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"I think she's dead." Daisy said as someone poked my cheek. "Not dead, but you will be in a couple minutes." I said then cracked my eyes open to see Sam, Colby, and Daisy all staring at me.

"Jesus, what?" I asked as Daisy reached down and smacked my ass as hard ass she could, "get up! It's like 8pm." She said as I rubbed where she slapped. "No way." I said then looked at the little clock next to the bed.

"Yeah, you were out dude. We've been here for like 3 hours now." Sam said as I sat up to stretch. "Well if you make me stay up all night in an asylum then I'm gonna sleep all day in the hotel, that's how it works." I said and got out of bed.

"So are we going back?" I asked and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Yeah, we're gonna eat then we're gonna go back for a little while." Colby said as I brushed my teeth, nodding.

I almost didn't want to go back tonight, I didn't want to feel the sadness that being there brought me. I also had a bad feeling about tonight. I couldn't pin it but I felt like something was going to happen.

Maybe that would be a good thing though.

I got ready as we waited for our food to come. I decided to actually do my makeup today since I had the time to do so. "God, why is this so hard!" I groaned as Colby chuckled next to me, "that's what she said." He said as I rolled my eyes. "You're a toddler." I said as my phone ran. "The foods here, wanna come wither to get it?" I asked Colby as I packed up my makeup. "Yep." He said then stood up and offered his hand to me.

"Ya know we only have a couple days left." I said quietly as we held hands and walked down the hallway. "I'm trying to forget." Colby said as I bit my lip. "What are we gonna do?" I asked quietly.

"I want this to work, Vi. I'm willing to try long distance if you are." He said I nodded. "It's worth a try. I just don't want this week to be over." I said quietly as he stopped, turning me so I could face him.

"I know it's not ideal. I know that long distance will be hard, and I can't promise that it will even work but I really like you. I like what we have going on. I want to be with you." He said and held my shoulders. "I want to be with you, too." I said quietly as he grabbed my face and kissed me.

I melted into the kiss, savoring this moment as best as I could. I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he wanted me. It felt surreal since we haven't even known eachother for a week. There was just something that I loved about him.

Wait. Love?

I couldn't be in love. I barely knew him.

"We should go." I said then grabbed his hand, leading him towards the lobby.

We grabbed our food, then made our way back upstairs. As we ate we reviewed the footage from last night.

"I can't believe you got choked by a ghost." Daisy said as I chuckled. "He's a pussy." I said and popped a fry into my mouth "He's a ghost." Sam said as I shrugged. "Still a pussy." I said then grabbed my phone.

All of my socials were still being flooded with hate comments which made going on those platforms almost impossible. I sighed then locked my phone and looked up at Sam.

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked and packed up my garbage. "Well there was a prison that's in the basement that we haven't checked out yet, I think we should definitely start there." He said as I nodded, "sounds like a plan." I said then threw my trash away.

Once everyone was finished eating we made our way back to the asylum.

"I have a really bad feeling about tonight." I said to Sam as we made our way into the building. "What do you mean?" He asked as I shrugged. "I don't know, I just have this feeling in my gut that something is going to happen." I said and shivered against the cold air.

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