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"Shit!" Daisy screamed as Sam tightened his grip on my hand. "The flashlights." I said then pulled my hands away from Sam and Daisy so I could find our flashlights.

"Vi? Vi!!" Daisy screamed as I unzipped the bag, "I'm right here!" I said as I felt someone touch my arm, causing me to scream. "It's just me, Vi." Colby said then grabbed the backpack from me so he could find the flashlights.

When he turned the flashlight on I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as I looked into his blue eyes. "You okay?" He asked as I nodded and looked over at Daisy.

"I knew this was a bad idea!" Daisy huffed and stood up as Colby handed me a flashlight. "Daisy I'm sorry." I said as we all stood up. "Save it!" She said then grabbed a flashlight from Colby and walked away.

"Dais..." I breathed out as Colby grabbed my arm, "Give her a minute." He said quietly as I looked up at him, chewing my lip. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked as he shook his head, "no, baby." He said and brushed my hair as I nodded and looked at Sam.

"Ouija board?" I asked as he laughed, "you're insane Violet." He said as I shrugged. "I gotta help that little girl." I said and looked at Daisy, she was sitting on her phone again. I felt really bad about how scared she was, but I didn't force her to do the seance.

"Okay, let's set it up." I said then reached down and pulled the board out of the backpack. "Vi, we don't have to do this..we can just go up to the roof." Colby said as I shook my head. "We can go after we do this, I just need to figure this out." I said and sat on the ground again as Sam started the camera.

"Daisy did you want to come sit with us?" I asked as she scoffed. "No way." She said as I shrugged and looked between the guys. "Guess it's just us." I said with a sigh then out my fingers on the planchette.

The guys put their fingers on the planchette then helped me move it around the board. "Ouija we are here." I said then closed my eyes. "Lilly?" I asked hoping she would come through again.

The planchette moved to no almost immediately, sending shivers down my spine. "Who are you?" I asked and kept my eyes trained on the board.

"J...L....what?" Sam asked as I shook my head. "Johnston Loble." I said as the planchette moved to goodbye suddenly. "NO! Talk to us!" I screamed as Colby gasped. "Violet.." he said as I stood up. "Stop being a coward and talk to us! You stupid piece of shit!" I screamed and looked around as I stood up.

"Stop it, Violet!" Daisy hissed as I shook my head. "He's the reason these spirits are stuck here! He's the reason they can't move on! He needs to-" I started but gasped as something started to choke me.

"Violet?!" Colby called out as I brought my hands to my neck, clawing at it. "She can't breathe!" Sam yelled as Colby bolted up and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "GET THE CAMERA!" He yelled as he ran towards the hallway.

"Violet!" Daisy yelled as I let myself collapse into Colby, trying to catch my breath. As soon as we were outside, the cool air filled my lungs.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" Colby yelled and held both sides of my face with his hands. "He's evil Colby. He's the reason these spirits are suffering..I couldn't help it." I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"Don't scare me like that. Please don't scare me like that." He said and pulled me into his chest. "I'm just so sick of this horrible guilty feeling I have in my chest everytime I go into this place." I said and brought my hand to my necklace. "I know, but you have to be careful." He said as Daisy and Sam came running out.

"Is she okay?!" Sam asked as I turned to him, "she's fine." I said then stood up. "Let's go to the roof." I said then grabbed a flashlight from Daisy. "Hold on! Let's just take a minute." Sam said as I shook my head.

"We aren't running from this. We're spending the night. I don't care if I have to die to be able to do that, we are doing it." I said as he chuckled. "Yeah, it's already almost 4am, we're staying. We just can't get choked out by any more ghosts tonight." He said as I shrugged.

"I kinda liked it." I said and turned around as Colby's jaw dropped. "Alright, well I still want a snack..so just sit down and wait." Sam said as I laughed and sat on the grass again.

We sat around for a little while before we decided to go up to the roof. Daisy was being awfully quiet again, which concerned me. "Are you still mad at me?" I asked as she sighed. "You have to stop putting yourself in danger. You're going to give me a heart attack." She said as I nodded.

"I'm sorry." I said then looked up at the stars. "It's okay, I know you're just really into this stuff. I honestly might think you're a medium. Do you really feel what the spirits are feeling?" She asked as I nodded.

"I do. It's not a good feeling." I said and shivered against the cold wind. "I can't even imagine. Like I'm already creeped out being in there, if I had to feel what the spirits were feeling? I wouldn't make it." She said as I shrugged. "It's just like having normal human emotions, just not your own, it's kinda weird." I said as Sam and Colby came over.

"You wanted to stargaze?" Colby asked as I smiled and nodded. "Yes, please." I said then took his hand.

We all laid down on the roof and looked up the stars. I cuddled up with Colby because I was freezing. I couldn't wear his sweatshirt during the video because of how the fans would react so I just had to wear a thin sweater which wasn't giving me any warmth.

"We should have brought the blankets up here." Sam said as I slid my hand into Colby's sweatshirt pocket to warm it up. "Yeah, that would have been helpful, but I'm fine." I said and looked up at Colby as he grinned and kissed my forehead.

"Speak for yourself." Daisy said as I turned towards her, "come here." I said and opened my arms. She laughed and shook her head, just staring at the stars.

"The stars are so clear here." Colby said as I snuggled into him again. "They're even clearer than in Colorado." I mused and looked up at the bright sky.

All of my worries and fears melted away anytime I looked at the night sky. Space just reminded me how about how small we are and how small our problems are.

The universe is massive, which makes you think about how lucky you are. There was a 1 in 1 trillion chance of you being alive. We shouldn't take it for granted.

"What are you thinking about?" Colby asked quietly as he ran his fingers through my hair. "About how big the universe is. It's crazy that the four of us had our paths cross..like what are the chances." I said and smiled up at him. "I'm so glad our paths crossed." He mumbled then kissed me.

We spent the next hour on the roof before we decided to go down to where we set up camp. "Well, we almost made it guys." I said as we laid down.

I cuddled into Colby again, looking for the warmth I would need to be able to sleep. "I'm proud of us guys. I say we wake up in 2 hours then go to the hotel and sleep the whole day." Sam said as Daisy breathed a laugh. "That sounds amazing." She said and rolled over to face Colby and I. "Then that's the plan." Sam said with a yawn as I closed my eyes.

I fell asleep almost instantly but didn't get much rest since we were woken up only two hours later to the worlds most annoying alarm. "Let's go guys." Sam said and started packing up the stuff.

Daisy, Colby, and I eventually got up so we could help him which made it go by so much faster.

We made it back to the hotel by 7am which meant it was time to sleep for 14 years. "Goodnight guys." Sam said and went into the guys' room as daisy just groaned and went into our room.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Colby asked as I nodded "see you later." I said as he pulled me into him by my waist. "Sleep well, baby." He said then kissed me before turning towards his room.


I could get used to that.

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