Even though he was thousands of miles away, he still found a way to make me smile and feel better.

Maybe this long distance thing actually could work out.

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