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Colby's POV

"Come on bro, we can't miss this flight. I'm serious." Sam said as he shook my shoulder. "Why do you make our flights so goddamn early?" I groaned as he threw my covers back.

"Because we have to get there before Violet and Daisy." Sam said as I scrubbed my face with my hands. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Anytime I'm near a girl it's world war 3 on the timeline." I said as he shrugged. "The fans already know a girl is going to be in the video so you're fine I think." Sam said as I sat up.

"Alright but if this turns into some drama type shit I'm blaming you." I said and pointed to him as he laughed, "alright alright. Just get ready." He said then left me alone.

I was honestly a little nervous to bring some fans along with us on this trip. I loved the fans, I really did but I didn't know the people coming. What if they were oddly obsessed? Or if they were the type that thought they owned me? I can ignore those kinds of things on Twitter, but in person? I don't think I could.

I decided to push that thought away, since the damage was already done. We were doing this whether I liked it or not.

We made our way to LAX, getting through security at a snails pace. The flight wasn't too bad, since I brought a book along with me. I also spent a lot of time on the flight researching the place we were going.

Sam usually was the one that did a lot of the research for these trips and would brief me on them but this time I felt like I needed to be just as prepared.

When we got off the plane Sam looked at the time, "alright, we have an hour to kill. Let's get our bags then maybe get some food." He said as I shrugged, "shouldn't we wait for Violet and her friend? They'll probably be hungry too." I said as Sam nodded, "yeah you're right. We can just walk around I guess." He said as we walked towards our baggage claim area.

As soon as we got our bags we walked around trying to waste time. We met a couple fans along the way but it wasn't anything too out of the ordinary.

It still shocked me to this day Sam and I actually had fans. We were just two normal guys from Kansas who just happened to get lucky. I was forever grateful though that I get to do what I do for a living.

It was surreal.

"They just landed, I told her we would meet her at their baggage claim." Sam said as I nodded, feeling a little nervous.

I didn't know why I was feeling like this, but I felt like I was going to throw up. Maybe it was because we would be around these girls for a whole week, not just for a couple minutes.

When we got to their baggage claim area I scrolled through the fan's tweets. I saw this particular account being tweeted about so I clicked on her account.

The owner of the accounts name was Daisy, which happened to be the name of Violet's friend. She had a bunch of pictures of me with thirsty captions, even some tweets talking about current drama.

I was pulled out of my trance as footsteps approached us. When I looked up my heart skipped a beat.

The two girls stopped in front of us, meaning they were the girls going with us. One of them had this long blackish blue hair with brown eyes that I could look into all day. I could tell she wasn't wearing any makeup because her face was peppered with freckles giving her a unique but stunning look. LA girls had nothing on her.

The girl next to her was also really pretty, but she had a more barbiesque quality about her. I could tell she spent hours on her makeup today and her hair was pin straight coming to her shoulder.

I thought it was funny because they looked like total opposites. The blonde one was wearing a pink sweater and ripped jeans with vans whereas the black haired one was wearing a black sweater with black skinny jeans and doc martens.

"Violet?" Sam asked as the raven haired girl smiled a brilliant smile, "in the flesh. This is Daisy." She said then gestured to the blonde.

"That's cute, you guys are like two flowers." I said as Violet chucked, "yeah we get that a lot." She said as Daisy blushed so much that her cheeks were red even over the caked on foundation she was wearing.

Sam opened his arms so he could hug Violet so I did the same for Daisy. "I can't believe this is really happening!" She said as I chuckled, "yep. Are you excited?" I asked as she nodded. "Yeah, I really am. This is so unreal." She said as I turned towards Violet.

I found myself just staring at her for a second, taking her in fully. She seemed really cool and sweet, giving off a vibe that she didn't really care that we were "famous." It was really refreshing.

I finally opened my arms to hug her, "Hey, I'm Colby." I said as she laughed, "I know, I watch your videos." She said and stepped into my embrace. "Duh. That was dumb of me." I said internally smacking my head, knowing that she was literally here because she was a fan.

"It's nice to meet you though. I really like the name Violet." I said as we turned towards the moving conveyer belt that had their bags on it. "Thanks, my mom picked it out." Violet said with a wink then started walking towards the belt to get her bag.

I watched her walk away for a second before Daisy popped up in front of me, "So, Colby. Are you excited for this trip?" She asked as she twirled her hair with her finger. "Yeah! It's gonna be a lot of fun." I said with a friendly grin as she sighed.

"I'm kinda nervous...it's gonna be really scary. It's a good thing you're here to protect me and Vi from the scary ghosts." She said as I nodded.

I tried to pay attention to what Daisy was saying to me but honestly her voice was starting to annoy me.

We walked outside causing the crisp fall air to hit our skin. I watched Violet and Sam talk as Daisy talked about some sort of drama that was going on in fandom. I didn't really care much about it so I completely blocked her out.

As we walked, Violet looked behind her so she could smile at Daisy. I couldn't help but let my eyes trail to hers though, causing me to smile softly at her. She shivered a bit then looked forwards so she could talk to Sam again.

"So are you girls hungry? We need to meet with the owner of the asylum tonight so we can get a tour of the building before we stay overnight but we have a few hours to kill." Sam explained as I started to order an Uber.

"Yeah I could eat." Violet said with a shrug as Daisy chewed her lip, "I'm not hungry, but we can go somewhere." She said as Violet scrunched her brow at her. "Alright, we can just go to Chili's or something." Sam said as I nodded and typed in the address.

"Ooo I love Chili's." Violet said with a wide grin as I ordered the Uber. "Their queso changed my life." I said as she nodded with a laugh, "mine too! We definitely have to get some." She said then pulled her phone out.

I watched her carefully as Daisy started talking to me again. She stared at her phone with an almost stressed out and sad look on her face making my heart hurt. I don't know why but seeing her upset made me a little upset.

I always thought I was an empath so maybe that was what was going on. It had to be that.

"Colby?" Daisy asked causing me to turn and look at her. "Sorry, what?" I asked as Sam rolled his eyes. "She wants to know if you're dating Amber." He said then turned to say something to Violet as the Uber pulled up.

"No, I'm not dating Amber, she's just a friend." I said as she nodded. I would have to remember to check her Twitter later so see if she was reporting things I was saying.

I was worried about something like this happening.

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