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I gasped and looked behind me as Sam squeezed my hand. "Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, let's keep going." I said and looked down at the recording device. "Why won't you cross over?" I asked as Colby looked at me with concern on his face. When they didn't answer I felt myself starting to get frustrated.

"Answer me you cowards!" I screamed and looked around causing the guys to gasp.

"Vi, I think we should take a little break to cool down." He said, noticing how frustrated I was getting. "I just want to help them." I whispered feeling a tension in my chest. I stared at him for a second as my mind started to race.

What did they mean they wanted me? I wasnt going to stay here and I certainly wasn't going to die here. What the hell did that mean?

"I know, baby. We can help them but you have to help yourself first. Let's just chill out for a little while and relax." He said as I nodded and looked at Sam. "Do you want to take a break too?" I asked as he nodded. "It's a good idea." He said as I took a deep breath.

"Okay. We'll take a break then." I said then reached down to turn off the recording device. "So, what are we gonna do?" I asked and leaned back onto my hands.

"I always have snacks." Sam said and pulled out a bag of goldfish. "Oh, hell yeah." I said and reached for them.

"Come with us." I heard someone say in my ear as I flinched. "Woah, are you okay?" Colby asked as I rubbed my neck. "Yeah, just jumpy. I really don't like being here." I said and looked around the empty room. I shivered as my eyes traced the chains that were on the wall across from me.

It made me sad thinking about someone dying alone in here, chained to a wall all because someone deemed them as mentally ill.

"So, are you coming back to LA with us?" Sam asked with a laugh as I grabbed a handful of goldfish. "I wish. I'm going back to Colorado though." I said as Colby frowned slightly. "You could come to LA..I think Tara is looking for a roommate." He said as I frowned. "I would love to, you know that." I said with a sigh.

"My whole life is in Colorado, and I'm barely making things work there financially. I could never afford to live in LA." I said and chewed on my lip. "We could help you! You can be our assistant or something." Colby said as I shook my head.

"I don't ever want to mix my work life with my personal life. Plus, I would feel bad having you pay for me." I said as Sam shrugged. "That's understandable but you're always welcome to visit or live there. We'll help you if you need us to. We really like having you around. Plus, what are you going to do about Daisy?" Sam asked as I sighed.

"I'll probably apologize or something and make up with her. We're roommates I can't live with someone who I hate. Maybe she has a reason for acting how she did." I said and combed my hand through my hair.

"She didn't have a reason, Vi! She's not worth forgiving. I know you've been friends for a long time but she was saying horrible things about you behind your back...that's not a friend." Colby said as I sighed.

"She's been my best friend for years...she's all I have." I said feeling myself get upset. "That's not true, you have us now. Plus Kat, Dev, Tara, Cassie and Xepher would love you!" Sam said as I chewed on my lip. "It doesn't matter...I don't want to talk about this anymore." I said quietly as the chains started to rattle across the room.

"Holy shit. We should continue with the seance." I said then looked down at the recording device. "Alright, but if anything happens we aren't going to continue, okay?" Colby asked as I nodded.

We all joined hands again then closed our eyes. "Did you just rattle the chains?" I asked and felt someone walk behind me. "Come with us." They whispered causing my jaw to clench.

"We're giving you our energy to either communicate with us or move on to the other side." Sam said as I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate.

Just then we heard a door slam down the hall. "Holy shit." Colby said as I opened my eyes and gasped. In the corner of the room there was a tall black figure standing very still.

"D-do you see that?" I asked the guys as I gestured towards it. "No? What do you see?" Colby asked as I shook my head, "it must be my eyes." I said then closed them again.

"We want you." A voice said behind me, so close I could feel their breath on my neck. "Go to the other side! You're allowed to rest now! Just rest!" I yelled out as tears poured down my cheek.

"A life for a life." I heard someone yell from across the hall. "We should go." I whispered. Sam and Colby didn't even look up though, so I must have not said it loud enough.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as dozens of footsteps sounded from all around us, giving the illusion that we were being surrounded.

"Give us a sign you're here." Sam said as I gasped. "We want you. We want you. We want you." I heard all of the voices chant as I started to tremble.

"No." I whispered and closed my eyes as tight as I could. "Join us. Join us. Join us." They chanted as I started to cry. "Vi?" Colby asked as I brought my hands to my ears, holding them tightly, but I could still hear the voices.

Maybe I was crazy like Daisy said.

Just then a gust of wind filled the whole room, causing the salt to disperse all around the room, no longer forming a circle around us.

"Holy shit!" Sam hissed as a huge wave of pain filled the back of my neck.

"Stand up. Stand up. Stand up." They chanted as I felt my body standing up slowly. "Violet?" Colby asked as I stood up straight.

As soon as I was standing up fully all the noises in the room stopped.

A chill ran down my spine as I looked around the room, no longer seeing or hearing anything.

"Join us." A voice said as I involuntarily nodded. "Violet?" Colby asked as I turned towards the door. "Woah, hey." Colby said and stood up grabbing my shoulders, turning me to face him.

"What's going on?" He asked as I turned my head to the door. "I...I'll be back." I mumbled then turned towards the door.

"Come with us." A voice said as I slowly walked out of the room. I knew what I was doing was a bad idea but my legs were moving without my consent.

"Violet! Where are you going?!" Sam called out as the door slammed behind me, leaving them trapped in the room they were in.

"Come on, bunny. Follow my voice." My dad's voice called out. "Dad?" I whispered as my legs started to carry me towards the first room in the hallway.

"Come to us, sweetheart." My moms voice rang out "Mommy?" I whispered and felt my hand start to turn the door knob.

"VIOLET! DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! IT'S NOT REAL!" Colby yelled as he and Sam pounded at the door they were behind. I opened the door to the room, instantly being hit with the smell of rotten flesh.

My body continued into the room as the door slammed behind me. "Mom? Dad?" I called out as I stood in the middle of the room. "Join us." The voices chanted as a seering pain filled my head causing me to groan.

It felt like someone was drilling into my head with a drill.

"Stop!" I screamed as blood trickled down my forehead. "Shhh it'll be over soon, bunny." My dad's voice filled my ears. "Stop hurting me!" I screamed as my head throbbed with pain.

"It's almost over. You'll be here soon." My mom's voice said as my vision went fuzzy.

"Stop! COLBY! SAM!" I screamed bloody murder as I felt myself collapse and my vision went black.

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