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A couple weeks had passed and I was almost 100% healed, which meant that I was back in the swing of working 60 hours a week.

Colby and I were still talking every day even if it was only for a short amount of time. I honestly was feeling so touch deprived and I wanted to talk to Colby more in a day but we were really busy.

I still haven't heard from Daisy, which hurt a lot more than I wanted it to. I wanted her to just understand that Colby and I didn't choose this.

A bunch of my coworkers between the diner and the hospital helped me get some clothes which I was grateful for. Colby also sent me a couple pieces of his clothes so I could wear them when I missed him, which was pretty much every time I wasn't working.

Tonight I was working at the diner which meant I was in for a late night. I had to work twice as hard as before so I could scrape together the money to pay rent.

"Hey, Vi. How are you feeling?" Jarrod asked as I pulled Colby's hoodie off, folding it up and putting it carefully into my locker.

"I'm okay, how are you?" I asked quietly and tied my apron around my waist. "I'm okay..hey I need to talk to you." He said as Regina came up to me, "hey, V. Are you still looking for a roommate?" She asked as I gasped.

"Yes! Are you wanting to move in?" I asked with excitement as she smiled, "If you don't mind! How much is rent?" She asked as I squealed and hugged her, "All the bills combined and split in half are $1,500 a month. Would you be able to swing that?" I asked as she nodded.

"Yes! I'm so excited!" Regina said as I smiled and hugged her again. "Thank you, you just saved my life. Seriously." I said as Mikey turned the corner.

"Are any of you going to work tonight...or..." He said as I grabbed my notepad. "Ready." I said then went out into the dining room.

I was in the middle of grabbing some drinks for a table when Jarrod came up.

"Vi, I really have to talk to you." He said as I nodded,  "Okay, yeah. Just let me run these drinks real quick." I said then grabbed the two drinks and walked them to my table.

When I got back behind the counter he looked at me and chewed on his lip, making me nervous. Was Daisy in contact with him? Did she say something to him about me?

"What's going on?" I asked and took a sip of my water. "You're not drunk right now are you?" He asked as I shook my head. "No...I'm at work..." I said with confusion as he sighed.

"I can't stop thinking about, Vi." Jarrod said as I sucked in a breath. "Jarrod...I have a boyfriend." I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "That didn't stop you from kissing me before.." he said as I shook my head, "I never kissed you." I said as confusion filled my voice.

"Yes, you did! The night I came over to help you!" He said as I shook my head. "Jarrod, I was drunk...I don't remember kissing you." I said instantly feeling dirty, and like I was a bad person.

I had to tell Colby.

"You seriously don't remember it at all?" He asked as I shook my head. "I don't." I whispered as he slammed his hand on the counter. "Jarrod." I said and took a step back. "I love you, Violet." He said as I gasped.

"I'm sorry...I don't like you like that." I said quietly as I started to tremble. "You're a slut." He said as my heart shattered.

I knew that he was just heartbroken, but he didn't need to call me names. "I am not!" I exclaimed as my jaw clenched. "I was drunk, I never meant to lead you on. I swear." I said as Mikey came over.

"Is there a problem?" He asked as I shook my head. "Can I take a small break?" I whispered as I kept my eyes on Jarrod. "Yeah. You can have 15." He said then went into the office.

I stood there for a second as he rubbed his jaw, not looking at me. I shook my head then walked towards the back door as I pulled my phone out.

I felt my heart racing as I shakily dialed Colby's number.

"Hey, baby." Colby answered as I took a deep breath. "You okay?" He asked as I sighed. "I'm okay, I'm at work..I have to tell you something." I said and rubbed bit my lip. "What's going on? Are you okay?" He asked as I sighed. "Yeah...I just...I have to tell you something." I said then paused.

"I kissed Jarrod." I said as he sucked in a breath. "I-you cheated on me?" Colby asked as I shook my head. "It was when I was drunk." I said as he breathed an angry laugh. "So you've been getting drunk?" He asked accusingly as I shook my head again.

"No! It was just that one night, the night I got home from the trip." I explained as he sighed. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as I wiped my cheek as a single tear trickled down it.

"I didn't know. I couldn't remember anything from that night. Jarrod told me today...when he confessed his feelings for me." I said as he sucked in a breath. "Did you tell him to back off?" Colby asked as I nodded.

"Of course I did." I said as he sighed. "Okay." He said as I frowned. "Are you really mad right now?" I asked as he sighed. "I'm upset. I'm not mad at you though. It just hurts to know your lips were on someone else's." He said as my heart broke. "I'm sorry." I said as my voice cracked.

"I'll call you tomorrow. Just...give me some space." He said as my heart shattered in my chest. I know I didn't mean to do this by any means, but I still felt so bad. "Okay..." I said then hung up.

I crumbled against the back wall feeling my heart ache. Everything around me was slowly crumbling and I didn't know how to handle it.

I needed to talk to someone.

I scrolled through my phone and went through my contacts. Everyone I would usually talk to, wasn't talking to me so I had to improvise.

The girl, Ki, from the Steak 'n Shake had texted me a a couple times asking how things were going but I don't think we were on the level of friendship where I could call her crying.

She was my only option though.

"Violet?" Ki answered as I sniffled, "Are you at work?" I asked as she chuckled, "Always. But like always, I don't give a fuck. What's going on, why are you crying?" She asked as I wiped my cheeks.

"Daisy isn't talking to me, she ruined all of my stuff. I got drunk, apparently kissed my friend, Jarrod, who happens to have feelings for me, so he's mad at me. Uh...I told Colby about the kiss and now he's upset with me. Basically my life is falling apart." I said as I wiped my cheeks.

"Shit. First of all, where's this Daisy bitch, I'll CUT her." Ki said as I laughed, "Relax. I have no idea where she is." I said and picked at a string on my jeans. "Damnit, okay. Do you have feelings for this Jarrod dude?" She asked as I leaned my head against the wall.

"No. I only have feelings for Colby. I don't even remember kissing him." I said and looked up at the stars.

"Was he sober when you kissed him?" Ki asked as I brought my head to my knees. "Yeah." I said as she chuckled.

"He should have known better than to let you kiss him, but what's done is done, Vi. You can't control how people react to things. You and Colby can talk it out, he's probably just feeling weird because he can't be with your right now. Just take a breath. It's gonna work out." She said as I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Thanks, Ki. I really appreciate you." I said as Mikey opened the back door and signaled for me to come in. "Okay, I have to go back to work." I said as she laughed, "Same. Let me know how it goes!" She said as I nodded. "I will. Thanks again." I said then hung up.

I took a deep breath, then went back inside. The rest of my shift was awkward because Jarrod was clearly upset with me still. I couldn't help what I did though, I couldn't take it back.

I wish I could take it back.

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