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Colby's POV

I really wanted to kiss her.

I don't know what came over me, though. I knew it was a bad idea trying to get involved with a fan even if Violet wasn't like other fans. I knew it was a bad idea to kiss her when I knew she would be gone in a week.

I just couldn't help it.

"Dude, you look like you just saw a ghost, are you okay?" Sam asked as he stepped in my line of vision. "I tried to kiss her." I mumbled as his eyes widened. "What did you say?" He asked as I looked over at Violet.

She looked like she was about to cry, but she didn't look sad, she just looked stressed. "I was about to kiss her, Sam." I said quietly as he shook his head.

"You know that's not a good idea, dude." Sam said as we pretended to review the footage. "I know man. I know. We just started talking and I don't know...it just felt right." I said and combed my hand through my hair.

"Maybe just...stay away from her for a minute. We don't need the fans sensing any form of attraction there." He warned as I nodded. "You're right." I said then turned towards the girls.

"How about we break off into twos, Violet and I will go to the surgical wing and Colby and Daisy will go to the nurses quarters. That sound good?" Sam said as the girls nodded.

I was grateful for Sam, because he knew how to handle this situation, but I really didn't want to spend time with Daisy.

She was the kind of fan that stressed me out. I could tell she had convinced herself that we were soulmates and would fall in love on this trip.

I was fully prepared to have to deal with that situation, however, I wasn't prepared to actually fall for one of the winners.

I couldn't be falling for her, we just met yesterday. There's no way you could fall for someone that quickly, it wasn't possible.

Yeah, she was attractive and had a great personality, but was I really falling for her?

"Colby?" Daisy asked as we walked down the hallway towards the nurses quarters. "Sorry, did you say something?" I asked and started messing with the camera. "I just said I was scared." She said as I shrugged. "It's gonna be okay, we're in this together." I said and shot her a friendly smile.

"So...what happened in that room? You and Violet looked really startled." Daisy said and bundled her hands in her sleeves. "Oh, we were just talking. You guys startled us by opening the door." I said with a shrug.

The silence in the air was incredibly awkward so I decided to actually start a conversation with her. "So how long have you and Violet been friends?" I asked, internally smacking myself knowing that I just wanted to know more about Violet.

"Since kindergarten. We were in the same dance class and just became besties." She said as I nodded slowly. "That's cool, so you guys grew up in Colorado?" I asked keeping the conversation going.

"No, we grew up in Ohio but Violet wanted to move away. So we waited until we turned 21 then moved out to Colorado." She said and shrugged.

"That's cool. Do you have any work friends or anything?" I asked knowing the answer, but wanting to see how she would answer it. "Oh, I don't work." She said with a smile which made my stomach ache.

I hated lazy people, but I hated people who were proud of their laziness even more.

"Oh, so Violet works but you dont?" I asked, pretending like I didn't already know this information. "Why are you so concerned about Violet all of the sudden?" She asked getting defensive. "I just want to get to know you guys." I said with a shrug as we got to the nurses quarters.

"Well you don't want to get to know Violet. She's certifiably insane." Daisy said as I scrunched my brow.

I couldn't exactly understand why she would say that about her best friend. I wasn't getting good vibes, but I couldn't help myself but continue with the conversation.

"What do you mean?" I asked as she laughed a short laugh. "She's not someone you want to fuck with. I mean I love her because I'm her best friend but she belongs in a place like this." She said and gestured around the room.

I could feel myself getting a little angry that she was talking about Violet this way. I didn't know if this was her way of trying to turn me away from Violet or if she was being serious.

"We should start filming." I said more aggressively than I meant, but I didn't care. I was angry. I was angry that this girl would say this about her best friend and for what? Some guy she barely knows? It boiled my blood.

"I don't know..I'm scared." Daisy said as I shrugged. "You'll be fine." I said then turned the camera on. "Okay guys, Daisy and I are exploring the nurses quarters. It's honestly so sketchy down here." I said then pointed the camera to Daisy.

"Yeah, I don't really like the vibes." She said and shivered as I scoffed slightly, "me neither." I said then walked into the next room.

These rooms were more like offices than the other rooms. There were big filing cabinets with patients records in it. "Let's look through these." I said then opened the cabinet.

"I don't know if we should touch those." Daisy said as I shrugged, "too late. Maybe let's do an EVP while we got through them." I said then handed her the recording device.

"Okay, I'm not touching the files though." She said as I nodded, "alright you don't have to." I said then reached for the first file.

"Jane Adams. Reason for admission: female disease? What the hell does that mean?" I asked and skimmed through the pages. "Cause of death: labotomy...shit." I said then shivered as a cold breeze filled the room.

"Can we please go?" Daisy asked nervously as I sorted through the files. "Benjamin Astor. Reason for admission: spinal irritation. The dude had a back ache and was put in here? That's fucked." I said as something slammed down the hall causing Daisy to shriek and jumped towards me.

"What was that?!" She asked as I stepped in front of her. "Sam? Vi?" I called out, hoping it was just them freaking us out.

"I'm serious Colby..let's just-" Daisy started but was interrupted by foot steps coming down the hall. "Guys! It's not funny." I said as Daisy cowarded into me.

We waited another couple seconds before Daisy took my hand. I wanted to pull away but she was probably just scared and needed comfort so I wasn't going to derive her of that.

"Can we go?" She asked as I nodded and turned the camera off. "Let's go." I said then started walking out of the room.

"Where did Sam say we should meet up?" I asked as we walked towards the main part of the asylum. "I don't remember!" She cried out as I sighed, "okay, that's fine. We'll just go to the main lobby area and I'll text Sam to meet us there." I said and pulled my hand from hers finally so I could text Sam.

"Did you hear that?" Daisy asked shakily as I shook my head, "hear what?" I asked as I sent the text. "It sounded like Violet." She said causing my blood to run cold.

"What do you mean?" I asked as she shook her head, "maybe my mind is playing tricks on me." She said as my heart was beating out of my chest.

Why did I care so much about this girl that I barely knew? Yeah it was normal to be concerned, but I was a few seconds away from just running until I found her, just so I could know she was safe.

I didn't even know her though.

What was going on with me?

"It was probably nothing." Daisy said as we walked a little faster. The air was so heavy I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach.

We got about halfway there when I heard what daisy heard before. It sounded like a girl screaming bloody murder, sending chills down my spine.

It sounded like Violet.

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