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Sam's face went white as he looked into the elevator. "It's not funny, Colby!" I said as we all looked around. "Do you think he's pranking us?" Corey asked as I shook my head.

"I think the game worked for him." Sam said as he pulled his phone out. "How could it work for him but not us?" Jake asked as I brought my hands to my head. There was so possible way the game was supposed to work at all. There was especially no way it would only work for one person.

"Colby?" I asked as I looked around the empty lobby. "Baby, it's not funny.." I said as Sam sighed. "He's not answering." He said as I closed my eyes.

"We have to play again." I said and turned towards the guys. "What if it doesn't work?" Jake asked as I shook my head. "I don't know. We have to try it though..." I said then turned towards the elevators again.

"Do you really think it's gonna work?" Sam asked as I groaned, trying to relieve the tension in my chest. "I don't know! I don't even know how it worked for Colby!" I said and brought my hands to my head.

"Woah relax it's okay, Vi." Sam said as the guys filed into the elevator. "I'm sorry...I'm just...I don't like this." I said as we made our way to the tenth floor.

"I don't either. I don't even know if Colby knows how to get back." Sam said as I closed my eyes. I knew Colby would be fine but knowing he was in another world right now wasn't exactly the most comfortable feeling.

"Well hopefully one of us somehow ends up where he is..do you guys know how to get back?" I asked as I turned to Jake and Corey. "Not really." Corey said as I sighed. "Okay. You two stay here, that way if he figures out how to get back here there will be someone here." I said as they nodded.

When the doors opened at the tenth floor Corey and Jake got out. "Good luck guys." Jake said and waved as the door closed. "Ready?" Sam asked as I looked at him. "Ready." I said then pushed the button for the fifth floor.

As we played the game the more nervous I got. I was worried the game wouldn't work for us, and Colby would be trapped forever.

Sam pushed the last button then let out a deep breath as we silently waited. I closed my eyes and really concentrated until I heard the door open. I noticed that we were on the tenth floor which meant the game worked.

"Sam! It worked!" I yelled then turned to where he was supposed to be. "Sam?!" I called out and looked into the empty elevator. "Fuck me." I mumbled when I realized he wasn't here and that I was alone.

"Colby??" I called out and looked down the long hallway. "Colby?!" I called out again then sighed, knowing he wasn't up here. I decided to hop back into the elevator so I could to lobby, thinking he would probably be there.

I felt my stomach drop at the idea that we wouldn't be here. What would I do if I couldn't find him? Just leave him? I couldn't do that.

When I got down the lobby I gasped at the sight I saw. The room was packed but it was filled with people wearing old clothes, dating probably back to the 30s or 40s.

"Holy shit." I mumbled as I walked towards the front desk. "Rosie!" Someone yelled from behind me as I tried to weave myself through the crowd.

"Come on, Rosie. Don't play hard to get." The man said and pulled my shoulder, causing me to turn around. "I think you have me mistaken for someone else." I said and took a step back from him.

"Come on, Rosie...you know I'll pay." He said then wrapped his arms around me and kissed me as my eyes widened. I pushed him away then brought my hand to my lips. "I'm not Rosie you asshole!" I hissed as he glared at me.

I didn't even have time to walk away or say anything else before he raised his hand and slapped me as hard as he could. "You speak to me with respect." He said with a hard expression. Before I could even react I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Violet?" Colby asked, causing my heart to beat out of my chest. "Colby." I whispered then leaped into his arms as he held me tightly.

"Is this your whore?" The man who just slapped me asked Colby as he pulled away from me. I watched as Colby's jaw clenched with anger only for it to soften just as fast. "For the night, yes." He said calmly as my brow scrunched with confusion.

"Lucky dog. Let me know when you're done, I want her next." The man said then walked away as Colby snaked his arm around my waist and walked towards the desk. "What was that about?" I asked as he caressed my hip gently.

"I'll explain later, just lay low." He said then walked up to the desk. "I need a room." He said to the lady that was sitting behind the desk. "Of course. Your usual room, Mr. Welland?" She asked as he nodded.

What the fuck was going on?

"Here you are. Enjoy your stay." She said then slid him a key. As soon as he grabbed it he led me to the elevators. "Colby, what's going on?" I asked as he squeezed my hip. "Shhh, I'll tell you in the room." He mumbled then walked into the elevator.

I wasn't necessarily scared, but I was definitely freaked out with how Colby was acting.

We stayed silent until Colby led me to the room and opened the door. As soon as we were both in he wrapped his arms tightly around me and burried his face in my neck. "Thank god you're okay." He whispered as I hugged him back.

"Thank god I'm okay?! Thank god you're okay! What happened, Colby?" I asked as he kissed my head and sighed. "We're in a different universe, Vi." He said as I nodded. "Yeah, I know that. Why did that guy think I was someone named Rosie? I'm not even wearing clothes from this time period." I said as he sighed.

"We're all here but we aren't who we are in present time. The you of this time is named Rose." He explained as I nodded. "You met her?" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah." He said and brushed my hair from my face.

"Was she nice?" I asked as he chuckled. "She was a prostitute." He said as I snorted. "Oh. Heh, that checks out." I said as he sighed and walked towards the bed.

I could tell something was bothering him but I didn't know if I wanted to pry or not, he could have just been shaken up. No..he wouldn't still be this freaked out if that was the case.

"What's wrong?" I asked and sat next to him. "I saw the murder." He mumbled as I gasped. "What?" I asked as he looked up at me. "I saw the murder...ya know..The Black Dahlia murder." He said as I frowned and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close.

"Oh god." I whispered as he burried his face in my shoulder. "We have to get out of here." He mumbled as I nodded. "We will. I know how to get out, we just have to get back on the elevator." I said and pulled away, putting my hand on his cheek.

"Are the others here?" He asked as I shook my head. "No, I don't think so." I said and stood up as he nodded. "Okay, let's get out of here then." He said the stood up and took my hand.

Before we walked to the door though he pulled me to him again and kissed me. I smiled against his lips then melted into him as he pulled me closer.

"What was that for?" I asked with a laugh as we pulled away. "I thought I would never get to do that again." He said as I grinned. "Can't get rid of me that easily, dork." I said then grabbed his hand and led him out of the room.

When we got to the elevator I took his hand and grinned. "Let's go home." I said then pushed the button to the fifth floor.

We got about halfway through the game when the elevator jolted slightly. "No..." I mumbled and looked at Colby as his eyes widened. "I think it's okay." He said as I nodded and pushed the next button.

The elevator jerked again, then dropped a couple floors causing me to scream.

"No! This can't be happening!" I shrieked as Colby pulled me closer, holding my head protectively to his chest. Colby went to say something but the elevator jerked again, causing the lights to go out.

Maybe getting back home wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.

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