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I stared at the house for another second before picking up one of my three boxes.

Colby led the way towards the front door as I took a deep breath. "Ready?" He asked as I nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be." I said quietly as he opened the door.

I gasped slightly as the door opened, revealing a giant entry way. To the right was a big staircase that led up to a balcony which had a flag draped over it. I recognize the logo on it, since it was on a lot of the merch that Daisy had.

To my left was a room that had neon lights and arcade games in it and straight ahead as some sort of living room.

"We're here!" Colby yelled out as I set my box down. "Violet!!" Sam yelled as he ran on the balcony and towards the stairs. "Hey, Sam!" I said as he ran to give me a hug. "How have you been?" Sam asked as a pretty girl walked down the stairs.

She had brown hair with blonde highlights, and her make up was done to perfection. She was wearing a white crop top and blue shorts and had a big smile on her face.

She was stunning.

"I've been okay, it was a little rocky there but I'm feeling good now." I said as the girl came up and smiled at me.

"Hi Violet! I'm Kat." She said and held her arms open. "Hi Kat, it's nice to meet you." I said and gave her a hug. "Sam's told me all about you! I can't wait for you to meet the other trapgirls! I know they're gonna love you." She said as I scrunched my brow. "Trapgirls?" I asked as Colby chuckled.

"Our friend Brennen called the old house we lived in the traphouse once and it just kinda stuck. Sam, Jake, Corey, and I are the trapboys and Kat, Tara, Devyn, Xepher, and Cassie are the trapgirls. It's just what the fans call us." Colby explained as I nodded. "Oh. Got it." I said and looked around.

"We should give you a tour." Sam said as Colby set our bags down. "That'd be great." I said with a smiled and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"So this is the foyer, and that's the game room." Sam said as we walked towards the neon room. "Then over here is the kitchen." He said and pointed towards the big ass kitchen.

I smiled and looked around, thinking of all the things I was going to cook and bake in here.

I used to cook all the time but the kitchen in the apartment was horrible and the oven broke almost every time we used it.

"Do you like to cook?" Kat asked as I looked at the kitchen in awe. "Yeah, I love cooking." I said and smiled at her. "Thank GOD. Maybe we can actually eat something other than pizza and Taco Bell now." She said as I chuckled. "I'd love to cook for you." I said then continued walking through the house.

"Here's another living room." Colby said and gestured to the room with a pool table and dart board. "This is the best part of the house though." He said then opened the sliding glass door.

When we walked outside my jaw dropped.

There was this giant pool with a waterfall connected to it, there was a whole basketball court, a hot tub, a fire pit and a tiki hut. "Holy shit." I said and looked at Colby.

"I'm 100% paying rent." I said as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said then winked at me.

We went back inside and kept walking, "This is Jake's room. YO JAKE!" Colby yelled and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A girl yelled as Colby opened the door. "What's up man, woah. Who's the chick?" Jake said as I took in his appearance.

He had jet black hair and deep dimples. His style was very emo or scene, which was mildly intimidating. He was sitting on the checkered bed with a very petite girl.

She was extremely pretty, with long black hair and plump lips. I immediately felt self conscious being around both her and Kat since they were both so pretty.

"This is your new roommate, Violet." Sam said as Colby pulled me into his side by my waist. "Oooooh your girlfriend?" Jake asked as the girl next to him gasped. "Wait! Colby has a girlfriend!? And one that's pretty?!" She said as Colby chuckled.

"Shut the fuck up. Yeah, she's my girlfriend." Colby said as I smiled and waved. "Hi." I said quietly as the girl got off the bed so she could greet me.

"Hi! I'm Tara." She said and gave me a hug. I thought I was short, being 5 foot 1, but Tara was even shorter than me. "Hi, I'm Violet." I said and hugged her back.

"See Tara, I told you she was pretty." Kat said as Jake stood up to greet me. "You said she was pretty, but she's like..gorgeous." Tara said as I blushed. "Thanks guys." I said quietly as Jake gave me a hug.

"I heard you're a badass." Jake said as I shrugged. "I wouldn't say that necessarily." I said as Sam laughed. "You totally are." He said as I chewed on my lip.

"Let's go meet Corey." Colby said and turned so we could keep walking.

"This is the movie room." Kat said and opened the door to the little theater, "You have a fucking movie room?!" I asked and looked at Colby. "Yeah." He said as I shook my head. "Why did you want to stay in my shitty apartment when you have all of this?" I asked as he chuckled.

"I love you, V. That's why." He said and kissed my cheek as Kat awed. "Sorry. I've just never seen Colby be this affectionate with anyone before." She said as we both looked at her. I just smiled as Colby placed a kiss on the side of my head.

We walked next door then knocked on the door. "Corey?" Colby asked as we waited for him to answer the door. "What's up, dog?" Corey said as he opened the door.

His caramel colored eyes met mine as a big smile formed on his face. "You must be Violet!" He said with a warm smile as I grinned. "That's me, it's nice to meet you." I said as he opened his arms to hug me.

Corey managed to give the warmest hug I have ever had in my life. It felt very brotherly which is something I have never experienced.

"Nice to meet you too, it's gonna be cool having a girl roommate." Corey said as I nodded, "hopefully I won't be burdening you guys for long." I said with a sigh as Colby scoffed.

"Shut the fuck up, V." He said as I rolled my eyes. "You're not a burden, dude." Sam said as I frowned. "I don't know, I'm not cool enough to live in a house this fancy." I said as Kat laughed, "neither are these idiots. Come on, let me show you your room." She said then took my hand and dragged me down the hall.

"This is your room! Tada!" Kat yelled as she flung the door open.

The room was huge, with a queen size bed with a white and blue comforter and a vanity along a window. Someone had hung up twinkle lights and put paintings up of snowy landscapes. On the ground was a furry white rug giving it a warm and cozy vibe.

I frowned as tears formed in my eyes. I walked into the room and looked at the wall I couldn't see from the door.

There was a giant canvas of the mountain view that I could see from my apartment in Colorado.

"What's this?" I whispered as a tear trickled down my cheek. "You like it?" Colby asked quietly as I nodded, "I love it." I said then ran up to hug him.

"Devyn and I put it together, but you can change anything that you don't like, we can also go shopping for more things." Kat said as I shook my head and wiped my cheek, "it's perfect, thank you." I said then ran up to hug her.

"Come on, let's get your boxes." Colby said then took my hand and led me back to the foyer.

We went and got my boxes and went back to my room. "Sam and I have to do some work, do you want to hang here with Kat?" Colby asked as I started opening my boxes. "Yeah, if she wants to hang out." I said with a shrug as Kat plopped on my bed. "I'd love to." She said then pulled her phone out.

"Alright, we'll be upstairs if you need anything." Colby said then kissed me. "Okay." I said quietly as he and Sam left the room.

I couldn't believe how nice everyone in the house was. Colby had told me about everyone but I wasn't expecting them to literally decorate my bedroom for me.

I think I made the right choice by moving here.

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