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"Did you do it?!" Daisy exclaimed as I sat in front of my laptop, looking through work emails. "Do what?" I asked as I stared at the screen. "Enter the contest?" She said as I shrugged, "I'll do it in a minute." I said as she pulled my laptop away from me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and finally looked at her, "this is really important to me, Vi." Daisy said and pouted her lip, "I know it is Daisy, I really do and I'm gonna do it. I promise." I said and let out a breath. "I hope we win so you can have a little vacation, you're always so stressed out." She said as I chewed my lip.

"I just like living here with you. I need to work a lot harder to be able to do that," I said as she frowned, "why don't you tap into the fund your parents left for you when they died?" She asked as I shrugged.

"It's the last thing I have left from them...I don't want to just spend it when I could work hard for my money." I explained as pulled my laptop closer to me again.

"They wouldn't want you to be overworking yourself like this though." She said quietly as I typed in the website so I could sign up for the contest. "You don't know what they would want." I snapped and glared at her.

I hated when anyone would bring my parents up. It's been almost 4 years and I still could feel the moment my heart broke into a million pieces. It felt like a fresh wound the minute anyone brought them up.

"I'm sorry, Violet...I didn't mean to hurt you.." Daisy said as I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry for snapping at you, you're just trying to help." I said and let out a breath as I got to the web page I needed to be at.

I filled out the information then sent the request to be put in the contest. "There, I'm entered." I said and turned the screen to her.

"You have no idea how much that means to me, Vi." She said and hugged me. "I hope you win, but I seriously don't know if I can swing it...Even if I can afford it I don't know if I'll be able to get off of work." I said and scrubbed my face with my hands.

"We'll figure it out.  We probably won't even win, so don't stress out too much." Daisy said as I looked at the work in front of me. I chewed on my lip, then closed my laptop. "Let's go to lunch." I said then stood up. "Don't you work?" Daisy asked as I shrugged.

"Yeah, I'll just wear my uniform and go straight there." I said then stood up to grab my scrubs.

I worked in the ER as a echocardiologist, which meant I basically did heart scans all day and evaluated them by doing echo scans. It was easy work but it didn't pay the bills enough so I worked on the side at an all night diner, so when I wasn't working in the hospital I was working at the diner just to make ends meet.

I never thought that I would be a 21 year old working two jobs just to be able to make rent. I didn't mind it so much though, since it kept me pretty busy.

"Okay, well get ready then." Daisy said and smiled at me. I nodded then stood up to go get in my scrubs. I braided my hair into two dutch braids, then put on some macara and grabbed my bag and keys.

It was October so it was getting pretty cold in Colorado. "God, why did we move here? It's so fucking cold." Daisy said as she rubbed her arms. "Yeah, it's cold, but look how beautiful it is! Look at all of the leaves." I said and spun around with my arms out.

I couldn't help but always take in my surroundings because no matter where we were the scenery around us was breathtaking. It was the reason I wanted to move out here. We had lived in Ohio before this and it wasn't nearly as pretty.

"Where did you want to eat?" I asked as we walked to our cars. "415, I'm CRAVING pizza." Daisy said and rubbed her stomach. "Alright, I'll meet you there." I said then got in my car.

We lived five minutes away from the restaurant, 415, so I didn't even bother putting music on as I carefully drove.

I grabbed a parking spot then met Daisy by the front door, "I fucking love this place." She said as we walked in to see our favorite waiter, Chad.

"Violet! Daisy! How are my two favorite flowers?" He asked as I laughed. "We're good. How have you been?" I asked and gave him a hug, "ugh, it's been so slow today. I'm just glad you guys are here to keep me company. Please tell me you're coming home from work and not going in so I can get you a beer." He said as we sat down at the table.

"Negative. I'm going in at 5 so we have to hurry, I'm just thankful you're our server and not Cindy. I hate that bitch." I said and took a sip of the water he set in front of me.

"She hates you too, ya know." Chad said as I snorted, "good. Anyways Daisy wants pizza." I said with a laugh as he shook his head. "Your food is already put in ladies, I know what you want. Now just enjoy time together before dreaded work." Chad said then skipped away.

"I love him." Daisy said as I nodded, "agreed, maybe you can take him on the Sam and Colby trip if you win." I said as she shook her head. "No way, Vi. You're coming if I win. Plus YOU might win. Who knows." She said with a wink as I rolled my eyes.

"This is your thing, Dais. I only did it to make you happy. When are they announcing it though?" I asked as Chad our our food down. "Thank you, this looks so fucking good." I said and took a bite of my salad.

"They announce it on Sunday so...two days." Daisy said as she took a bite of her pizza. "That's so soon! Okay uh...I'll talk to my supervisor tonight. I'll see if there's even a possibility of me being able to take a vacation. I should have checked that before I even signed up for this but whatever." I said then took another bite of my salad.

We enjoyed the rest of lunch together before I had to leave to go to work. I was really exhausted and didn't want to work at all but I couldn't let myself fall behind with my bills.

I had to be an adult.

As soon as I was clocked in for work I was called into a room to do a scan. It was a busy day at the ER because we lived in a college town and football season was in full swing.

Football season meant a lot of injuries.

"There you are, okay. Room 430 needs an echo and can you please help April with some sutures in room 522?" My supervisor, Rachel, asked as I grabbed my cart. "You got it, also when you have a minute I need to ask you something." I said and grabbed my stethoscope and clipboard.

"Catch me in like 2 hours." She said as I nodded then went to room 430. It was a little boy who was experiencing heart palpitations. "Hey guys! My name is Violet, I heard you were having some heart palpitations?" I asked as I wheeled my cart in.

"Yeah, he started experiencing them a couple hours ago but they didn't go away and now I'm extremely worried." The little boy's mother said as I took a breath and set up.

"Well let's get you checked out then." I said and set him up. I did the scans and read the information it gave me. He was just hopped up on sugar, which apparently he wasn't supposed to have so that was an awkward couple minutes.

The rest of the night was extremely busy as I helped the nurses get people in and out of the rooms. My job wasn't needed too often so I was also trained to be a nursing assistant so I could help a little more.

I finally was able to find Rachel when she had a minute so I could discuss a possible vacation.

"What's going on, Violet. Please don't tell me you're quitting." Rachel said as she heated up a can of spaghetti-o's. "No! No I just was wondering about the possibility of taking a vacation. It's not set in stone yet at all and I probably won't need the time off but my friend made me ent-" I started causing Rachel to hold her hand up, interrupting me.

"Violet, you have been working here for over a year and you've never once asked for vacation time or any days off. Of course you can go on a vacation. I'll just have Kenny cover for you, you deserve some time away." She said and sat down at her desk.

"It probably won't even happen. I just needed to know if it was possible." I said and picked at the plastic on my name badge. "Even if this one doesn't work out you should really take a vacation...so you don't overwork yourself." She said and took a sip of water.

She was honestly right. I needed a vacation.

Maybe I actually did want to win this thing.

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