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Colby's POV

I knew why Violet chose Sam to go back to the room with her, but it didn't hurt any less. I also just didn't particularly want to be around Daisy right now. I wanted to be back there comforting Violet through this.

"Colby, I'm so sorry." Daisy said as I scrunched my brow at her, "why are you apologizing to me? You broke Violet's arm. Not mine." I said and combed my fingers through my hair.

"I know you like her. I see the way you look at her. I'm just...I really like you,too." She said as I shook my head.

"Who I like and don't like doesn't concern you." I said and pulled out my phone. "I'm sorry. I really am." She said as I looked up at her.

"Look. I know it's hard to believe but Violet is allowed to be happy. You don't own me and you never did. I do like Violet. I like her a lot and if you can't handle that then you can gladly leave. I'll even buy you a ticket home." I said as she nodded.

"Would you like that?" She asked as I looked up at her. "Would I like what?" I asked as she shrugged. "If I went home?" She asked as I looked back at my phone.

"If you're going to apologize to Violet and actually mean it then no I wouldn't like it if you went home. If you're going to keep acting like how you've been acting though, then yeah, I'd love it if you went home." I said honestly then started typing on my phone.

I felt bad that I was being so mean to a fan right now, especially one that thought they loved me and knew me. Daisy didn't deserve to be sugarcoated though, she's been acting like a child and it ended up with Violet in the hospital.

She needed to get over herself.

"I'll apologize. I'll make this right. I'm sorry." She said again but I ignored her. I wasn't going to accept an apology that belonged to Violet.

I texted Sam asking for an update as we sat in silence.

Sam: It's broken just like she said it was. She's getting a cast now then we'll be out.

I sighed then went to scroll through twitter for a little bit. I stayed on the verified tab I had so I could just see my friends stuff. I loved interacting with the fans but sometimes I just wanted to feel normal with normal social media.

We sat in silence for a while, and I could tell she was nervous and upset. "It's okay Daisy, I'm sure she'll forgive you." I said and gave her a reassuring smile. "I hope so." She said with a shrug then went back to picking her nails.

We waited a little while longer before the door opened for the hundredth time. This time Sam and Violet came out. On Violet's left arm there was a bulky black cast which she was holding up.

"Oh, Vi.." I said as she grinned and came over, I could tell she had cried at some point because her cheeks were puffy and tearstained.

"I'm alive." She said with a chuckle as I stood up and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm glad." I said then kissed her head. I heard her gasp as she pulled away slightly.

"Colby.." She said then looked nervously as Daisy. "Don't worry about it." I said then turned to Sam. "Alcohol?" I asked as he laughed. "Alcohol." I said then grabbed Violet's hand.

It felt natural to hold her hand, as if her hand was a puzzle piece with my own.

I was worried about what would happen to us in just 4 short days. I wanted to be with her, but it was going to be hard. We could try and do long distance but I don't know how well that would work.

I shook my head, trying to not worry about it. Right now we were together, and that's all that mattered.

"So are we just abandoning the idea of staying all night at the asylum?" Violet asked as we walked out to the Uber.

"Oh yeah, we'll try again tomorrow." Sam said with a laugh as Violet sighed. "I'll try to not fuck it up then." She said as I shook my head. "You didn't fuck it up, shut up." I said with a laugh as we got in the car.

We decided to stop at the store so we could get some alcohol and snacks and hang out at the hotel.

"Let's get some booze." Violet said and took my hand, pulling me towards the alcohol section. "Okay Vi, this is the most important question I'm going to ask you...do you like white claws?" I asked as she shrugged.

"Do they get me drunk?" She asked as I nodded. "They sure can." I said causing her to shrug, "then I love them." She said with a smile as I gasped. "Have you never had one?!" I asked in shock. "Nope. Never." She said as I turned to Sam and Daisy.

"She's never had a white claw." I said in shock as Daisy chewed her lip. "Neither have I." She said as I gasped. "WHAT?! We are getting them." I said then grabbed the classic variety pack.

We walked around the store picking out some snacks. I think Violet was feeling better after talking to Sam because she had a bright smile on her face that made my heart skip a beat.

She was so genuinely happy right now that her happiness was transferring onto me and Sam. Daisy was still nervously moping around but it didn't matter. She would be fine.

"How's your arm?" I asked Violet as we made our way through the aisles. "It hurts a lot but I think those white claws will help me out." She said and smiled at me.

I opened my mouth to respond when I heard someone squeal in the distance. I instinctively dropped Violet's hand and shoved it in my pocket, knowing that I was about to meet some fans.

"Sam and Colby!" One of the three girls yelled as she came skipping over. "Hey! How are you guys doing?" I asked as Sam and I hugged them. "Good! I'm so glad you guys are here! Can we get pictures?" One of the girls asked. "Of course." Sam said then started posing with the girls.

I noticed Violet got a little nervous because turned away from them and pretended to look at the cans of soup that were in front of her.

I was a little nervous for her too, if those girls got a picture of us holding hands she would be done for. I don't think they did though, we reacted pretty fast.

We talked to them for a while, then said goodbye. Violet and I didn't hold hands anymore or really touch at all since we knew it wasn't a good idea.

We weren't in the store for too much longer before we checked out and made our way back to the hotel. "Shit." Violet said as we made our way up to the room. "What's wrong?" I asked as she looked down at her arm.

"I don't think any of my sweatshirts will fit over this stupid thing." She said and held up her cast. "You can borrow one of mine. I think they'll be bigger than yours." I said as she smiled up at me.

I noticed her look over at Daisy and frown slightly, "Actually it's okay. I'll be alright in this." She said and gestured to her sweater.

I could tell she was feeling guilty again, but she didn't need to feel guilty. It wasn't her fault that I fell for her and not her friend.

The girls went to their room for a minute so Sam and I could get changed. I was a little worried about the two of them being together but they were grown ups, they could handle a fight.

"So, what did you and Violet talk about?" I asked as I pulled on a pair of sweatpants. "That's confidential information, brother." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Well whatever you said to her, thank you." I said with a smile as he grinned at me. "No problem, man. I just have a question." He said and sat on the bed, opening the box of white claws. "Shoot." I said and held my hand out for him to hand me a black cherry white claw.

"What's your plan...like you know we have to go home to LA and she's gonna go back to Colorado...right?" He asked as I sighed.

"Dude, I have no idea. I want to be with her though. I've always said I'm not looking for a relationship but if it came to me I would be ready....I think these feeling are too real for me to deny this. I've never fallen this hard this fast before." I said and combed my hand through my hair, mussing it up a little bit.

"Yeah, I know man. I can see it in your eyes that you really like her...but dude..don't hurt her." He said as I nodded.

"I'm not going to."

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