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"You're really good at that." I mumbled as Colby traced circles gently on my arm with his fingertips. "You're not too bad yourself." He said with a laugh then kissed my head.

I couldn't help but feel a buzz of happiness, laying here with Colby. He may have flipped my world completely upside down, but he made it all worth it.

I was head over heals in love with him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked softly as I smiled and looked up so I could kiss his jawline gently. "You." I said simply as he smiled. "Good things, I would hope." He said as I nodded then sat up, pulling the covers so I could cover my chest with them in case someone happened to walk in on us.

"Yeah, always good." I said then looked over at him. I felt the air catch in my throat with how much love was in his eyes as he looked at me. "I love you." He said quietly as I smiled and brought my hand to his cheek. "I love you, too." I said and snuggled into him again.

We cuddled together for a while before we both ended up falling asleep. Unfortunately for me though I only got to sleep for an hour or so before I woke up screaming and sweating.

I was grateful that Colby was a really heavy sleeper because I didn't feel like talking about this nightmare that kept me awake every single night.

I got out of bed then grabbed Colby's tshirt from the floor and put it on along with my underwear. I quietly made my way out of room and down the stairs so I could get some water.

After grabbing my water I slowly made my way back to Colby's room, only to get stopped by Sam in the hallway. "Shit! You scared me." I gasped as my hand flew to my chest. "Sorry, I just heard you screaming and came to check on you." He said as I frowned.

"Sorry I woke you..I just had a nightmare." I said and chewed on my lip nervously. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked with a yawn as I shook my head. "It's okay, go back to sleep." I said as he smiled and nodded once. "I'm here if you change your mind." He said as I nodded. "Thanks, Sam." I said then went into Colby's room.

As soon as I crawled back into the bed Colby pulled me close to his chest, cuddling into me as he slept soundly.

I sighed with content as I basked in the feeling of being safe in his arms. The nightmare wasn't real. Daisy was locked up, hopefully for a long ass time. I didn't actually know how her case ended up turning out. Was she actually locked up? Or had they just let her walk away?

I felt my chest ache at the idea of her still being out there.

No. She tried to kill me. She was locked up. She had to be.

I shook my head, then nuzzled into Colby a little further, hoping he would tighten his grip on me. Luckily he did, causing relief to wash over me.

I was going to be okay.

I laid awake, concentrating on Colby's breathing as he held me to his chest. I tried to go to sleep but my body wasn't going to let me and I guess that was okay.

"Good morning." I whispered as Colby rubbed his face roughly with his hand. "Good morning." He said then kissed my head. "What are you doing today?" He asked as I sat up and stretched.

"Hmmm...I have no idea. Maybe hang out with the girls. What about you?" I asked and got out of bed, stretching my arms over my head.

Colby didn't respond causing me to turn around and look at him. He was slowly trailing his eyes up and down my body, making me feel naked. "Earth to Brock..." I said as he grinned. "You look good in my shirt." He said quietly as I chuckled and looked down, pulling the shirt out at the hem.

"Why thank you." I said with a giggle as he stood up. "I think I'd like it better off though." He said then lunged at me causing me to giggle as he threw me onto the bed.

30 minutes later we were both up and getting dressed. "You never told me what you were doing today." I said with a laugh as he shrugged. "Filming with Sam. The usual." He said as I smiled. "That sounds fun. Where are your going?" I asked and brushed my fingers through my hair.

"Actually we're going to a friends house and filming a normal video." Colby said as I chewed on my lip. I wanted to know who's house they were going to but I didn't want to seem clingy, so I just kept my mouth shut.

"Well I'm gonna go make breakfast, what do you want?" I asked then turned to look at him. "You don't have to make me breakfast, babe. I can just have cereal." He said with a laugh. "I know...I just...I like having purpose." I said as he frowned.

"You do have a purpose...did someone say something to make you feel like you don't have one?" He asked as I shook my head. "No! No...I just..I don't know." I breathed out and turned away from him. "What's going on, V? Talk to me." He said as I chewed on my lip.

"I don't know. I'm just feeling weird..ya know since I saw them." I said as he came over and gathered me into his arms. "I know, baby. I know how hard that was for you." He said as he rested his cheek on my head.

"I'll be okay. It doesn't matter, let's just go make breakfast." I said as he kissed my head. "Okay. Let's make breakfast." He said then took my hand and led the way.

"Hey, you got a package." Sam said to me and nodded his head towards the small package on the counter. I gasped and smiled, "My bullet!" I exclaimed then ran over to the package.

"Only you would be excited to get the bullet that almost killed you." Colby said with a laugh as I shrugged then tore into the package.

"This is so fucking sick." I said and held it up. It felt weird holding the broken bullet in between my fingers. This small piece of metal could have easily killed me.

But it didn't.

"Let me see." Colby said then came over. "What do you think? Should I have it made into a necklace?" I asked with a laugh as he examined it. "That's too dark, even for you." He said with a laugh as he handed it to Sam.

"Maybe you're right." I said then ran my fingers along the scar on my chest. I sighed then took the bullet from Sam and put it back in its little bag.

"So, who wants breakfast." I said with a smile as I walked to the fridge.

I spent the next 30 minutes cooking breakfast for the guys. I hated that I had gotten so vulnerable in front of Colby this morning, but I blamed it on the lack of sleep.

I just haven't been feeling like myself and it was really starting to stress me out. I was hoping that having a few days off work would help me out.

As soon as we finished eating breakfast the guys went to go get ready so they could go film. I cleaned up the kitchen then went to my room. I was so exhausted that I just flopped onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Come on just go to sleep, idiot." I said to myself as I stared at the blank ceiling. I did this for a couple minutes before I groaned and got up going to the drawer that I kept my weed in. I just needed to get high, that would help.

I went out to the fire pit and lit up the blunt, inhaling deeply. "Alright, we're leaving now." Colby said causing me to jump. "You scared me!" I exclaimed as he laughed. "Sorry, I'll see you later okay?" He asked as I nodded then looked up at him.

"Have fun." I said then kissed him before taking another hit. I finished my blunt then got up to go back to my bedroom.

Luckily right when I got in bed the exhaustion hit and I fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up not long after, screaming from the same nightmare that was haunting me to my very core. "Fuck!" I groaned and hit the bed next to me, feeling the frustration boil up inside of me. 

I couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of tears rushing to my eyes. I just wanted peace. I wanted to just sleep.

I sat and cried for a while, holding myself tightly until I finally was able to get up. I sniffled and walked to the kitchen, then grabbed a glass. I went over to the sink when a bottle of vodka caught my eye.

Maybe that would help me find the peace I needed so badly.

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