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"I need weed." I mumbled as Daisy stood up with her hands over her mouth. "Check your DMs! I bet they messaged you, oh my god!" She exclaimed and jumped up and down. "I have to tell everyone, oh my god they're gonna freak the fuck out!" She yelled and pulled out her phone as I stood up.

I walked to the drawer that I kept my weed in then grabbed a blunt and my lighter. "Violet?" Daisy asked as I looked at her. "I never win anything." I said as she laughed, "well you just won this! Thank you, Vi! Thank you thank you thank you!" She squealed and ran up to hug me.

"I'm gonna go smoke this, then I'll check my dms." I said then opened the door to the patio.

I couldn't believe I actually won, I was happy of course, but I still was a little nervous. I knew I would probably be able to get off of work but I haven't been on a trip in over 3 years. I didn't even know how to comprehend doing this right now.

I lit the blunt then inhaled the smoke, leaning my head back as I exhaled. I heard Daisy still giddily jumping around which made me smile. She deserved this happiness so much, I just hoped she wouldn't clam up around the guys.

I felt myself calm down a little bit as the weed started to come into effect. By the time I finished my blunt I was fully calm and my mind was slightly swimmy.

I didn't smoke weed very often, but when I did it was because I was really stressed out.

"Vi?" Daisy called out as she popped her head out onto the patio. "What's up?" I asked as she chewed her lip.

"I'm really appreciative for you.." She said as I smiled at her. "Are you excited?" I asked as we went back inside. "I'm so excited! Have you checked your dm? I can't believe they dm'd you!" She exclaimed and jumped up and down.

"I haven't looked. Are you going to be this fangirly when you're around them?" I asked with a laugh as I grabbed my phone and a bag of chips.

"Probably, I don't know. I don't want to be embarrassing, what if Colby wants to fall in love with me?" She asked as I laughed, "well you're a catch, I wouldn't be surprised if he did." I said as she grinned.

"A girl could hope." Daisy said longingly. "Alright, calm down Cinderella. They dmd me." I said and looked at my Twitter DMs. "What did they say?!" Daisy squealed as I laughed.

"Hey Violet! Thank you for entering to come ghost hunting with us! We hope you're excited. We are planning on going October 14th-21st. We have a couple questions before we can book the flights." I read as Daisy smiled widely.

"I can't believe this is real! What are the questions?" She asked and clapped her hands together.

"What city will you be flying out of? Is Violet Richards your legal name? Also we need the name of the friend you're bringing. Are you willing to spend the night at a haunted asylum at least once if not more times?" I read as Daisy gasped, "ohhh my god! This is like...legit." She said and put her hands on her cheeks.

"You have to calm down, Dais. They're just like you and me." I reminded as I clicked on the message box. I started to type as Daisy watched over my shoulder.

Hey guys. Thanks for picking me to come with, my friend and I are really excited. My full legal name is Violet Richards and the friend I'm bringing is Daisy Winters. We would be flying out of Denver, Co. Yes, we will want to stay in the asylum. Did you want us to research the place before we come or do you want it to be a surprise?

"That's good. I can't believe we are going to actually spend time with them for a whole WEEK. Holy shit." Daisy said as she clutched her chest. "Bro, you cant spend time with them if you die from a heart attack calm down." I said with a laugh and sent the message.

"I can't help it! Imagine it gets super creepy and you hear a loud noise and jump into Colby's muscular arms, UGH. A dream." She said as I laughed, "what did Sam ever do to you?" I asked as she shrugged.

"He has a girlfriend, I don't know Kat personally but I'm not about to break girl code. No way." She said as I chuckled.

"I don't even know what girl code really is." I said as she rolled her eyes. "Don't date you're best friends ex, or crush. Don't ever flirt with a taken man, it's textbook stuff, Vi." She said as I shrugged, "damn, sorry." I said then felt my phone vibrate. It was a message from Sam and Colby.

Great! We'll book the flights then send you the information. It's up to you if you want to research the asylum or not, but don't chicken out on us (; we'll keep in touch, see you Wednesday!

"Holy shit it's this Wednesday." I said as my eyes widened.

Leave it to two rich dudes to give us literally 3 days notice for a week long trip. "I have to make some phone calls..that's really short notice." I said with a sigh.

"It's gonna work out, just call Mikey and Rachel. They basically already said you could go." Daisy said as she typed on her phone. "I'm already on the schedule though..maybe they can pick another person but you can still go." I said and chewed on my lip as she slammed her phone down.

"Violet, stop it! You're coming. Just talk to them! It's fine." She said as I clenched my jaw and stood up so I could go to my room. The effect of the weed completely going away from the annoyance bubbling in my chest.

"Where are you going?" Daisy asked as I walked away. "My room." I said then shut the door. I groaned and slid down the door, hugging my knees.

I loved Daisy, I really did, but sometimes she was just too controlling. She sort of lived off of her mom's money since her mom was a brain surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic.

Beatrice was the sweetest woman I have ever met. She pretty much only wanted Daisy to be happy, so she sent her money every month so she could live out here with me. I didn't think it was fair at all, but it wasn't my money or my life so who was I really to judge.

I just wish Daisy would understand what it was like to actually work for something or to actually have a job. It wasn't as easy as telling them I wouldn't be coming to work for a week.

People counted on me.

I sighed then shook my head and grabbed my laptop. I decided I was going to research the place we were staying at.

I quickly typed into the search bar Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum then started reading each article letting my eyes skim through the words. This place was supposedly super haunted, because of all the restless spirits.

It started off as a hopeful establishment for mental patients in the 1850s. They let their patients even roam around the hospital because they felt they deserved freedom. It was a good place to be if you were struggling.

Unfortunately though in 1881 an increase in mental health diagnoses caused the assylum to become overbooked. They would cram 3-4 patients in each small room which was intended for one person.

By the 1950's there were more than ten times the amount of people intended staying the establishment. Nurses were overworked and patients would sleep on the freezing floor due to lack of heat and furniture.

The conditions of the asylum very quickly declined, causing mistreatment towards the patients to become a common occurrence.

I felt myself starting to get a little freaked out when the articles started going into detail about how the patients were being treated so I had to stop reading.

I closed my laptop and scrubbed my face with my hands then texted both Rachel and Mikey asking about possibly getting the time off.

They both responded quickly telling me it would be okay and that they would work out the schedule for me. I was both grateful but nervous about it, since I had never really taken a vacation before. I seriously couldn't risk losing my job right now.

Everyone took vacations though, so this shouldn't be such a big deal. Maybe I was being just a little ridiculous. This trip was going to be fun and full of adventure.

It was also going to be terrifying.

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