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A couple weeks passed and I was really settling into my new job. I really liked my coworkers and the job was pretty easy. A lot of the patients I have had so far have been pretty nice, too. I was also used as a nursing assistant which made me feel like I had a purpose.

I liked having a purpose.

I hadn't gotten any other threats which was nice because Colby backed off of me just a little bit. I understood why he was being so protective but it got old having him glued to my hip anytime I wasn't at work.

For the first week of work he would even pick me up and drop me off so I was grateful he stopped going that.

"Hey, V. Can you help me with some stitches? There was a huge car accident and we need some help." Aisha said as I finished washing my hands. "Yeah, I'll be right there." I said then went to go grab my water bottle.

"Okay, meet me in the pit." She said then jogged out of the room. I took a second to drink my water then put my mask on and went to go down to the pit.

When I got there everyone was running around like there was a fire. "Violet! Over here!" Sophia yelled and waved me over to where she was.

I ran over to the bed she was stitching up a teenage girl who had a giant cut on her leg. The girl was freaking out, so Sophia waved me over again. "Can you try calming her down? I need to concentrate." She said as I nodded and helped her while looking at the girl.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked as she looked at me frantically. "M-molly." She said as I smiled at her reassuringly. "Hi Molly. I'm Violet. How old are you?" I asked as she hyperventilated slightly as I handed Sophia a pair of scissors so she could clip the sutures.

"S-sixteen." Molly said as I smiled. "So you're a sophomore?" I asked as she nodded. "Yeah. I just got my license. A-are they gonna t-take it away?" Molly asked as I shook my head. "Accidents happen. Don't worry so much about what's gonna happen with that." I said as she cried.

"I didn't mean to do it..I got distracted and r-ran a red light. Did I kill anyone? Oh god.." She whispered as I frowned. "Shhh..it's okay. Don't worry about that right now. We are doing the best we can with everyone involved. Does anywhere other than your leg hurt?" I asked as Sophia smiled at me.

"M-my neck." Molly said as I nodded. "You probably have a little bit of whiplash." I explained as she nodded. "Enough about the accident though. Do you have a favorite movie?" I asked as she nodded. "Titanic." She whispered as I smiled. "That's a great movie. Sad, but great." I said as she looked down at her leg nervously. I sighed then took her hand and squeezed it.

"I know you're scared, Molly. It's okay to be scared but we're gonna take care of you, okay?" I assured as she looked at me and nodded quickly as I brushed her hair down.

"O-okay. You look familiar by the way." Molly said quietly as I smiled. "I get that a lot." I said as Sophia finished stitching her up. "Okay, Vi..I think Aisha is gonna need your help over there now." Sophia said as I nodded. "You're strong, Molly. You'll get through this." I said as she smiled slightly and nodded at me.

I spent the next couple hours running around helping people where I could. As soon as everything was under control in the ER, I went to get some water in the break room.

I loved the nonstop factor of working in the medical field but it could be really exhausting sometimes.

As I brought the bottle to my lips, Brady came into the room. "Hey, V. You have an echoscan in room 670, whenever you're ready." He said as I nodded. "Got it, I'll be right there." I said then closed my water bottle and went to go grab my equipment.

I wanted to call Colby on my five minute break so I was a little disappointed that I was already being whisked away to do another task. Maybe after this I would actually be able to breathe for a minute.

When I got to the room I wheeled my cart in a painted on a smile.

"Hey, I'm Violet I'm gon-" I started but froze at who was in front of me. "I knew you'd be here." Daisy said as I sucked in a breath. "What are you doing here?" I asked as my heart pounded against my chest.

"I warned you multiple times. Why didn't you listen?" Daisy asked as I shook my head. "What are you talking about?" I asked as she rolled her eyes.

"The mannequin head..the paint..don't act fucking dumb." She said as I shook my head. "That was really you?" I asked as he rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Of course it was me." She said as I clenched my jaw.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked as she laughed. "What's wrong with me?! You ruined my life, Violet. You deserve every ounce of hate you're getting." She said as I shook my head.

"You're psychotic." I said then turned to leave the room. "I wouldn't do that." Daisy said as I heard the clicking sound of a gun.

I froze as my heart started beating even faster. "Turn around, Violet." Daisy said as I tensed up and turned around. "Why are you doing this?" I whispered as fear spread throughout my body, seeing my ex best friend standing in front of me, holding a gun in my face.

"I warned you." She said as I trembled and held my hands up. "Don't do this, Dais. You don't want to do this." I mumbled as she jerked the gun and laughed angrily.

"You ruined my life. I never wanted to move. I never wanted to leave my mom and leave Ohio but your selfish ass made me." She said as I watched her as the fear bubbled in my chest.

"I didn't make you..." I mumbled as she rolled her eyes. "My mom wouldn't let your psychotic ass move across the country alone! She made me go with you! I never even liked you that much! I just felt bad for you because nobody liked you!" Daisy yelled as my heart shattered in my chest.

I knew the friendship between Daisy and I was over but hearing those words come from her hurt so bad.

I wondered if everyone felt this way about me. Did the trapgirls feel this way about me? Did Colby also feel this way? Sam? Jake? Corey?

I felt sick to my stomach as tears formed in my eyes. "I...I didn't mean to ruin your life." I mumbled as she rolled her eyes. "You've always been so selfish. You didn't even notice that you were ruining me." She said as I frowned.

"I did so much for you...l-like the contest." I whispered as she clenched her jaw. "Oh, you mean the contest for the trip that YOU RUINED!" Daisy yelled as I flinched. "I-I didn't mean to." I whispered as she took a step towards me.

"You shouldn't have even won that contest. I loved Sam and Colby. I loved them way more than you did. You don't deserve them. I do." She said as I frowned.

"I didn't choose for any of this to happen..." I whispered as she clenched her jaw. "You didn't choose to throw yourself at them like a little whore? You didn't choose to be an attention whore?" She asked as I shook my head.

"I didn't choose to fall in love with Colby, Daisy...it just happened.." I mumbled as she rolled her eyes. "You may not have chosen thay but you did choose to not listen to me. Now you're gonna pay." Daisy said then smiled wickedly at me.

"You don't want to do this." I whispered as tears formed in my eyes. "You don't know what I want." She said then looked at me with so much hate that it caused me to flinch.

"Daisy..please..I'm sorry...I'll..I'll stop dating him.
I'll move out. I'll do whatever you want." I begged as she laughed. "It's too late for that, Violet. It's too late." She said as my heart sped up even more. "Have fun in hell." She said as my eyes widened.

Daisy raised the gun and flipped the safety off as I reached for the door handle so I could try to get away from her.

"No!!" I screamed as time slowed down, leaving me in a weird haze as the sound of a gunshot sounded through the air.

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