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"Where are you taking me for dinner?" I asked as we walked to the car. "Hmmm do you really want me to tell you?" Colby asked as I shrugged.

"Am I dressed appropriately?" I asked and looked down at my outfit. I was wearing black jeans, combat boots and one of Colby's hoodies.

"Yeah, what you're wearing is fine." He said with a grin as we got in the car. "How was your day?" I asked as he took my hand and held it in his lap as he pulled out of the driveway. "It was good...boring..but good." He said as I looked out at the scenery.

"Do you have any secret projects?" I asked as he chuckled. "A ton, but a secrets a secret." He said then winked at me. "Hmmph. Fine." I said then pulled my hand from his. "Don't do that." Colby said with a laugh as he pulled into the parking lot of Outback.

"I'm just fucking with you." I said with a laugh. "Good, because I'm obviously going to tell my super sexy girlfriend all about my secret projects." He said as I snorted. "You're a dork." I said then got out of the car.

We walked into the restaurant but kept our distance from eachother a little bit since I didn't know if we were trying to be that public yet. Jake had posted his video and I was the main topic in the comments even though Jake specifically never introduced me.

We thought that maybe nobody would notice but we were very wrong.

"How many?" The hostess asked as she smiled at us. "Two." Colby said with a small grin as he looked at me. "You look familiar." She said and looked at Colby. "Hmm. I don't think we've met before." He said as we walked to the table.

"Weird...anyways enjoy your food." She said as she set our menus down and walked away. "Do you think she knows who we are?" I asked as he shrugged. "I wouldn't worry too much." He said with a grin as we looked over the menu.

We ordered our food then got to talking again. "So...secrets." I said and folded my hands under my chin. "You really wanna know?" He asked as I nodded. "I was to know what my sexy ass boyfriend is up to." I said as he chuckled.

"Alright, Sam and I wrote a book." Colby said as I grinned, "Oh shit?" I said and pursed my lips. "So like..you're smart and sexy?" I asked as he laughed. "No that's you." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of...when do you start? What are you doing and is your boss gonna be creepy because I'll kick their ass." He said as I laughed. "I don't need you to kick anyone's ass even if it was some creepy dude. I can handle myself." I said with a laugh.

"She's really nice...kinda reminds me of my old boss. I start next week full time but I should still probably get another job too bevause it's expensive as hell here." I said with a sigh.

"Vi..I'm serious. Let me just take care of you." Colby said as I shook my head. "No. I wasn't raised like this. I was taught to work for my money. I have one job but having a second one would be better." I said as he crossed his arms.

"You'll still make time for me?" He asked as I grinned. "Of course. There's nobody else I would want to make time for." I said with smile as he reached for my hand.

I pulled back as the waitress came over to bring our food. "This is so good." I said and shimmied as I chewed on the steak. "Why do girls always dance when they eat..like every girl I know does it." He said as I shrugged. "I don't know. It's just so tasty I can't help it." I said then reached over and took one of his fries.

"You literally have your own fries." He said as I chuckled. "Yours looked better though. Here have one of mine." I said and gave him my best looking one. "Yeah, mine are better." He said then covered them with his hands playfully as I rolled my eyes.

We spent the rest of our dinner just talking and having a good time. I loved how easy it was to get along with Colby. He did a good job at keeping the conversation going so that I wouldn't be talking the whole time.

It was also helpful that we wanted to hear what the other person was saying. It was really refreshing.

Colby paid for the bill then led the way to the car. As soon as we closed the doors he took my hand again. "Does it bother you that we can't be affectionate in public?" He asked as he started driving us home. "No, I know what we are and I know you love me." I said with a shrug as I looked over at him.

"You're really amazing..you know that right?" He asked as I shrugged. "I just don't really care what other people think, I know what we are and that's all that matters." I said as he kissed my hand. "That's right." He said and caressed my hand with his thumb.

When we got home we walked into the living room where Sam and Kat were. "Hey, someone sent you a package, V. I put it in your room." Sam said as I scrunched my brow. "A package?" I asked and looked at Colby with confusion.

"Wasn't me." He said as I grinned. " I wanna see what it is!" I squealed then ran towards my room. When I got into the room there was a big package sitting on my bed.

I walked over to it and started peeling the tape, looking to see who sent it.


Who the fuck was SB?

I shrugged then opened the box revealing a mannequin head that was covered in fake blood. The eyes were scratched out and there was a note next to it.

I screamed and pulled my hands away as I backed up. "Violet?!" Colby called out at I heard footsteps running down the hallway. "Oh my GOD!" Kat screeched as she saw what I saw.

"Who the fuck sent this!?" Colby growled as he turned me away from the box. "I don't know! Someone named SB." I said as Sam came over. "We need to report this..it's literally a threat." He said and threw the note down.

"What did it say?" I asked as Kat looked at Sam with worry in her eyes. "It doesn't matter, don't worry about it." Sam said as I shook my head. "I'm a big girl I can handle it." I said then turned and grabbed the note.

Stay away from him or this is how you'll end up.

"Holy shit." I mumbled as Colby took it and read it. "I'm calling the police." He said then pulled his phone out.

"Hold on! There's no way this could be a fan or something. They don't know that I live here...also they don't know your address right?" I asked as I put my hand on Colby's phone.

"It doesn't matter, V! That's a threat, I can't risk this." Colby said as I bit my lip. "Do you really think someone would do this though?" Kat asked as she wrapped her arms around me comfortingly.

"No, but once again, I can't risk this." Colby said and dialed the number and put his phone to his ear.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked as I nodded. "Yeah, a little fake blood never hurt anyone." I said as he chuckled. "You're a badass, dude." He said as I shrugged. "I'd like to see someone try to mess with me." I said as Kat laughed. "I know I'm not gonna mess with you." She said and held her hands up.

Colby talked to the police and filed a report but I honestly wasn't too worried. I knew I could handle myself if someone was to attack me. It just felt like a cry for attention rather than anything.

I was curious though as to who sent it, since it had to be someone who knew I was living here. The only person who really knew that I was here was Regina and she wouldn't do something like this.

Hold on.

Daisy lives with Regina. Daisy would do something like this.

I shivered at the realization as Colby came back into the room. "Okay, it's all taken care of." He said as I turned to him. "It's was Daisy." I said as he scrunched his brow. "How do you know?" He asked as I chuckled. "She's the only person crazy enough to do something like this." I said as he chuckled.

"She also would know you were living here." Colby said as I sighed. I hated that she wanted to make my life hell still.

I just wanted her to leave me alone.

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