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"I think we should call it a day." Sam said as I sipped on my water. "No, it's okay. I'm okay." I said as Colby wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. "We don't have to stay the night, Vi. It's okay. We still have the rest of the week." Colby said as daisy crossed her arms and watched me.

I couldn't stop thinking about what she said to Colby.

Were they talking about me? If they were, what did she say to him?

Why did I care so much? It's not like it mattered what she said about me. It wasn't like I cared what her thought about me.

Or maybe I did.

"Okay." I breathed out then looked up at Sam. "Can I see the footage?" I asked as she nodded and handed me the camera.

I zoned in on the footage, watching it carefully. For the first couple minutes it was totally normal, nothing I wasn't expecting but then it took a weird turn.

One minute Sam and I were looking through the medicine cabinets then the next second I'm just gone. It was almost as if I vanished into thin air.

"That's fucking creepy." I said as a shiver ran down my spine. "Yeah, whatever. I'm cold, can we go?" Daisy asked and rubbed her arms quickly as Colby crouched down to be eye level with me. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked as I nodded. "I'm okay. Here Dais. You can have my blanket, since you're freezing." I said and smiled at her slightly, standing up with the blanket in my hand.

"Thanks, V." She said then put the blanket over her shoulders, hugging it close. "We'll go get the stuff if you guys just want to wait here." Sam said as I nodded, "okay, yeah. Just don't take too long, okay?" I asked, not particularly enjoying the darkness that was surrounding us.

"Are you okay?" I asked Daisy as she looked down. "I'm trying so hard to get Colby to like me, but I think he likes you." She said as soon as the guys were out of earshot. "Don't be silly, Dais. We just met yesterday, there's no way he likes me." I said and nudged her shoulder with mine.

"Are you kidding, Vi? He literally ran to your aid without any hesitation. He wouldn't do that for me." She said with a frown. "He's just a nice guy, he was worried. He would be worried about you if you were in the same situation." I said with a shrug as she looked up at me with a sad expression.

"You like him don't you?" She asked as my heart started pounding against my chest.

Did I?

It did feel nice having his arms around me, protecting me from the fear.

It did make butterflies appear in my stomach at the thought of him trying to kiss me.

Maybe I did like him.

"No, Dais. I don't even know him." I said as her face softened slightly. "Okay, that's good." She said as my heart sunk.

Why would it be a good thing for me to not like him? He was sweet, and obviously had some sort of attraction to me. Why would it be so wrong for me to like him?

"What did you tell him?" I asked, remembering what she had said earlier. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the guys coming back.

"Ready to go?" Sam asked as I nodded then started walking to the car. "Are you sure you're doing okay?" Sam asked as I nodded, "yeah, I'm already over it." I said with a shrug.

"Wait, actually?" He asked as we got to the car. "Yeah, there's really no use being afraid of something that wasn't real." I said as he chuckled. "Badass dude." He said and fist bumped me causing me to laugh.

The drive back to the hotel was silent, since everyone was tired. I knew I was going to spend the night tossing and turning since that would happen any time I even thought about my parents.

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