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Colby's POV

"Dude. You have to get up." Sam said as I flipped over so my back would face him. "I'm not getting up." I said then pulled the covers over my head.

"Come on dude...it's been a week. You have to get over her." Sam said as I shook my head. "I fucked up. I turned her life upside down then just left her when she needed me the most." I said then flipped onto my back and scrubbed my face with my hands.

"Have you tried talking to her?" He asked as I sighed, "I've tried calling a couple times but she doesn't answer. I'm honestly a little worried about her." I said then sat up. "Do you want me to try and talk to her? Just to make sure she's okay?" He asked as I shook my head.

"She probably hates me now, dude." I groaned then flopped onto the bed. "I doubt that." He said and walked over to my closet. "Where are you going?" I groaned as he went into the room.

"You're getting dressed. Also you need a shower you smell disgusting." He called out as I raised my arm and smelled my pit. I did smell disgusting.

I haven't felt motivated to do anything since I broke things off with Violet. What she said to me was a little harsh but it was a little true. If she didn't meet me she would still have her friends, she wouldn't be so stressed out and sad.

Maybe she really was better off without me.

"Come on. Up." Sam said and threw some fresh clothes on my lap. "What are we doing today?" I asked and swung my legs over the bed so I could stand up.

"I don't know what you're doing. I'm hanging out with Kat." Sam said with a shrug as I scoffed. "You pulled me out of bed so you could go hang out with your girlfriend?" I asked as I cracked my back.

"No. I got you out of bed because you've been laying there moping for a week. You're an adult, you need to get up." Sam said as I rolled my eyes. "Will you try to talk to her?" I asked quietly as his face softened.

"Yeah, brother. I'll try to talk to her, now go shower. Please. I'm begging." He said as I nodded. "Yeah. Have fun with Kat. Let me know if you talk to Violet." I said feeling my heart break just saying her name. "I will, man. Please find something to do today." He said as I walked into the bathroom.

It felt good to shower, since I really was feeling gross. I was feeling more gross on the inside though.

I could still hear the pain in her voice after I told her things weren't working out. I felt like shit because I didn't even try to talk things out with her. It wasn't fair to leave her like that, especially when her two closest friends had just left her.

I felt like shit.

I finished showering then got out and dried my hair, as I was straightening it I thought about when Violet asked me to wear it curly. I knew at that point that I was head over heals for her, so I told her she would see my curly hair.

I guess now she never would.

I shook my head then got dressed and grabbed my phone. I huffed and sorted through my contacts to see who I could possibly call to hand out with.

I chuckled at the first contact I had then clicked the message button.

Colby: Hey Amber. Wanna grab lunch? Really need someone to talk to.

Amber: yes! Pick me up in 20.

I knew Amber would know what to say about the situation. She was basically my wing woman which I thought was funny because our fans shipped us together when in reality she was like an older sister to me.

I grabbed a hat and put it on and grabbed my keys before walking downstairs.

"HE LIVES!" Jake said dramatically as he and Tara looked over at me. "Shut up." I grumbled and went to grab a bottle of water. "Hi Colby." Tara said with a smile as she popped a fry in her mouth. "Hi Tara." I said with a smile then unscrewed the water and drank it.

"What are you up to today?" Jake asked as I chugged my water. "Going to lunch with Amber, I actually have to go pick her up. I'll see you guys later okay?" I asked then tossed my keys up and caught them as I turned to leave. "Have fun!" Tara said as I waved and left.

I listened to music on the way to Amber's place but every song reminded me of Violet.

Honestly though everything reminds me of Violet.

"Hey Colby!" Amber said as she got in my car. "Hey, how have you been?" I asked as she leaned over and hugged me. "Great! How about you? Kat told me you have a girlfriennnnddd." She sang out as my heart cracked.

"Ex-girlfriend." I said quietly as I started driving to the restaurant we always went to. "Oh no, what happened?" She asked as I sighed. "Let's talk about it at lunch. That's kind of why I asked you to come with me." I said as she nodded. "Wing woman mode activated." She said with a giggle as I kept my eyes on the road.

We got to the restaurant and sat down, then got our drinks before Amber folded her hands under her chin. "Alright, tell me what happened." She said as I sighed.

"Violet was one of the girls who won the contest Sam and I held. Her friend Daisy was in love with me and she was a huge fan of Sam and I. Violet just entered for Daisy's sake. Long story short I fell in love with Violet. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and she is interesting and smart and I just...I love her." I said as she smiled.

"Ouch at the most beautiful girl ever comment, but you still love her?" Amber asked as I nodded, "I do." I said with full confidence.

I couldn't comprehend that though. I knew I fell hard and I knew I fell fast but I usually would get over it quickly but this time..I wasn't getting over it.

"So what happened?" Amber asked as I sighed. "Basically we got into an argument and I ended up breaking it off with her and I feel like shit because since she met me her best friend left her, her other friend isn't talking to her and she doesn't have anyone." I said as her eyes widened.

"YOU broke up with HER?" She asked in shock as I nodded. "But you love her!! Colby!" She exclaimed as I nodded. "I know. I'm stupid." I said as she shook her head. "Where does she live? California? We are going to get her!" She said as I sighed.

"She's in Colorado. I'm afraid she hates me." I said as she groaned. "Have you tried to talk to her?" She asked as I nodded. "She won't answer my calls." I said as she raised her brows. "Did you leave a message?" She asked as I scratched my head. "No.." I said sheepishly as she rolled her eyes.

"Men are useless. Okay, you have to at least try to communicate or apologize or whatever you want to do. You broke up with her, she probably thinks you hate her." Amber said as I nodded slowly.

"So how do I fix this?" I asked as she shrugged. "I don't know, it has to come from the heart. I don't know Violet but I can tell you what I would want. It starts with a G ends with an ucci." She said as I laughed.

"Nah, Vi would hate that. That's actually how the argument started." I said with a sigh as the waitress came with our food. "Gucci started this argument?" She asked as I rolled my eyes.

"No, she didn't want me to spend a bunch of money on her. I was being a dick about it and she got upset then I got upset..things escalated then I broke it off." I explained as she hummed. "Well I can't tell you what to do but if you love her you need to get her back." She said as I nodded.

"I just don't want to hurt her anymore." I said as I breathed out a sigh. "Love hurts, Colby. Don't forget that." She said as I nodded.

I knew I had to do something, but I just didn't know what.

What I did know was that I needed to do something.

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