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"Okay, my dad said the paint might come off in the car wash if we go as soon as possible." Tara said as we sat and waited for Colby. "Thanks, Tara." I said quietly and picked at the fuzz that was on my steering wheel cover.

"Does this not freak you out at all?" Cassie asked as I shrugged. "Not really. I think I could kick someone's ass if they tried to snatch me or something." I said as Xepher laughed. "You kinda scare me, dude." She said as Sam and Colby pulled into the spot next to me.

"You scare me, too." I said with a laugh then opened my door. "Jesus, when you said paint I didn't think it would be a whole ass gallon of paint." Colby said as he got out of his car.

"Thanks, babe." I said sarcastically as he sighed and opened his arms for me. "I'm sorry, baby. How are you feeling about it?" Colby asked as I stepped into his embrace.

"Annoyed. I was actually having a good time before some asshole vandalized my shit." I grumbled as he chuckled. "You're really cute when you're, mad you know that?" Colby said as I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have the sponge?" I asked and held my hand out towards him. "Yeah." He said then opened the backseat of his car and grabbed a sponge and water bottle.

I grabbed both of the things from him then walked to the front of my car. I frowned at the amount of paint that was smeared all over it the windshield and hood then threw some water onto it.

"Can you give me a boost?" I asked Colby as I turned to him. "Yeah." He said then crouched down so he could wrap he arms around my thighs so he could hold me up while I attempted to wipe the paint from my windshield.

"Where's the closest car wash?" I asked as Sam tried wiping the paint off of my windshield with me. "Just down the street. You can follow me." Sam said as I nodded. "Thanks for coming, Sam." I said as he grinned at me.

"You're welcome, V." He said as we finished up cleaning the window. "Alright, babe. You can put me down." I said and patted Colby's arms. "Nah, I like the view." He said said as I slapped his arm harder, realizing he was talking about my ass.

"Ha. Put me down." I said as he laughed and set me on my feet. "I guess I'll meet you at the car wash." I said then turned to get back in my car. "Okay." Colby said then leaned over and gave me a quick kiss before turning to get in his car.

"Colby's such a good boyfriend." Cassie said as I grinned. "Yeah, he's pretty amazing. He still pisses me off though." I said as I followed as Sam led the way to the car wash.

"Oooo spill." Tara said as I laughed. "Well he's so concerned about this whole threat thing and like it's sweet and all but I've taken care of myself for almost 6 years now. I don't need him to hover over me." I said as Kat sighed.

"He just really loves you, V. I've never really seen him like this. He has flirty friends and obviously hooks up with people but with you I can tell he loves you." Kat said as I chewed my lip.

"I love him too, but I'm not used to all of this." I said with a sigh as we pulled into the car wash place. "You'll adjust a little more to it, I guess just be patient with him. These threats are honestly scary, whether you want to accept that or not." Kat said as I nodded.

"I just think they're all bark no bite." I said with a shrug then got in line for the car wash. It was one of those premium places that have like hot wax and stuff, so we would have to get out of the car.

I usually wouldn't allow something this fancy to be in my budget but my car was my baby. "Well it's better to be safe than sorry." Devyn said as we all got out of the car.

One of the workers walked up to me with wide eyes, "What happened?" He asked as I sighed. "Someone poured paint all over my car, I thought it was obvious." I said as Sam and Colby walked over. "How long ago?" He asked as I sighed, "probably a half hour ago." I said and handed him my keys.

"Okay, I can't promise that we can get it all off but we'll try our best." The guy said as I nodded and turned towards Colby.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you." He said as he took my hand. "It's fine. I'll survive." I said as we walked inside with everyone.

We sat around, waiting for my car to be washed. Luckily we actually talked about things other than the stupid drama that was revolving around me right now.

I honestly hated drama more than anything in the world. I hated that this was happening and I hate that I was becoming a problem to the friend group. I hated that I wanted to just give up on this and move back to Colorado.

I wanted to let whoever was doing this to win, just so I could get them to stop. I didnt want to hurt Colby though.

That's the last thing I wanted.

"Alright, we did the best we could do with it!" The guy who washed my car said as he handed me my keys. "Thank you so much...sorry about that." I mumbled as we walked out to my car.

"It's my job, I hope whoever did it gets some sick revenge." The guy said as I shrugged. "Probably not." I said then turned to everyone.

"I guess I should probably go home now." I said quietly as Tara frowned. "Why? You don't want to sleep over?" She asked as I sighed.

"I do..I just don't want this person to know where you live...if they don't already." I mumbled as she smiled sympathetically. "I understand. I'll feel better about you being with the guys at the traphouse. I know you say you can kick ass but I don't trust the rest of us." She said as I nodded.

"Sam is gonna take you guys home." Colby said as he grabbed my hand. "Okay, I'll bring your stuff over to the traphouse tomorrow, V." Kat said as I nodded. "Sounds good." I mumbled then turned towards my car.

They were able to get most of the red paint off but there were still bits of the black paint that had red specks on it. I held back the tears that were stinging my eyes as I got in the car.

"Vi.." Colby said as I shook my head. "I don't want to talk about it." I said then drove off. I couldn't help but feel upset that my night was ruined all because of who I was dating.

It seemed ridiculous to me that something so simple could cause a reaction like this. I didn't choose to fall in love with Colby.

I didn't choose any of this.

When we got home I sniffled and walked to my room. "Violet, please just talk to me.." Colby said as I crawled into bed, under the covers. "I just want to be alone." I mumbled as I turned my back to him.

"Okay, I'll respect that, but when you're ready to talk I'm here for you. Okay?" He asked and scratched my back gently. "Okay." I whispered as he got up to leave the room.

As soon as he left I grabbed my book so I could quietly read. I let my mind drift off so I could stop thinking about the monstrosity that was my life.

I wanted to just be in a normal relationship with the person I loved. Was that too much to ask? It felt like the universe was against us, and like we weren't allowed to be together.

We had broken through that wall once before, when I lived in Colorado and he lived here. Even after all of that hard work and change we still weren't allowed to be happy together.

Maybe this time was the breaking point.

A/N: hey, so I'm flattered that you guys enjoy my book so much but can you please not message me to hurry up and update..it really stresses me out. I get busy sometimes and writing just can't happen. I hope you understand and I really appreciate you reading my book!

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