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My eyes cracked open against the light that was filling the room.

I was moving today.

I looked over to see Colby sleeping, which made me smile. He always looked so peaceful when he slept. I wanted to let him sleep a little longer so I carefully slid out of bed and walked towards the porch.

I wanted to sit outside for just one last time. It didn't feel real that I was going to be in LA in just two short days.

We decided we were going to break the trip up into two days so that we wouldnt absolutely kill eachother in the car. We were going to stop at a park in the middle of Utah so we could camp and see the stars together.

I sat outside and pulled my knees to my chest looking out at the mountains I have grown to fall in love with. "I'm sorry I'm leaving." I said quietly as I looked up at the sky. The sun was still rising so I could still see the star peeking it from behind the clouds.

"I hope I'm making you guys proud...I know I'm leaving Colorado...but I think this is gonna be a good thing..I really love him, mom and dad." I said and smiled. "You guys would love him. He's sweet and funny and genuinely cares about me." I said as the wind blew giving me a chill.

I liked to think that when the wind blew it was my parents giving me a hug and a kiss. That probably wasn't how that works but it's what kept me going sometimes. "Love you guys." I said as the door to the patio opened.

"Hey, you okay?" Colby asked as I turned and smiled at him. "Yeah, did I wake you?" I asked as he shook his head. "No, my alarm went off." He said as he sat down next to me, pulling my legs into his lap. "How are you feeling?" He asked as I sighed.

"It feels weird. I'm gonna miss this view." I said quietly and looked out towards the mountains again. "Yeah it's a beautiful view. I promise I'll find you another view just as gorgeous." He said as I grinned, "I believe you." I said then stood up.

"I guess we should pack everything up and go, huh." I said and reached my hand out to him. "Let's do this." He said with a grin then took my hand.

We went inside and got ready for the day. I finished packing everything up and brought it to the car as Colby showered.

Once we were both ready I walked around the empty apartment. "I guess this is it." I said quietly and looked around. "This is gonna be a good thing, Vi." Colby said as I nodded and smiled softly at him. "I know..let's go." I said then laced my fingers through his.

We walked to the car and got in. "Let's do this thing." Colby said and leaned over to kiss my cheek. We went to the store and got some snacks before getting on the road.

We listened to all different kinds of music as we drove through the mountains. I couldn't help but feel a little sad to be leaving Colorado, it felt like I was leaving part of my heart behind.

"I can't believe you wanted white cheddar cheez its." Colby said as I chuckled, "They're fucking good." I said and put a handful into my mouth. "Hand me the Doritos." He said as I reached down and handed them to him.

"How much longer do we have?" I asked as Colby looked at the map. "5 more hours." He said as I groaned. "I'm so BORED." I said as he chuckled and turned the music up.

I grabbed his phone then turned on some Jonas brothers songs, since the music we were listening to was depressing. "I'm HOT!" I yelled as he laughed, "you're COLD." He yelled and pointed to me, "YOU GO AROUND LIKE YOU KNOW." I yelled and used my phone as a fake microphone.

"WHO I AM." He yelled as I laughed. We continued singing and yelling the song as we drove through the rural roads of Colorado.

"Okay. Which Jonas brother is your favorite?" Colby asked as he turned the music down. "Easy. Joe." I said as he gasped. "No. Nope. Get out of the car." He said as I giggled. "Who's your favorite!?" I asked as he laughed.

"Kevin. No further questions." He said as I laughed. "Kevin?! Seriously?!" I asked with a laugh as he held his hand up. "Get me out of this car." I said with a laugh as he reached over and grabbed my hand pulling it into his lap.

I ended up falling asleep a couple hours into the drive, but was woken up by Colby slamming on the brakes. "Oh my god!" I screamed as I jolted awake.

"Sorry, are you okay?" He asked as we watched a literal moose cross the road in front of us. "That scared the shit out of me." I said and clutched my chest as my heart beated out of my chest.

"It literally ran in front of me, that was terrifying." He said as he rubbed my hand with his thumb. "Are you okay?" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah, we're almost there." He said as I nodded and looked around.

We were now in Utah so the scenery was even more beautiful than in Colorado. The sky was a pale blue as snow dusted the ground around us. I smiled at the sight, wishing I could just lay down and look at the sky.

A couple more hours passed before we made it to the campsite. We were just going to set blankets out on the ground since we didn't really have any camping gear other than flashlights and a lighter.

"It's freezing out here." I said with a laugh as I handed Colby the lighter. "Here." He said and pulled his hoodie off so I could wear it. "Now you're gonna be cold." I said with a laugh as he shrugged. "I have another hoodie in my bag." He said then bent down to gather wood so we could start a fire in the fire pit.

I bundled the long sleeves into my hands as the warmth from the sweatshirt radiated onto my skin. "Did you know I was a boyscout?" Colby asked as I grinned, "oh yeah?" I asked as he nodded and crouched down so he could start a fire. "Yeah, almost an Eagle Scout." He said as I nodded.
"That's sexy." I said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

He got the fire started as I pulled out our blankets and snacks. I also grabbed a hoodie for Colby since I didn't want him to freeze to death.

"It's so beautiful out here, so silent." I said as Colby sat down next to me. "It really is. I feel like we are the only two people in the world." He said as I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

We sat there for a while, sitting in front of the fired as the sun slowly set around us. I ended up pulling out my bowl so we could smoke together and enjoy the stars.

"Do you always get high?" Colby asked as I shook my head. "I used to almost never get high, but since the whole Daisy thing I've been doing it more..obviously. It calms my nerves." I said then took a hit.

We smoked the bowl until we were both a little giggly. "Lay with me." I said then flopped down on the blanket looking up. Colby chuckled then flopped down next to me pulling me into his chest.

The sky was clear so the stars were bright above us, it was absolutely beautiful. "You're trembling, are you cold baby?" Colby asked as I nodded and looked up at him. "Yeah a little bit." I said as I focused on the sounds around us.

"Let me warm you up." He said then rubbed my arms, pulling me into him. We laid there for a while, just staring up at the sky.

"Do you ever think about how humans exist?" He asked as I laughed. "What?" I asked and looked up at him.

"Like why earth? Why can humans do things that other creatures were created in a way that they aren't able to?" He asked as I laughed. "Okay mr. existential...uh..I have thought about that. It's crazy that we as a universe exist." I said and sighed.

"It's crazy that there's millions of people in the world, but I'm right here in this moment with you." I said as he smiled and kissed my head. "I'm glad our paths crossed, V. You make me really happy." Colby said quietly as I smiled.

"You make me really happy too." I said quietly as he kissed me gently.

We spent the rest of the night talking about aliens and fate. We talked about anything and everything that came to mind as we held eachother close.

It was the best night in my life I think.

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