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"Shit!" Colby yelled as he covered me as best as he could with his body. "Colby?! Violet?!" Sam yelled as he banged on the door.

"Sam!! Open the door!" Colby yelled as we ran over to it. "It's not budging!" Sam yelled as I heard Daisy crying on the other side. "Are you okay, Dais?" I called out as I put my hands on the door.

"I'm scared!" She cried out as I frowned, "it's okay, we're okay. The door is just stuck." I said as I looked at Colby. He had fear in his eyes, but I could tell he was trying to keep it together for me. I smiled at him reassuringly then turned towards the door.

"Sam?" I asked and tried the knob again, knowing it wouldn't budge. "It's not working!" He yelled and rammed something into the door. "It's made of metal, it won't break! You have to find something small and heavy enough to break the hinges!" I explained as the banging stopped.

"Okay, you guys just hang tight. Daisy and I are going to go find something!" Sam said as I nodded then turned to Colby.

He let out a breath as he ruffled his hair, "are you okay?" He asked as I nodded, "are you?" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah." He said as I went to sit down on the bed.

"Don't do that!" Colby said and reached for my hands so he could pull me back. "What? Why?" I asked as I stumbled into him.

"That bed is like a hundred years old, I don't think it's safe to sit on." He said as I sighed and pulled my hands from his. "Right...thanks." I said as he looked at me thoughtfully.

"Well now that you can't run, do you want to tell me what's going on?" Colby asked as I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked as he raised his brows.

"You've been avoiding me like the plague. Also you were crying last night and wouldn't budge on telling me anything." He said and sat on the floor, leaning his back against the wall.

"I have not been avoiding you like the plague." I said with a laugh as I sat down next to him. "Sure, right. Is that why Daisy has been constantly talking my ear off while you talk to Sam about actual shit?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I can't control Daisy." I said with a shrug as he raised his brows, "Daisy can control you though." He said as I sucked in a breath and looked forwards.

"Is it that obvious?" I mumbled and leaned my head back against the wall. "A little bit, now tell me what's exactly going on. I want to help you." He said as I sighed.

"I don't know what you want me to say." I said and looked over at him. "Why were you crying yesterday?" He asked as I took a deep breath. "Daisy and I were arguing and she just hit me with a low blow. I was just being too sensitive." I said and brought my knees to my chest, suddenly feeling very cold.

"How low are we talking?" He asked as I rubbed my arms to warm them up a little bit. "She just used the lowest point of my life against me." I said with a shrug. "And you forgave her?" He asked as I nodded.

"She's my best friend. Would you have forgiven Sam?" I asked as he sighed. "Yeah...Sam would never do that in the first place though." He said as I chewed on my lip.

"She's just a little different. She's been through a lot." I said as he frowned. "Do you ever throw those things that have happened to her in her face though?" He asked as I picked at my nails.

"I guess not." I said then looked down. "I'm sorry if I'm upsetting you." Colby said as I bit my lip and looked over at him. "She's all I have. I know we may not have the healthiest relationship but she's all I have left." I said and looked up at him.

His features softened, as if he was hurting for me. It wasn't a look of pity though, he just looked sad.

"Well. You have me now. Me and Sam are here for you." He said then wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"Yeah, for this week. Next week though I have to go back to working two jobs just to keep up." I said as he rubbed my arm gently. "You work two jobs?" He asked as I nodded.

"That must be why you're so tired all the time." He said with a laugh as I leaned away from him. "Yeah, it really is." I said with a laugh as I looked over at him.

"Does Daisy work two jobs, too? Is Colorado that expensive?" He asked as I shook my head. "No, Daisy doesn't work." I said as his brows shot up.

"Why are you working two jobs and she isn't working at all? How is that fair?" He asked as I shrugged. "Her mom sends her money so she can stay with me." I said as he shook his head.

"Your parents don't want to help you?" He asked as piece of my heart chipped off. "They can't." I said quietly as I brought my hand to the necklace I was wearing.

It belonged to my mother, I haven't taken it off since she died. It's one of the last physical things I have of her.

"Why not? They can't afford to help you?" Colby asked as I shook my head. "They're...they're not around." I said choosing my words carefully. "Oh..I'm sorry if I'm digging too deep..I just want to get to know you." He said as I shook my head.

"It's okay. You should really try to get to know Daisy more though, she's a little more your speed I think." I said as I picked at a loose strand on my sweater.

"Nah, she's cool but...not my type." He said with a small laugh. "Really? I thought LA guys liked girls like her." I said as he chuckled. "I'm barely an LA guy. I actually really don't like girls like that." He said and looked at me.

"I like girls who are real. Girls that don't think they have to prove anything, or that aren't afraid to walk out of the house with no makeup on." He said quietly as he studied my face.

"I like girls who aren't afraid to adventure with me. I like hardworking girls who would do anything for the people they love." He said quietly as his eyes darted down to my lips.

"I like girls who are both beautiful inside and out." He said and leaned in ever so slightly causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

I froze as he grabbed my face gently, then started to lean in to kiss me.

Right before he could do it though the door swung open, causing us to flinch away from eachother, as if we were doing something wrong.

"Got it!" Sam yelled happily as Daisy came running over. "Are you okay?!" She said as she hugged me. "I'm fine, Dais. Totally fine." I said as looked over at Colby.

His cheeks were flushed as he looked at me. "You're shivering! We need to get you a blanket." Daisy said as I looked back at her. "I'm fine, we were just sitting on the floor, which was cold." I said then turned to Sam.

"Thanks for getting the door open." I said as he came over to hug me. "No problem, did anything happen?" He asked as I shook my head. "Not while the door was closed though." I said as we walked out into the hallway again.

I almost forgot where we were since I was so involved in the conversation I was having with Colby. It mildly concerned me that it was so easy to talk to him. It felt like we have known eachother our entire lives.

Then he tried to kiss me.

Did I want that?

My brain said no, but my body said yes as my heart started to beat against my rib cage.

"V?" Daisy asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "What's up?" I asked as she chewed her lip. "Did you guys talk about me?" She asked as I smiled, "actually? Yeah." I said as she smiled, "really?" She asked and hugged me. "Really." I said as she squealed then hugged me.

I wasn't lying, we did talk about her.

But he also tried to kiss me.

What did that mean?

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