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"This is the woman's wing." Steve said as we walk down the abandoned hallway. There were old wheelchairs and hospital beds left in the rooms and scattered throughout the hallway.

"Woman used to be mistreated to the point where they would grow violent. So be careful in this wing, especially you ladies." Steve said and pointed at Daisy and I.

"They did lobotomy's in here right?" I asked and looked around, taking in my surroundings while it was light in here. "Yeah, they did those not only in the surgical wings but in these rooms right here." He explained as Sam walked towards one of the rooms.

"It's crazy how much furniture was left over. It's almost like everyone just got up and left." Sam said as he brushed his hand along one of the wheelchairs.

"Yeah, it's hard to wrap your head around." Colby said as Daisy stayed close to him, biting her lip. "You okay, Dais?" I asked as she nodded slowly then turned her face away from me.

We walked around the rest of the asylum, taking notes of everything Steve was saying. I was definitely feeling the heavy air around me thicken as we made our way back to the entrance of the building.

It felt like no matter where you went there were eyes on you.

It was eerie.

"Alright, do you guys want to film the intro the video then head to the hotel?" Sam asked as I smiled, "sounds good to me." I said as Daisy nodded, "Yep." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I knew she was pissed about something but I couldn't exactly pin what it was.

The guys set up the camera then looked at us, "ready?" Colby asked as I nodded, "ready." I said and rubbed my hands together in anticipation.

"What's up guys! It's Sam and Colby. Today we are joined with our wonderful contest winner, Violet and her friend Daisy!" Colby said as we smiled and waved to the camera.

"We just took a tour of the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, and these girls were barely even phased. Have you guys ever done any paranormal investigations?" Sam asked as I shook my head, I opened my mouth to talk but Daisy interupted me.

"Yeah! We do this stuff all the time!" She said happily as I looked at her with confusion.

Why would she lie?

"Honestly you guys seem more professional at this than us." Colby said and looked at me. I just shrugged, "we're really into paranormal stuff." I said as Sam grinned at the camera.

"We're really excited to get started on this investigation, and we hope you guys like the video." Sam said then turned to Colby.

They continued with the intro as I zoned out, feeling guilty that Daisy was upset. I didn't like seeing her upset, especially when she was supposed to be having a good time.

I just wanted her to be happy.

As soon as we finished the intro the guys started filming b roll and taking shots in front of the building.

"Are you okay?" I asked Daisy as she watched the guys. "We'll talk about it later." She said as I frowned, "Okay...but like..are you okay?" I asked she snapped her gaze to me. "We'll talk about it later." She said harshly then walked away.

I felt my heart ache in my chest as I watched her storm off. Did I do something? I thought she would be having fun on this trip, but instead she was just angry.

I stood off to the side by myself for a while, just scrolling through my phone. The only person who texted me was Jarrod, which wasn't a surprise.

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