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"Are you sure you're okay?" Colby asked as we made our way back to the room. "Yeah. It was scary in the moment but I'm okay now." I said and grabbed his hand, lacing my fingers through his.

"You're so hot." He said with a laugh as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yes." I said simply then turned to walk into the room that Sam just unlocked.

I knew it probably came off as conceited to agree with someone when they call you pretty or hot but my mom always used to tell me to be your own biggest fan. That way if nobody in this world appreciates you, you can at least appreciate yourself.

"So what are we going to do until we play the elevator game?" I asked and plopped on the bed as Jake grabbed a cold slice of pizza.

"You still want to do that?" Sam asked with amazement as I shrugged. "I mean if you guys are too chicken..." I said letting my voice trail off dramatically.

"We aren't chicken!" Sam defended as Corey raised his hand. "I'm kind of chicken." He admitted as Colby sat next to me on the bed.

"At least you admit it." I said and smirked at him. "Anyways, I think we should just hang out here until maybe midnight?" Sam suggested as I laid back on the bed, bringing my hand to my chest so I could trace the scar that was there.

"Why wouldn't we do it at 3am?" Colby asked as he scrolled through his phone. "Ya know I think we are actually supposed to do it at 3am." He said with a small laugh as I zoned out staring at the ceiling.

I thought about the man I saw in the secret passage way. He was obviously in love with Elizabeth Short, but why would he be resting here? Why would he wait for her here if he didn't die here as well? It didn't make sense.

I couldn't help but think that he had something to do with the murder.

"Vi?" Colby asked and nudged my leg, bringing me back to reality. "Sorry, what?" I asked and sat up, still aimlessly tracing my scar. "We were going to explore some more, is that okay with you?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I actually wanna shower, I think. You guys can go ahead though." I said then stood up and and brushed my hands on my pants.

Colby looked at me suspiciously as the guys stood up. "Okay, we'll be back soon then we can order dinner then chill until 3am." Sam said as I nodded.

"I'm gonna stay here with Violet, you guys have fun." Colby said but kept his suspicions eyes on me. "Okay, man. We'll be back." Sam said as the others left.

As soon as they were gone Colby turned to me, "Are you okay?" He asked quietly as I nodded. "I can't stop thinking about what happened to that guy." I said and finally looked into his eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked as I stood up and paced the room. "Why was he still here? Like why is his soul at rest here? That doesn't make any sense. Also does the hotel know about those passage ways? Do they know how to find them?" I asked as he watched me.

"Relax, baby. I'm sure the hotel knows. I think that's why they tried to cover the handle to the door. As for the guy...I'm not sure. Maybe we can research him. Come here." Colby said then patted the bed next to him.

I sighed then sat down as he pulled his phone out. "Look up Elizabeth Short husband." I said as he nodded and typed. "Lieutenant Gordon Fickling.." Colby said as I grabbed the phone and looked at the picture. "That's him..." I said and sighed.

"This says he died two years before Elizabeth's murder though.." Colby said as I shrugged. "Maybe he could tell she was killed here and she's waiting for her spirit to come find him...I don't know." I said as my heart ached.

"That hurts my heart." I said quietly as Colby wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I know, it's sad." He agreed as I leaned into him. "I just want to help them." I said as he turned and kissed my head. "You have such a big heart, you know that?" He asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist, snuggling into him more.

"I just know how it feels to miss someone you love...every time something spiritual happens I just think about my parents. I'm afraid their souls are trapped somewhere." I said and started to cry.

"I would want someone to help them...I want to help them." I said as Colby held me tighter. "I know, baby girl. I promise I'm gonna help you get in contact with them. You will get closure. I'll make sure of it." He said and kissed my head, holding me close.

I just nodded and melted into him, enjoying the comfort he was giving me.

We sat like that for a while until I finally pulled away. "I'm gonna shower." I said quietly as he grinned. "Want me to join?" He asked as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Ha. I'll be back." I said then went into the bathroom after grabbing a fresh pair of clothes.

As I showered I let the negative energy I was feeling melt away. I wanted to just have fun with the guys, I didn't want to spend the rest of the night dwelling on something I couldn't control.

Once I was dressed I walked back out to the main room where the guys were. "Hey, V. How are you feeling?" Sam asked as I smiled and put my old clothes in my bag.

"I'm excited to play this game." I said and clapped my hands together. "Good, because it's gonna be fun." Sam said as I walked over to sit on Colby's lap.

"I'm kinda scared, do you guys think it's gonna actually work?" Corey asked as Sam shrugged. "I did it once and it didn't but who knows maybe it will work now." He said as Colby handed me his phone which had postmates open.

We ordered food then hung out in the room until it was finally 3am.

"Are we ready to do this?" Sam asked as I jumped up and down excitedly. "Let's go!" I said then took Colby's hand and skipped out of the room.

"Bro, your girlfriend is crazy." Corey said to Colby as I gasped and looked at him. "I'm not crazy! This is fun, come on Corey don't be chicken." I said and stuck my tongue out at him. Corey stuck his tongue out at me as we got to the elevator.

"Okay. Everyone in." Sam said as the doors opened. Once we were all in sam closed the doors. "Okay. Remember if someone joins us we can't look or talk to them." He reminded then pushed the button to go to the fourth floor.

I felt Colby grab my hand as we watched the elevator take us down. None of us wanted to talk or make any noises, making the vibe very eerie.

I held my breath as the doors opened, revealing nobody. I let out a breath as the door closed. We repeated this process as we went to the sixth floor, second floor, then the tenth floor.

"Okay....to the fifth floor..this is where the girl will be." Sam said as he clicked the button.

I tightened my grip on Colby's hand as I watched the numbers slowly tick down from ten to five. "I have the chills dude." Corey said as the doors hesitated to open. "You always have the chills." Jake said as the door finally opened.

I felt my heart settle when they opened fully to nobody there.

It didn't work.

I was mildly disappointed that it didn't work but I was also grateful because I didn't know if I really had it in me to go through another scary thing.

I felt Colby drop my hand since the scary part was over. Sam pushed the first floor button as he sighed. "So if it goes to the first floor we get off, if it goes to the tenth we stay on." Sam explained as the doors closed.

I watched as the elevator descended, meaning the game was almost over. "That was lame." Jake said as we all watched the numbers go down. "I thought it was fun." Sam said as I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, nothing like some harmless paranormal fun." I said as the elevator doors opened to the first floor.

We all filed out of the elevator and walked into the lobby. "So, now what?" I asked then looked around. "That's the end of the game." Sam said as I turned around to look at the empty elevator. "Hm. Well, that was fun." I said then turned towards the guys again.

I felt my heart stop when I looked at Sam, Corey, and Jake. "Guys." I said as my heart rate picked up. "Woah what's up?" Sam asked as I looked around frantically.

"Where's Colby?"

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