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"Wait!! Violet!" Colby exclaimed as Jake chuckled. "I'd stay away from her, bro. She's pissed." Jake said as I went to sit on the bed. "Violet, what happened? Talk to me." He said and pounded on the door.

I tried to ignore him and pulled out a book to read. "Did something happen at work?" He called out as I rolled my eyes and tried to read. I couldn't believe that he didn't even know what he did to upset me.
He was just being so blissfully ignorant that I was getting angrier and angrier. He continued knocking on the door for a while, begging me to open the door.

"Violet..please baby. Open up." Colby said as the anger boiled up even more. I threw the book to the side then stormed over to the door, swinging it open.

"What?!" I seethed as he looked at me with wide eyes. "Why are you so mad?" He asked as I clenched my jaw. "Why am I so mad?! How about the fact that you forced me to let you take me to work then DIDN'T COME PICK ME UP!" I screamed as his eyes widened.

"Oh shit...oh my god Vi..I completely forgot." Colby said as I clenched my jaw and turned away. "Just go away." I mumbled then turned to go sit on my bed again, grabbing the book.

"I know I fucked up and I know you're mad at me but I didn't mean it...I just...I forgot that I took you to work then-" He started but I stopped him.

"You're better off just leaving me alone right now." I mumbled as I felt tears form in my eyes. "Vi...please just talk to me." He said as I wiped the tears that were streaming down my cheeks.

"Where were you?" I asked as I kept my eyes on the book in front of me, even though I wasn't reading it. "I was at a photo shoot." He said as I finally looked up at him. "So why would you offer to take me to work?" I asked and raised my brows at him.

I was trying to keep calm and hear him out but I could feel myself getting upset again.

"I wasn't supposed to have a photo shoot today. They called me a couple hours after I got home." He explained as I breathed a laugh. "So you just straight up forgot about me." I said as he sighed and sat next to me.

"I forgot that I took you to work. When I got home I started doing work, and I just got side tracked..I'm so sorry." He said and tried to take my hand.

"I called you." I said and pulled my hand back. "I called you twice and even texted you in advanced to make sure you were there. I guess you just wanted to fucking ignore me." I said and clenched my jaw.

"Damnit Vi, I didn't have my phone on me.." He groaned out with frustration. I could tell he was frustrated with himself so I tried to go easy on him, even though I was still pissed.

"I didn't mean to do that...I promise I would never hurt you like that on purpose." Colby said as I took a deep breath and put my hand on his knee. "You're an idiot." I said as he chuckled. "Trust me I know." He said and looked up at me.

"Don't do it again. Also you need to chill with the whole 'you're gonna get murdered' thing. Especially if you're gonna make me walk home alone." I said as he scrunched his brow at me. "Wait what? You didn't call Jake to pick you up?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No. I walked home and almost got abducted so way to go, champ." I said as his eyes widened. "Why would you walk home?!" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not gonna bother our friends because you forgot to pick me up!" I said as he sighed. "Did you really almost get abducted?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No, I just got cat called though. I hate men." I said as he chuckled. "You hate me?" He asked as I shrugged. "You're definitely on my list right now." I said then got up and walked towards the closet.

"What are you doing?" Colby asked as I grabbed a bag so I could pack for girls night. "Packing." I said with a shrug and started putting clothes in the bag. "Come on, Vi. Don't be so dramatic." He said as I laughed. "I'm not being dramatic. I'm going to Tara's for girl's night if you MUST know." I said as he chuckled.

"Alright alright. Can we at least have makeup sex before you go though?" He asked as I laughed. "Absolutely not." I said then went to my phone so I could call Tara.

"Hey girl, how was orientation?" Tara answered as I sat on the bed again. "It was fine, I didn't get murdered." I said as Colby rolled his eyes.

"That's good, are you coming to girls night?" She asked as I picked at a loose strand on my pants. "Yeah, when do you want me over?" I asked as she giggled. "Whenever, but don't eat. We are getting Taco Bell." She said as I nodded. "I'll be over in a little while." I said as I winked at Colby. "Okay!! See you then!" Tara said then hung up.

"So....makeup sex?" Colby asked as I shook my head. "You're annoying." I said but kissed him anyways, letting his tongue glide against my own. He moaned and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me so I could straddle his hips. I giggled against his lips then lowered my head into his neck, sucking at the sensitive skin as he rolled his head back with pleasure.

I continued for a minute, before pulling away and standing up. "I gotta go." I said then kissed him quick and got off his lap. "You're a tease, Vi." Colby said as I grabbed my bag. "Whatever. Enjoy your hickeys." I said and scrunched my nose at him before walking out of the room.

I walked to the kitchen so I could get a glass of water. "Did you guys make up?" Jake asked as he popped a potato chip in his mouth. "I'm making him suffer a little bit." I said with a grin as I took a sip of my water.

"Good he deserves it." Jake said as I laughed. "Maybe a little bit. Okay, I'm going to Tara's, I'll see you later." I said then walked towards the front door.  "Bye, baby." I said to Colby as he came over to tell me goodbye.

"Don't get murdered." He said then kissed me. "I'll try not to." I said then walked outside and towards my car.

I was really excited to have a little sleepover with the girls since I haven't really had a core friend group before. As I drove I started to think about the sleepovers Daisy and I would have in high school.

We would stay up all night doing face masks and taking buzzfeed quizzes. It was honestly so fun and thinking about it only made me miss her.

I wondered if I would ever forgive her for what she did. I wondered if she would ever get to be a part of my life again. I obviously loved Colby and I wanted to be with him but if it didn't work out would she try to come back into my life?

I shook my head, not wanting to think about it anymore. I shouldn't dwell on someone who openly tried to hurt me. She didn't want me to be happy. She would take Colby over me without even hesitating, and that's what hurt the most.

I sighed as I pulled into the driveway, feeling my heart hurt a little bit. I didn't like thinking about Daisy or what she did. I didn't like when the realization that my best friend of 19 years didn't care about me hit. I didn't like feeling sad over something I couldn't change.

I sniffled then grabbed my bag before going towards the front door. I tried to paint a smile on my face so the girls wouldn't question me, because I didn't feel like talking about Daisy.

I just wanted to have a good time with my new friends.

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