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"Helloooo, Violet." Jarrod said as I clocked in at the diner. "Hi, Jarrod." I said and tied my apron tightly around my waist.

"What are you doing after work?" He asked as I chuckled, "sleeping." I said then grabbed my notepad and went to tell the hostess I was ready to be seated whenever. "Why don't we go get some drinks?" He asked as I breathed a laugh.

"I haven't slept in almost 3 days. That's why." I said then walked towards the kitchen. "Hey, Tony. Can I get a side of fries?" I asked as the older man grinned at me, "is it for you, V?" He asked as I nodded. "I'm starving." I said as he nodded, "I'll make you some fresh ones then." He said then turned to get to work.

It was slow at the diner tonight, since there weren't any football games and it was a school night. I basically was getting paid $3.00 an hour to sit and eat fries. It wasn't ideal but at least it was something.

"Why haven't you slept in 3 days?" Jarrod asked as I he sat next to me while I ate my fries. "When I'm not here I'm at the ER working. Some of us have bills to pay." I said and stared forwards.

"Okay, but that can't be healthy." He said and nudged my shoulder as I shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I have to make money." I said then stood up and brought my dish over to the dishwasher.

"Okay, but are you really making that much money here? We're dead." Jarrod said and gestured to the empty diner. "I'm making more than I would be sitting at home, so...I'll take it." I said as a group of middle aged men came on.


The one thing I really hated about working at the diner was the creepy men that would harass me for being a "pretty girl."

Being a woman fucking sucked sometimes.

"Hi, my name is Violet. I'm going to be your server today can I get you anything time drink?" I asked and brought my pen to my notepad. "How about a smile." One of the men said as I clenched my jaw and forced a small smile onto my lips.

"I'll take a tall drink of water, oh wait we already have one here!" Another one of them said and reached for my hand as I took a step back.

"I'll get some water for the tables then." I said then walked towards the drink station. Unfortunately I was used to nasty men coming in here because I worked the night shift. It didn't make it okay, but I was numb to it.

"Are you okay, Vi?" Regina asked me as I grabbed their waters. "Yeah, a little annoyed, but fine." I said and threw some lemon slices in the waters and put them on a tray. "Men are gross." She said and scoffed as the same table of guys checked out the hostess as she walked by.

"Tell me about it." I mumbled then walked over to the table. "Have we decided?" I asked as I put their waters in front of them.

"I want that cake." One of them said and gestured to my ass. "Okay. I'm going to tell you this only once. I'm here to serve you, not here to fuck you so either tell me your order or get out." I said as they just blinked at me.

"We were just messing around. Take a joke." One of the guys said as I rolled my eyes, "a joke is funny. Harassment isn't funny." I said then closed my book and walked away.

"Jarrod, can you take table 4." I said then turned to get myself a drink. "Yeah, were they bothering you?" He asked as I shook my head. "Doesn't matter. I'm talking to Mikey." I said then walked towards the office.

Mikey was my manager and he was cool but lazy as fuck. We would have to drag him out of the office if we wanted him to do any form of work.

"Oh! Hey, Violet." Mikey said as I huffed and closed the door. "What's wrong?" He asked as I plopped down in the chair across from him. "I'm sick of creepy ass men coming in here and being gross to me and the other girls here." I said as he sighed,

"I know. I wish there was something I could do." He said as I rolled my eyes, "kick them out! It's gross that they think they can treat us like pieces of meat." I groaned as he shook his head. "I would if I could, but you know Steve would throw a fit." Mikey said as I scrubbed my face with my hands.

"I know...I'm just frustrated. I've waited all night for a table and when I get one they treat me like I'm some showgirl. Jarrod picked up the table for me, so now I'm losing money." I said as my phone buzzed in my pocket.

"I'm sorry, V. I wish there was something I could do." He said as I pulled my phone out.

Daisy had been texting me for hours but I didn't even know until now. Her texts ranged from, 'they posted the announcement video.' To 'if you don't respond in the next ten minutes I'm sending a search party for you.'

"Shit." I mumbled and dialed Daisy's number. "I have to make a phone call." I said then left the room as I brought the phone to my ear.

"Where have you been?! I've been worried sick." Daisy said as soon as she picked up. "I'm at work! Sorry. I got caught up in some stuff." I said and went into the break room.

"It's fine, when do you get home? They posted the video announcing the winner, it's killing me, Vi!" Daisy said as I chuckled, "you can watch it without me you know." I said as she groaned. "You know I can't, Vi. I'm freaking out though. Can't you fake being sick or something?" She asked as I laughed.

"I mean I could but I need the money." I said and picked at my nails. I knew I needed to be working but maybe one night off wouldn't kill me or my bank account. Plus it was slow.

"Pleeeease?" She begged as I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I'll try to come home. I expect snacks though." I said as she laughed, "deal." She said then hung up.

I sighed then walked back to the office, "hey Mikey, it's slow. Can I just go home?" I asked as he looked at me with confusion, "you must be sick, because you never ask to leave early." He said as I laughed, "my roommates having a crisis. I have to be there for her." I said as he nodded "alright, go ahead," he said as I smiled at him, "thank you!" I said then scurried out.

I grabbed my stuff, said goodbye to everyone, then made my way out to my car.

When I got home Daisy was sitting on the couch anxiously bouncing her leg. "Oh thank GOD." She said as I laughed, "Dais, you have to calm down a little bit. We probably didn't win so you're freaking out over literally nothing." I said and sat next to her, throwing my purse on the ground.

"This is a huge deal to me, Vi. These guys have saved my life..I know they're just normal dudes to you but for me they mean the world to me." She said quietly as I smiled sympathetically.

"I know they do. They aren't just normal dudes to me, they are the reason you broke out of your shell a little bit, they mean a lot to me too...just not in the same way." I explained as she nodded. "I know. It doesn't matter, let's just watch the video." Daisy said as she stood up.

I could tell she was nervous and that she just really wanted to win, but the chances were slim to none. I hated how hurt she was going to be.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she walked out of the room as I turned the laptop on. "You wanted snacks!" She said with a laugh as I nodded, "snacks can wait, you're about to combust." I said with a laugh as she squealed then sat down.

We opened the latest video that they posted. It was only a 3 minute long video which meant they were only announcing the winner in it.

I honestly got a little nervous as they popped up on the screen. I wasn't nervous for me though, I was nervous for Daisy.

"Hey guys!! We just wanted to thank everyone who entered the contest! It means a lot to all of us that you wanted to join us on our haunted trip to the Trans Allegheny Asylum." Sam said as Colby grinned, "yeah, you guys are all crazy for wanting to come with us there, I'm highkey nervous to go." Colby said as Daisy watched the screen intently.

"That's gonna be so scary." Daisy mumbled as Sam clapped his hands together. "There can only be one winner though..." he said then looked up at Colby. "Yeah, and that person is..." he said as they both looked up at the camera.

"Violet Richards!" They both said as my eyes widened.

"We're going to dm you to give you more details. Thanks again for everyone that entered! See you guys soon!" Sam said as they both kissed their hands, bringing them to the lense.

"Oh my god...VI YOU WON!" Daisy yelled excitedly as I stared at the blank screen.

"I won."

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