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As we walked through the lobby I kept my chin up, I didn't think it would help the harassment but it was worth a try.

"I think there might be an employee only elevator over here." Colby said as he held my hand firmly. "Well....suddenly we are employees." I said then looked around to make sure nobody was watching.

We slipped through the door then jogged to the end of the hallway where there was an elevator. "Hurry hurry hurry." I mumbled as we waited for the elevator to come to our floor.

We waited for a couple minutes before Colby looked over at me. "I don't think it's working babe." He said as I groaned and banged my head on the wall once, leaning into it.

"Hey! It's okay, we're going to figure this out." Colby said and pulled me into his arms so he could hug me. "What if we don't though? What if we are stuck here forever?" I asked and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist.

"We won't be. You're smart Violet, you can get us back home I know you can." He said and pulled away so he could look me in the eyes. "I believe in you." He said as I nodded.

"We need to get out of here before we get caught." I said quietly then grabbed his hand. As we walked I tried to think of other places in the hotel that an elevator would be. I couldn't believe there was only one working elevator in this entire building, it just didn't make sense.

"What if we went next door?" I asked as Colby pulled me close while we walked through the lobby. "Do you think it would work?" He asked as I shrugged. "We won't know until we try I guess." I said with a sigh as he led the way to the front door.

I was honestly a little nervous that this wouldn't work and that Colby and I would be stuck here forever. I knew Colby believed in me and had such confidence that I could do this but I didn't even expect the game to work in the first place.

I had no idea what I was doing.

When we walked outside there were a ton of people walking around. Some were wearing modern day clothes and some were wearing vintage clothes.

"Woah..." Colby said as he held my hand tightly. "This is so weird." I said and looked around. "Do you think we are dead?" Colby asked quietly as I shook my head. "No. These people are though." I said and gestured to a group of people in 40s attire.

"Let's just go..I want to be home." I said then pulled him towards the hotel next door. This hotel wasn't as nice as The Biltmore but it was still nice enough to have an elevator and that's all that really mattered.

"Okay, this may be a little difficult because there's a bunch of people here and nobody can interrupt the game." I said as we walked quickly towards the elevator. "What happens if they interrupt?" Colby asked as I pressed the button to summon the elevator. "Then we have to start over." I said as the doors opened.

When we walked in Colby grabbed my hand. "Ready to go home, baby?" He asked as I nodded. "More than ready." I said softly then pressed the button for the tenth floor. I took a deep breath as I watched the numbers slowly ascend until it reached level ten.

"Okay..now five." I mumbled and pressed the button to go to the fifth floor. I had a strange feeling in my stomach as Colby rubbed my hand softly with his thumb. "I hope this works." I whispered as the elevator descended. "It will." Colby said then kissed my head as the door opened.

When it opened we were met with two people, causing me to gasp. "M-mom? D-dad?" I whispered as tears formed in my eyes.

They were wearing the same clothes as the night they died, which meant that it was really them.

"Violet?" Dad asked as Colby gripped my hand tighter. "Daddy." I whispered and pulled my hand from Colby's so I could hug them. "Violet, what are you doing here?" Mom asked as I trembled from the excitement and confusion.

"I-we- I miss you." I said as my parents looked up at Colby. I looked over at him as my mom took my hand. He had a sad smile on his face as he watched us. "We miss you too sweetheart, why are you on the other side though? Did you pass?" Dad asked as mom gasped slightly.

"No. We were playing a game and it went horribly wrong. We were actually trying to get back home." I explained as I grabbed Colby's hand. "This is so crazy." I mumbled as I just stared at their solid figures.

It was both exciting but heartbreaking seeing them in a solid form. It was weird knowing I could just reach out and touch them, even hug them.

I could feel my heart cracking, knowing I would have to leave them again soon.

Unless I just stayed here.

"So are you going to tell us who this is or do we have to guess?" Mom asked as the elevator doors finally closed. "Oh..uh this is my boyfriend, Colby." I said with a smile as he smiled and waved.

"Well, I know this is a little unconventional because we're well....you know...but I hope you're taking good care of her." Dad said as Colby nodded. "Yeah, this is a little strange...but I'm taking care of her as best as I can." Colby said as the elevator started moving to the next floor.

"Good, I'm sorry we left you, bunny." Dad said as he hugged me again. "I miss you so much." I said, starting to get emotional again. "We're always with you sweetheart. Right here." Mom said as she pointed to my chest.

I could feel my heart shatter as the doors of the elevator opened again. "We should let you guys go home." Dad said as tears poured down my cheeks. "I love you." I whispered then wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into it, trying to memorize the scent of his cologne.

"Love you too, bunny." Dad said as he squeezed me tightly. I cried into his shoulder for a second before I turned to my mom. "Bye mommy. I love you." I whispered as I hugged her tightly. "I love you too, sweetheart. Remember, we are always with you." She said then wiped my cheeks so the tears would go away.

I nodded and stepped back so they could leave the elevator. I couldn't control the sobs that were leaving my chest as Colby wrapped his arms around me tightly.

I watched them walk away before I had the sudden urge to hug them just one last time. "Wait!" I yelled then ran out of the elevator. "What's wrong?" Dad asked as I tightly wrapped my arms around him again. "What if I stayed?" I whispered as dad shook his head.

"You have so much more to do in life. You don't belong here." He said as mom wrapped her arms around us. "You don't belong here either! You were too young to die! I needed you!" I wailed as they held me tighter. "Shhhh...it was our time, honey. This isn't your time." Mom said as I sobbed. "Promise me you'll be here when it's my time." I said as they pulled away from me.

"Promise." Mom said as they wiped my tears again. "We love you." Dad said as I pulled away and wiped my hands on my pants. "I love you too." I said as they started to walk away.

I thought about chasing them.

I thought about staying to be with them forever.

"Vi?" Colby called out softly as I watched my parents walk out of my life again. "I..." I whispered as I turned to him, feeling the tears pour down my cheeks. "Hey, it's okay baby." Colby said as he ran and pulled me into his arms.

"T-they're gone." I whispered as I sobbed into his chest. "No. You heard your mom, V. They're always with you." Colby cooed as he scratched my back gently. "I can't do this." I cried out as he lowered me gently to the floor. "Shhh, I'm right here. Take your time." He said and just held me as I cried.

We sat there for a while before I finally was able to pull myself together a little bit. "Let's go home." I whispered as I started to stand up. "Are you okay?" Colby asked quietly as I nodded. "I will be." I said then took his hand and walked back to the elevator.

We played the game silently as Colby held my hand firmly. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I saw my parents here of all places. Part of me was really happy I got the closure I have been looking for but part of me was extremely sad.

I just wanted them back.

A/N: thank you for baring with me while I have been MIA. This week has been the hardest of my life. Today isn't much better but I thought I could rally to make a chapter for you. Sorry again. Love you.

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