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I've only had my heart broken a couple times. Every time felt like the first time though.

"Vi..." Colby said as my jaw clenched. "Don't talk to me." I said as I felt the tears in my eyes start to form. I didn't even give them a chance to explain before I started to run.

"Violet!" I heard Colby yell but I kept going, not caring what he had to say. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and called an Uber as fast as I could.

I couldn't tell if I couldn't breathe because I was running or because I was sobbing but it didn't matter. I couldn't breathe.

"Violet?! VIOLET!" I heard Colby scream, causing me to stop. I had a moment where I wanted to run to him and just let him hold me, but I couldn't do that.

He broke my heart.

I looked at him for a second then turned towards the Uber then got in the car. "Please drive." I said to the Uber driver as I cried into my hands.

I thought about flying home, and just saying fuck it to everyone and everything but I couldn't afford that.

As we drove I thought about the first time I had my heart broken by a boy. My first boyfriend broke up with me right before the homecoming dance my sophomore year. I remember sitting on the front porch crying as I waited for him to pick me up. Plot twist, he never came.

Mom and dad came out and just held me, letting me cry it out until they brought me inside. After I had gotten cleaned up, I changed into a pair of baggy sweatpants and sweatshirt. My mom gave me a pair of scissors and told me to cut the dress up since she thought that would be therapeutic.

Then my dad took me to Steak 'n Shake. He bought me a milkshake and fries and just let me cry it out.

I missed them so much.

When the Uber driver got to Steak 'n Shake I got out of the car and thanked him then went inside. I didn't have any money on me so I was just going to sit for a little while and cry. I honestly didn't know what hurt worse.

The fact that Colby was kissing Daisy.

Or the fact that Daisy was kissing Colby.

Daisy was supposed to be my best friend. She has been through everything with me, and has been my best friend. I couldn't understand why she would betray me like that.

Yeah, Colby and I weren't technically dating, but we had something that I couldn't explain. I didn't know much about him, but I think I could have loved him.

It felt right being with him.

That is until he kissed my best friend.

Ex best friend.

"Are you okay?" One of the workers asked as she came over to my table. "I'm sorry. I don't have any money. I'm just...I'm fine." I said as I wiped my cheeks. "You don't look fine. Lucky for you, I want to sit really fucking bad." The girl said and sat across from me.

"Hey Peter!" She called out to the waiter who was walking by. "What's up, Ki." He said as she grinned. "Tell them I need a strawberry shake and...what do you want?" She asked as I scrunched my brow. "Oh...uh..Oreo is fine." I mumbled as she smiled at Peter. "And an Oreo shake." She said then folded her hands on the table.

"What's got you all sad, huh?" Ki asked me as I shrugged. "It's a long story." I breathed out and combed my fingers through my hair. "I literally hate my job and would rather sit here and help you out, so I've got all night." She said and leaned back as Peter set down our milkshakes.

"Ki, you can't just sit here. You're literally on the clock." Peter said as Ki rolled her eyes. "Shut up, this girl is sad and I'm helping her. It's fine." She said then gestured for me to start talking.

I sighed, then told her everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. From meeting Daisy, to me walking in on Daisy and Colby kissing.

"Woooow. Your friend is kind of a c u next Tuesday if you know I what I mean." Ki said as I shrugged. "She used to be so great. I don't know what happened." I said then sipped on my milkshake.

"I do, she's a crazy psycho bitch who cares more about some guy than her best friend! If I were you I would scalp her." Ki said as I laughed. "I couldn't do that. But I don't know what I'm gonna do." I said and groaned, covering my face with my hands.

"Well, do you still love the guy?" Ki asked as I shrugged. "Love? I don't know. I barely know him." I said with a sigh. "You wouldn't be crying in the middle of a Steak 'n Shake in the middle of nowhere if you didn't at least kinda love him." She pointed out and put her cherry in her mouth.

She was right.

"I guess...I could love him. It doesn't make sense though. I haven't even known him a week!" I exclaimed as she shrugged. "Love knows no limits." She said then stood up and took our empty glasses.

"I think you should go get him, and kill that bitch in the process." Ki said as I shrugged. "I don't know about that but I should at least go hear him out, right?" I asked and as she nodded then pulled her phone out, "yep. I wanna hear about it when you do. Put your number in, I'll text you." She said and handed me her phone.

My life has been crazy enough in the past week that putting my number into the phone of a random waitress in West Virginia felt like nothing.

"Go get him, tiger." She said as I stood up. I ordered another Uber to take me to the hotel, even though I didn't know if Colby would even be there. I was also afraid of seeing Daisy. I didn't want to deal with her. In fact, I never wanted to see her again.

The Uber took me to the hotel anyways, so I had to face whatever was coming. I got out and stared at the building for a second, shivering as the night breeze filled the air around me.

I decided to turn away from the hotel and go to the little playground next to it. I needed to think for a little while longer.

When I got there I passed the swing set and went straight to the pond, only to see someone already down there. They were sitting on the grass, looking up a the stars, that is until I came up, crunching the leaves with every step.

"V-vi?" Colby asked as he looked up at me. "Hi." I said quietly as I hugged myself, feeling the cold air all the way to my bones. "Here." He said and pulled his sweatshirt off, then offered it to me.

I hesitated for a second, "Why did you kiss her?" I asked as my eyes started to water again. "Just take the sweatshirt, Vi. I'll explain everything to you." He said and held the sweatshirt out again for me to take.

I nodded then grabbed it, pulling it over my head. I hated that I loved the way it smelled like him, and the way it felt like he was giving me a warm hug. I hated how happy it made me.

"Daisy kissed me. I didn't want to kiss her, Vi. I would never do that to you." He said as I sat on the grass next to him, keeping my distance.

"She asked me if I would do anything for the fans to stop giving you hate." He explained as I pulled my knees to much chest. "So you made out with her, even when I told you I don't care what they're saying?" I asked and looked over at him.

"No. She said you were a hot mess, Vi. She said that won't be able to handle the fans like she could. She said that she and I were meant to be together and not you and I." He explained as tears formed in my eyes.

"Then we heard you coming and she grabbed my face and kissed me." He explained as I wiped my cheek. "She told you I was crazy?" I asked as my voice cracked.

"Yeah, but you're not crazy. You're not crazy at all, Violet. You're beautiful and passionate and you are stronger than any girl I've ever met. You're special Violet." He said and reached over to cup my cheek with his hand.

"And I think I love you." He said quietly as my breath hitched in my throat.

He loved me? Did he feel the same pull to me as I felt to him? This unexplainable urge to just want to be together even though we didn't know eachother well at all. Could he feel the same butterflies I felt every time he looked at me? Could he feel the sparks every time we touched? He had to have, otherwise he wouldn't have said that.

I watched his features for a second. He looked nervous and vulnerable as I looked into his eyes then smiled ever so slightly.

"I think I love you, too."

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