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A couple days had passed and I was unfortunately taken off of the drugs. I was still on normal pain killers but they weren't really doing much for me.

I felt bad because I wasn't the most fun to be around, but Colby didn't care. He stuck by my side even on the days where I didn't want to talk or move.

He stayed with me on the days that I was a huge bitch. He stayed on the days I would cry for hours on end. He stayed through everything.

"Come on, V..I know you're having a bad day but let's just try going for a walk." Colby encouraged as I shook my head. "I can't move." I mumbled as he smoothed my hair from my face. "Where's that can do attitude? Like the one you had when you worked two jobs." He said as I glared at him.

"Fuck you." I said as he chuckled. "Come on, V. It'll be fun." He said and pulled my wheelchair closer to the bed. "Oh, so fun." I said sarcastically and threw the blankets off my legs.

I still had to wear the neck brace because of where the rupture in my heart was. I was allowed to be a little more mobile though even though I didn't feel like doing physical therapy most days.

I've never had to slow down like this before and I didn't know how to really handle it. I was falling into a deep depression that I didn't know if I would get through it.

I missed working and I missed feeling like an actual human.

"Come on, babe." Colby said and helped me get out of the bed. My chest irrupted with pain as I took a couple shaky steps so I could sit in the wheel chair. "You okay?" Colby asked as I let out a shaky breath. "Yeah. I'm okay." I said as he reached for the teddy bear he bought for me.

"Good, now here's Mr. Goober." He said and handed me the bear. I apparently named it that when I was on the drugs. "That's a ridiculous name." I said as he wheeled me out of the room.

"I think it's cute." Colby said as I looked at the light brown bear. "You would think it's cute." I said with a laugh as Colby wheeled me down the hallway.

Everyone was always really nice to me as we wheeled down the halls. I usually could only paint a smile on my face for a while though before I would just look down at the floor and avoid everyone's gaze.

"I think Corey and Sam are coming by later, they're gonna bring some food and stuff to entertain us." Colby said as I nodded slowly. "I think I'm just gonna go to sleep." I mumbled as Colby sighed.

"I know you're having a really hard time with this, Vi. I can't even imagine how you're feeling but I think it will be good for you to hang out with the guys...maybe laugh a little..." He said as my eyes watered.

"I just...I hate feeling so useless. I hate needing help with everything. I hate that I can't even take a shower without someone breathing down my neck." I whispered as Colby wheeled me out to the little courtyard outside.

"I know, baby. You're doing so well though, I'm so proud of you. And hey, I like taking showers with you." He said trying to make me laugh. "Yeah, sponge baths are sooooo sexy." I said with a chuckle as he sat on the ground next to me.

"You're such a dork." He said as I reached my hand out to him. "Your dork, though," I said as he took my hand and kissed it. "Always and forever." He said quietly then massaged my hand gently.

We sat outside until the sun started to set. I didn't want to admit it but Colby was right. It was a lot of fun.

We looked up at the clouds and picked out the shapes, arguing about what we saw.

I loved how Colby was able to really bring out the kid in me since I lost that part of my life at a fairly young age.

When my parents died I had to grow up extremely fast, letting go of any form of childishness. I was still able to have fun sometimes but not like how I did when I was with Colby.

I felt truly carefree when I was with him.

When we got back to the room I was exhausted so Colby let me nap for a while before the guys came with big bags of food and some games.

"Hey, V! How are you feeling?" Corey asked as I shrugged. "Like I got shot in the chest." I said with a bland voice, then cracked a smile. "You must be feeling a little better if the sarcasm is back." Sam said as he handed me my box of food.

"Little bit. It's a good day, I don't know how tomorrow will be but for today I'm feeling good." I said and opened the box revealing the burger and fries Sam got me.

"This is much better than hospital food." I said and popped a fry into my mouth. "Yeah, I'd say so." He said as I cut my burger.

I struggled with eating things because I couldn't really move my neck but Colby kinda learned to let me tough it out since I snapped at him one time for trying to help me.

I didn't like that I would get frustrated with him because he was just trying to help but it got a little overbearing sometimes.

Eating sandwiches was the hardest though because the toppings would always fall all over my chest and chin. Sometimes it would even fall into the crevice of my neck brace which was disgusting to think about.

"Here, baby." Colby said then handed me a bundle of napkins. That was his way of helping me without actually helping me which I honestly thought was cute.

"So, we have a couple card games here that we can play but if you want we can play video games too." Sam said as we all are our dinner.

"I don't really care what we do." I said as a pickle fell out of my burger and onto my neck brace. "This thing is so fucking annoying." I said and put my burger down, trying to find the pickle.

"Will you help me get it?" I asked Colby as he shook his head. "Nah, fuck pickles dude." He said as I rolled my eyes. "You're a child. Sam, will you help me?" I asked as he chuckled and reached over to pull it off of my neck brace.

"Thank you." I said then squinted at Colby as he chuckled. "You're welcome." He said then sat back down.

Once we finished our food we started playing card games. I didn't understand how Corey could be so absolutely hilarious just playing cards. All of the guys were honestly being hilarious though which was bringing my mood up significantly.

"Bro! No way! You can't do double draw two." Corey yelled as he pointed to the card Sam just put down. "What are you talking about dude!? That's not a rule." He said as I grabbed my phone and googled it.

"Google says you can do it." I said with a laugh as Corey shook his head. "That's bullshit." He said then grabbed two cards.

Pretty much every game ended up the same way. The boys arguing over some rule and me googling it to calm them down. I felt like a mom trying to keep her children at bay which was honestly funny.

After about 4 games of uno I was feeling too tired to continue. I hated how quickly I would get tired because I used to be so active, sleeping almost never.

"Alright, let's let Vi sleep for a while then we can continue our game night." Colby said as I frowned. "You don't have to stay here you know." I said quietly as he brushed my hair from my forehead so he could place a kiss there.

"I wanna stay." He said quietly then turned and sat on the couch again. I nodded as the guys turned on a movie, giving me the chance to fall asleep.

Sleeping was so uncomfortable because I had to constantly sleep on my back because of the injury. I was more of a stomach or side sleeper so having to sleep on my back was seriously the worst.

I somehow managed to sleep every time though, I'm sure it was because my heart was struggling every day from the wound that was trying to heal. It took a lot of my energy.

I still couldn't really wrap my head around the fact that Daisy would actually try to kill me. I tried to suppress that information as much as I could because it was hard to think about.

It was hard to think about my best friend trying to kill me.

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