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"Shit! What do we do?!" Colby hissed as he held my head to his chest. "Don't move. I'm scared it's gonna fall more." I said as he tightened his grip on me. "There's gotta be other elevators in this building right?" I asked nervously as we stayed perfectly still.

"I think this may be the only one. I don't know." Colby muttered as the lights flickered back on. "That's ridiculous." I mumbled then looked up at him. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out." He said then brushed my hair from my face.

I sighed then pulled away from him after a second. "We have to get out of here." I said then turned towards the door. "What are the chances that we stopped at a floor and not in between one." I said as I wedged my fingers in between the doors.

"Considering we are literally trapped in an elevator in an alternate reality...I'm gonna say we aren't very lucky and it's in between floors." Colby said as I nodded. "That's true." I said then carefully pulled the doors apart.

It looked like we were in between floors but we were close enough to the floor above us that I could see the light shining through. "Okay, we just have to get on top of the elevator then we can get to the next floor." I said as Colby shook his head.

"That seems dangerous..how do we know that the elevator won't collapse?" He asked as I shook my head. "We don't..but considering we are in the 40s right now I don't think elevator technicians are the fastest and we need to get home." I said and looked up to see the maintenance door on the ceiling.

"Give me a boost." I said as he looked at me cautiously, "I don't like this." He said as I chuckled. "I'm not gonna do anything but open it. We're fine." I said as he nodded and crouched down and wrapped his arms around my legs so he could lift me up.

Luckily the elevator wasn't too tall so I could easily unclasp the little door and threw it open, revealing the inner mechanics of the elevator. As soon as the door was open Colby set me back on my feet.

"I'm going first." He said as I nodded and bent over, cupping my hands so he could use it as a stepping stool. "Please be careful." I said as he nodded and stepped on my hand. I watched carefully as he grabbed the opening and easily pulled himself through.

"Are you okay?" I asked as the elevator wobbled slightly. "Yeah are you?" He asked as I nodded and stood up. "I don't like this." I mumbled as he laid down and reached his arms down into the elevator.

"I know, baby. I've got you though, just take my hands." He said as I nodded and reached for them. "I'm too short!" I hissed as I reached as far as I could.

"I have to jump...I'm not gonna jump with you on there though." I said then let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm not leaving you." He said with a hard expression. "Just jump baby, I'll catch your hands." He said as I shook my head.

"I can't." I said and shook my head. "Do you trust me?" Colby asked as he flexed his hand towards me again. "Yes." I said without missing a beat. "Jump, Vi. I've got you. We aren't going to fall." He said calmly as I looked up and nodded.

"Jump on three....one..two.." Colby said as I prepared myself by bending my knees. "Three." He said as I jumped, grabbing his hands. I let out a sigh of relief as Colby firmly held my hands.

"Hell yeah, V." He said with a smile as he pulled me up and out of the opening with ease. "Thank god you're strong." I said with a laugh as he chuckled and brushed his shoulder cockily. "I work out." He said as I rolled my eyes. "You're a dork." I said then looked at the floor we were supposed to be jumping onto.

"I'm kinda scared." I said honestly as I looked at how far of a jump it would be. "It looks farther than it is, trust me." Colby said as I looked at him with confusion. "You've done this before?" I asked as he shrugged.

"Not this specifically but Sam and I used to do some crazy shit." He said then looked at the landing of the floor above us. "You go first." I said as he nodded then prepped himself to jump.

I watched as he leaped off of the top of the elevator onto the floor above us. I didn't have much time to process it before the elevator started shaking under me. "SHIT!" I screamed and grasped onto the edge of the elevator as Colby turned to me with a fearful look on his face.

"Violet! You have to jump baby. I'll catch you, just jump!" Colby said frantically as I tried to stand up to jump. "It's too shaky!" I screeched as I felt the elevator breaking below me. "Violet baby please just jump!" He begged as I nodded and attempted to stand up.

I couldn't get my footing before the elevator broke away from me. I screamed and jumped, reaching towards Colby as he caught my hands. I could hear the loud crash of the elevator slamming against the floor as fear rose in my belly.

"I've got you. I've got you." Colby said as I wimpered and looked down at my dangling feet. If Colby let go of me right now I would plummet down the elevator shaft.

My life was in Colby's hands right now.

Colby pulled me up then wrapped his arms around me as soon as we were both safely on the ground. "Are you okay?" He mumbled as he held me tightly. "Yeah...yeah I'm okay." I breathed out as I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest.

"That was horrifying." Colby said as I nodded. "Thanks for catching me." I said as I pulled away and looked down the open elevator shaft.

"There was no way I was letting you fall." He said as we stood up. "I know. I love you." I said then kissed him before looking around.

"We have to get out of here." I said and looked for another elevator. "There's seriously only one elevator in this entire building?" I groaned in frustration as Colby took my hand.

"Relax, babe. I'm sure there's another elevator somewhere in here." He said as I nodded. "What do we do if we can't get out of here? I can't be a prostitute, Colby." I said as he laughed. "You won't be. Calm down, V. We will get out of here." He said calmly as we walked towards the staircase.

"I hope you're right." I said as we made our way to the lobby. I felt my heart drop when I saw all of the people wearing their old timey clothes. I didn't know why I was expecting to see anything different but I just wanted to be home.

Colby held my hand tightly as we walked through the lobby, looking for another elevator. "You're already done?" The man from before asked Colby as he tried to pull me from his grasp. "Uh...no." Colby said in a panic as he tightened his grip on my hand.

"Come on, Rosie. I know you like it when I rent you out." The man said as a chill ran down my spine. It grossed me out that men have always been disgusting when it came to woman.

"Uh.." I said as I flinched away from him. "I'm not done with her." Colby said assertively as he pulled me closer. "I'll pay you double what this chump is paying." The man said as I clenched my jaw. "I'm with a client right now. Back off." I said as he raised his brows then walked away.

"Are you okay?" Colby asked quietly as we continued walking through the lobby. "I'm fine. Let's just get home." I said and tightened my grip on his hand.

I hated the idea that Colby and I could be trapped here forever. It made me wonder if we had actually time traveled or if all of these people were dead and we just somehow made our way to the other side.

My mind wondered off to my parents like it usually did. Was there a way that they were here in this world. Was there a way I could finally get the closure I needed?

It didn't matter. The chances of finding them were slim to none.

Even if I did find them would I be able to leave them again?

It didn't matter, I would never find them.

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