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"Are the girls coming over?" I asked Colby as he finished setting up for our game of beer pong. "Yeah I think so. Hey, Jake?!" Colby called out causing Jake to stop his splash battle with Corey so he could look over.

"What?" He asked as I grabbed the ping pong balls for our game. "Tara's coming over with the girls, right?" Colby asked as Jake nodded. "Yeah they should be here soon." He said then turned back to Corey.

"Yoooooo!" Sam yelled as he and Kat came over to the pool. "Hey guys!" I said happily as Colby and Sam exchanged a bro handshake. "You guys were about to play a game of pong without me? I'm hurt." Sam said and put his hand over his heart.

"We were waiting for you, brother." Colby said as Kat pulled her dress off and started getting in the pool. "That's right. You're going down, V and friend." Sam said as he hopped into the pool.

"Sam, Kat, this is Ki. She's gonna be here all weekend." I said and gestured to Ki who waved at them. "Nice to meet you! I love your bathing suit." Kat said as I started pouring the white claw into the red solo cups in front of me.

"Thanks! I've been dying to wear it but it's so cold in West Virginia that it's just been collecting dust in my closet." Ki said as Kat sat next to her.

They struck up a conversation as Colby looked up at me. "Ready to lose, V?" He asked as I scrunched my nose at him. "In your dreams." I said with a laugh then nudged Ki. "Let's kick their asses." I said and glared at the boys.

"Ladies first." Sam said as I grinned. "Such a gentleman." I said then squinted my eyes and threw the ball into the cup with ease. "Drink up." I said as Ki hi fived me.

Colby chuckled then drank the white claw and tossed the cup to the side. "Watch this." Ki said then tossed the ball into the cup effortlessly. "Hell yeah!!!" Ki yelled with a laugh as Sam drank the drink.

"Wooo! Go Violet and Ki!" Kat cheered causing Sam's jaw to drop. "Dude!" He exclaimed as Kat laughed. "What?! They're kicking ass!" She said as Colby tossed me the ping pong balls.

I tossed the ball but missed it causing the guys to jump and yell with excitement. I rolled my eyes as Ki threw her ball into the center cup. "You're so good at this, what the fuck?" I asked as Ki laughed. "I love parties what can I say?" She asked as Colby drank the drink.

"Get ready to lose." Colby said then focused on our cups. I couldn't help the big smile that formed on my face as his face scrunched with concentration.

He was just too damn cute.

He threw the ball into the cup then pointed to me. "Drink up, baby!" He said as I laughed and drank the drink, then tossed the cup to the side.

Sam ended up missing the next shot, making it our turn again. The game continued for a while before Ki and I won, since we were clearly better than the guys.

We ended up playing five games total which meant we were all getting pretty tipsy.

"Come here." Colby said after he and Sam won the fifth game. "Hmm?" I asked as I swam over to him. "I just wanted a victory kiss." He said and pulled me to him, bringing his lips to mine.

I grinned against his lips as he pulled me closer, gripping my ass. I gasped and pulled away, slapping his chest lightly. "Not in front of everyone." I said with a giggle as he smirked. "They don't care." He said and kissed me again.

I let him deepen the kiss for a second before I pulled away again. "You're really this drunk over some white claws?" I teased as he shook his head. "I'm not drunk." He said as I patted his chest. "Suuuure. Whatever you say, lightweight." I said then turned to where Ki was.

Kat was introducing her to Tara, Cassie, Xepher, and Devyn, since they had just gotten here.

"She seems to be getting along with everyone." Colby said as I nodded. "Yeah, I knew she would." I said then turned to the edge of the pool so I could get out and get another drink.

I felt a pair of eyes on me as I got out of the pool so I turned around only to see Colby tracing my body with his eyes. "Stop it." I said with a laugh and turned around again.

"V!" Devyn yelled as she came over. "Hey, Dev. How have you been? I feel like it's been forever." I said as I poured a couple of shots. "I've been good! It has been a while, huh. Work has just been so crazy." She said as I nodded. "Tell me about it. I'm so glad I have the weekend off." I said as Ki and Tara came into the little tiki hut.

"Are we doing shots?!" Ki asked with a laugh as she pointed to the shots I just poured. "Why of course we are. I want all of the girls to do one though so..KAT! CASSIE! XEPH!" I yelled, catching their attention.

"What's up?" Xepher asked as they all came over. "We are doing shots." I said and poured the rest of the tequila into the shot glasses.

"Wooo, starting early I see." Kat said as we passed out the shots. "To new friends." I said and nudged Ki with my shoulder. "To new friends!" Everyone cheered as we clinked our glasses together.

I grimaced as the burn of the alcohol coursed through my veins. I didn't necessarily like shots but I always did like the rush of energy they gave me afterwords.

I ended up taking another one before we all got in the pool.

It felt good to just let go and have fun with the new friends I have grown to love so much. I couldn't really remember the last time I got to do this which made me even more excited for the party on Saturday.

For the first time in a long time I was really excited to be alive.

We spent the rest of the afternoon just drinking and having fun. It was starting to get a little cold because the sun was setting though but I didn't care.

I was wrapped up in Colby's arms as we watched Jake, Tara, Kat, and Ki play beer pong. "We should make a fire." Sam suggested as I giggled and looked up so I could kiss Colby's jaw. "My sexy ex-boyscout boyfriend can do it." I said as he grinned.

"Or my sexy doctor girlfriend can do it." Colby said with a grin as Sam gagged. "You guys are gross." He said as I turned and booped his nose. "No, we're drunk." I said then stood up and started to make my way out of the pool so we could go get the fire pit set up.

It was actually freezing outside once you were out of the water so I rubbed my arms with my hands as I rushed over to the towels. Colby came up next to me and grabbed a towel for me, wrapping it around my shoulders.

"Thank you." I said with a grin then went to go inside so I could get changed.

When I got inside Cassie, Xepher, Devyn, and Corey were sitting on the couch talking. "Hey, we're gonna start a fire if you guys wanted to join." Colby said as I went to my room.

I didn't hear anyone's responses but I assumed they were down because I could hear them all getting up. I sighed and stumbled to the closet, still feeling lightheaded from the alcohol in my system.

I grabbed the closest sweatshirt and sweatpants set I could find then turned to the bed. I giggled and sat down, basking in the happiness I was feeling in my heart.

I bounced on the bed a couple times as I smiled and looked at the canvas of the mountains from Colorado.

"I think I made a good choice, mom and dad." I said then leaned back and looked at the ceiling. I don't know how long I stared at the ceiling for before I finally got up and got changed.

I wasn't in any rush for this night to end, so I was taking my time. I didn't know when I would be this happy and carefree again so I was just living in the moment as the warmth of the alcohol coursed through my veins.

When I was fully dressed I went back outside to see everyone sitting by the fire.

"Vi! Come here!" Ki said as she patted the space next to her. I smiled then walked over and sat down, "are you having fun?" I asked as she leaned her head on my shoulder. "Yeah. I'm moving in for sure." She said as I laughed. "Sounds good to me." I said as Colby sat next to me on my other side and took my hand.

I couldn't believe how incredibly happy I was, sitting here with my friends. If you would have told me even just a year ago that I would be this carefree and happy I wouldn't have believed you.

I was just so grateful.

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