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"We'll be back around ten. You're sure you're gonna be okay, honey?" Dad asked as I pulled the bag of popcorn I was making out of the microwave. "Yeah, you two kids have fun. I'm just gonna do some homework." I said then sat at the kitchen table, in front of my books.

"Okay, call if you need anything." Mom said and kissed the top of my head as dad stole a handful of popcorn. "Dad!" I scolded as he laughed and held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, kid." He said then grabbed his keys. "Love you!" I called out to both of them as my mom grabbed her purse. "Love you, more." Mom said as dad blew me a kiss.

I watched as they walked out of the house, then turned towards my homework.

I was studying for a while before my phone rang,
"Hey, Dais." I answered then stood up. "Vi! Come to Ben's!" She exclaimed sloppily as I let out a deep sigh.

"I'd love to, but I'm studying for Fink's test. I'm so fucking bad at math." I said and looked at the complex equation in front of me. "Come on, V! We're only juniors once! You can fail one test, you have straight A's." She said as I got myself a glass of water.

"I have straight A's because I study. Shouldn't you be studying, too? Shouldn't Ben be studying? Do you guys even want to get into college?" I asked with a laugh as I sat down at the table.

"Of course we do, but you're being BORING. It's a Friday night dude, the test isn't even until Monday." Daisy said as I heard a knock at the door.

"It doesn't matter, I need all the time I can get to study. This test is the most important thing in the world right now." I said and got up to go get the door.

"You're such a dork, V. When are you going to branch out and enjoy life?" Daisy asked as I shrugged. "College. I don't know. I have to go though, someone's at the door." I said as she gasped.

"Is it a murderer?" She asked as I rolled my eyes, "shut up. You're gonna scare me." I said then looked out the window to see flashing red and blue lights. "Whatever, talk to you later, V." Daisy said then hung up as my brow scrunched with confusion.

I hesitated to open the door, feeling my heart beat against my chest.

"Violet Richards?" The officer asked as I opened the door. "Yes? Is there a problem, officer?" I asked quietly as his face dropped.

"Your parents were in an accident...they...they didn't make it." He said as I dropped my phone on the ground, feeling the world caving in around me.

I remember screaming and crying, but not being able to feel it from being so numb. I remember the officer holding me as I screamed into the night air.

It was the worst night of my life.

I opened my eyes, feeling the memory fade away, only to be replaced by a massive headache. I didn't recognize where exactly I was since my brain was so foggy.

The last thing I remembered was the blood covering my eyes as I fell to the ground.

What the hell happened?

"Oh! She's awake." A nurse said to another nurse as I bought my hand to my head. "Woah, don't touch that, you're okay." The female nurse said as a sharp pain filled my abdomen.

"What happened?" I mumbled as the male nurse raised his brows at me. "We were hoping you could tell us." He said as I frowned. "Can you give me a hint?" I asked as the female nurse chuckled.

"Have you ever heard of a lobotomy?" She asked as my heart stopped. "Y-yeah?" I asked as the male nurse checked my fluids. "You tried to give yourself one." He said as I clenched my jaw. "No...I didn't." I said as they raised their brows at me.

"Did those guys in the waiting room do that to you then? Did they also try to cut you in half?" The male nurse asked as my head started to throb.

"What? No? Cut me in half? I don't understand." I mumbled as he sighed.

"You came in with an incision that was just above your belly button all the way across as if someone was about to harvest your organs. There was also a giant hole where the frontal lobe of your brain is, which is where they would perform lobotomy's. Understand now?" He asked as I nodded slowly.

"Yes." I said and picked at my blanket as fatigue hit me. I must have lost a lot of blood from those injuries, that's for sure.

"The guys in the waiting room didn't do that to you, right?" The female asked as I shook my head, "no, they saved my life." I mumbled and closed my eyes. I wondered how they managed to get me here in time. There's no way I would have been able to fit through the opening in their arms.

"C-can you send them in?" I asked quietly as the female nurse nodded. "Yeah, they've been asking for updates every five minutes I'm sure they will be excited to hear you're awake." She said as I laid my head back, feeling even more tired with every second.

"We'll send them in, you better get some rest, though." The male nurse said and patted my leg as they left the room.

I waited a few minutes until Sam and Colby came in. "Thank god." Colby mumbled and came up to me, cupping my cheek gently and giving me a kiss. I felt the pain momentarily go away as his lips moved against mine, bringing me comfort.

"Thank you." I whispered as I brought my hand up to cup his cheek. "I'm so glad you're alive." He whispered as I smiled softly. "Thanks to you guys." I said then looked down at his hand.

The skin on his knuckles were busted open, swelling around the rings he was wearing.

"What happened?" I asked and took his hand in mine. "You're worried about me?" He asked as I nodded slowly. "Sam, what did he do?" I asked and looked at Sam.

"He punched the way to make the opening bigger to get you out of there." He explained as I frowned. "You did that?" I asked quietly as he nodded.

"You were bleeding to death, Vi. I had to." He said as I brought his hand to my lips, kissing his knuckles gently. "Thank you." I whispered as he and Sam finally sat down next to me.

"So..what exactly happened?" Sam asked as I shrugged. "I couldn't control my body. I just started walking, but I could hear them telling me to join them and that they needed a life for a life. They were going to kill me." I said and chewed on my lip.

I sounded ridiculous, considering I was talking about literal spirits and not humans.

"Even my parents were telling me to come to them. They kept saying that it would be over soon." I mumbled, starting to get emotional.

"It wasn't your parents. There's no way your parents would do that." Sam said as I chewed my lip.

"I hope not." I whispered, as tears trickled down my cheeks. "Shhh, they were manipulating you by using your parents voice. Whatever is in that jail is evil. We aren't going back to the asylum though, baby. We're not going back." Colby said as I brought my shaking hand to my face so I could wipe my tears.

"I just wanted to communicate with them." I whispered as Colby leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I know, Vi. We will find a way for you to communicate with them. The real them." Sam said as Colby took my hand, squeezing it gently.

"Did you call Daisy to tell her?" I asked as Colby chewed his lip. "We tried to call her but she blocked the call." Sam said as I nodded slowly.

"She doesn't care about me." I mumbled as Colby brought my hand to his lips. "She doesn't matter, Vi." Colby said as fatigue really started to hit me again.

"You should get some rest." Colby said and brushed my hair behind my ear. "Okay, thanks again for saving my life." I whispered as I held Colby's hand. "Anytime, baby girl." He said as I felt myself dosing off.

As I drifted off I tried to sort through my emotions. I was absolutely petrified that this happened to me, but I was also upset that Daisy didn't answer the phone.

I knew I shouldn't have gotten so caught up on Daisy, since she blatantly tried to steal Colby from me but I couldn't help but be hurt that she wasn't here for me when I was on my deathbed.

It made me even more nervous to go home.

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