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"Who ordered biscuits and gravy?!" Sam exclaimed as he came into the room holding a bag up. "Thanks, Sam." I mumbled with a goofy grin.

The fentanyl was fully kicked in leaving me a numb but giggly mess. It felt like I ate about 75 edibles, which I wasn't really that mad about.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked as Colby very slowly raised my bed slightly so I could eat without choking. "Like a million bucks." I said and reached for the bag of food.

"She's on a fuck ton of drugs right now." Colby said with a laugh as I opened the box of food. "Mmmm this looks so fucking good." I said as I tried to reach for the pack of silverware which was just out of my reach.

"Jesus, Vi. Be careful." Colby said as he grabbed the pack and handed it to me. "I'm starving." I said then slammed the silverware on my leg so the packet would open. I saw Colby flinch out of the corner of my eye. "What?" I asked as he chewed his lip.

"Just....just be careful." He said as I giggled, "I'm fine. I don't feel a thiiiing." I sang as Sam laughed and sat next to me. "You may not feel it but you still got shot in the chest, V." Colby reminded softly as I giggled and tried to cut my biscuits and gravy up.

The neck brace was making eating by myself an almost impossible task. "Please let me help you, baby." Colby begged as I giggled. "Okieee." I said then dropped my fork.

Colby picked it up and started feeding me. "I'm like a baby." I giggled as Sam laughed. "Colby, make it an airplane." Sam said as Colby laughed.

"Alright, open up, here comes the plane vrooooom." Colby said and moved the fork as if it was flying through the air. Usually I wouldn't be amused by this but the fact that I was zoinked out of my mind made this the funniest thing ever.

"I take it the fentanyl kicked in." Sophia said as I brought my hand to my eyes, wiping the tears of laughter.

"Ohhhhh yeah." I said with a giggle as Colby gave me another bite of food. "That's good, but you still really need to take it easy, Violet." Sophia warned as I giggled.

"I know I know..shot in the chest. How could I possibly forget?" I grumbled as I picked at the blanket in front of me. "Look, I know it sucks. I know it's hard but you don't have a second chance. That's how weak your heart is." Sophia said as I nodded.

"Got it." I said as Sam patted my leg, "Don't get too sad, V. We can have fun without putting you at risk." Sam said as I puffed my cheeks out, then let out the air. "How?" I asked as he shrugged.

"Hmmm...give me an hour." He said then got up and left the room. "Should I be scared?" I asked as Colby chuckled. "Probably." He said as I giggled and leaned my head back again.

"How were your biscuits and gravy?" Colby asked as I grabbed the remote for my bed. "Good, just like daddy used to make." I said with a grin as Colby took my hand.

"That's good...By the way..do you remember anything...from like when you died?" Colby asked as I giggled, "yeah, I met my guardian angel who isn't really my guardian angel. She's actually some girl named Elizabeth and she showed me the surgery. Oh! And your guardian angel is named Jack." I said as he looked at me with confusion.

"Heh..Colby Jack...like the cheese...heh.." I mumbled as he chuckled. "You're such a nerd." Colby said as I giggled. "Your nerd." I said as he kissed my forehead. "Damn straight." He said as I closed my eyes.

"Yeah, and then I walked through the light and saw all my memories..it was trippy." I mumbled as Colby chuckled. "Wow, you're really high." He mused as I shook my head. "It really happened." I said and reached for his hand.

"Sure, babe." Colby said then kissed my hand. "Where's Sam? I'm bored." I mumbled as Colby turned the TV on. "He's been gone for like five minutes, V." He said with a laugh as I pouted. "This is so fucking bogus, dude." I groaned as he squeezed my hand.

"You're the only person I know that says bogus." Colby said as I sighed. "It's the only word that describe how I'm feeling." I groaned. "I know, maybe taking a little nap will make you feel better." Colby suggested as I stared at the TV in front of me.

"No way, Sam is coming back with a surprise. I'm never sleeping again." I said as Colby chuckled. "Alright then, let's just watch some tv until he gets back then." He said as I nodded slightly.

I wasn't feeling any pain right now but the neck brace I was wearing was the most annoying thing in the world. It was itchy and uncomfortable and I was about six seconds away from ripping it off my neck.

"I'm baaack!" Sam sang as he opened the door. I noticed he was with people, "thank god, I was dying." I said as Colby rolled his eyes. "Too soon." He said as Kat, Tara, Devyn, Xepher, and Cassie all came in.

"What's going on?" I mumbled as the girls came over to the bed. "We're having a spa night!" Kat exclaimed as I grinned. "Does that mean I can take this fucker off?" I asked and pointed to my neck brace.

"Absolutely not." Colby said as I rolled my eyes. "Shit's itchy." I said as Tara patted my leg. "You seem to be doing okay. How are you feeling?" She asked as I grinned. "I'm flying." I said as Cassie laughed.

"I'll take whatever she has." She said as I held my arm out which had the IV in it. "It's all yours." I said as Devyn and Xepher set up the supplies for the "spa night" we were going to have.

"You have to do a face mask too." I said and looked at Colby. "I'll do one if Sam does." He said as I giggled and looked at Sam. "God dang it." He said as Kat squealed. "This is gonna be fun!" She said as I smiled lazily.

I was starting to feel a little tired which is exactly the opposite of how I wanted to feel.

"Okay, which one do you want, Vi?" Devyn asked as she held up a couple face masks. "Oh shit. I want the green one, I wanna look like an alien." I said with a laugh.

"You're so funny, V." Xepher said as Devyn handed me my mask. "Nope. I'm stoned." I said and opened the container of face mask. "Come here." I said to Colby and held my hand out to him.

"You want me to wear this one?" Colby asked as I nodded and smeared it onto his cheek. "Put it on me." I mumbled as he smiled at me. "Are you getting tired?" He asked and spread the green mask on my face.

"Shhh." I said and put my finger to my lips. "You can take a nap, V. We'll wait to finish the spa night." Tara said as I shook my head. "I'm not a pussy." I said as Colby smiled softly at me.

"No, you're an alien." He said as I grinned. "Hehe take me to your leader." I said with an alien voice. "You guys are dorks." Sam said as I giggled. "Yeeeahh." I sang as Colby kissed the side of my head.

We spent the rest of the night having a relaxing but fun spa night. I was still very giggly, and was pretty numb but I would take that over the pain that being shot in the chest would give me.

Sam ended up ordering a pizza and we all watched movies since there was literally nothing else to do in this hospital room.

"You should rest, baby." Colby said as he held my hand. "I don't wanna miss the party." I mumbled sleepily. "Shh, you won't miss anything. You need to rest." He said as my eyes closed without my permission.

"Goodnight, V!" Tara said as I started to dose off. "Goodnight!" Everyone exclaimed as I waved my hand lazily. "Goodnight, babe." Colby said then kissed me as I drifted off.

Before I fully fell asleep though I thought about how lucky I was to have the best friends in the world. They all had hearts of gold and I truly didn't know what I did to deserve them.

I just hoped they would stay around for a while.

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