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"Alright, so we got our stuff, are you girls ready to make us up?" Colby asked as he and Sam sat down on the hotel beds.

"More than ready!" Daisy said as I set up my makeup. I zoned out as Colby did the introduction. I was feeling really nervous about filming with them like this for some reason. It wasn't a big deal at all but knowing that Colby and I had something going on made me extra nervous.

I remember there was a time where Daisy sat up for hours crying about Colby being with some girl at a Christmas party. The thought of her reaction to that made me feel even worse about what I was doing.

I was a shitty friend.

"Violet, are you okay?" Sam mumbled as I shook my head, clearing my mind. "Yeah, sorry. I zoned out." I said then grabbed the paint brush and started to work on Sam's face.

"So what are you doing to me?" Sam asked as I chuckled. "Am I supposed to tell you or is it a secret?" I asked as I looked over at Daisy and Colby. Daisy had her hand on Colby's cheek and she was leaned in super close so she could paint his eyes.

I let out a small breath then turned towards Sam again. "It's a secret. Don't tell him!" Colby said dramatically as I laughed. "God dang it." Sam said and pretended to slap his knee causing me to laugh.

"So as you guys know Daisy and Violet won the contest to film with us, but you guys don't know them, why don't you tell the audience about yourselves." Colby said as I chuckled and concentrated on the details of Sam's makeup.

"Okay, my name is Daisy, and Violet is my best friend. I've been the fandom for 4 years now, you can follow me in Twitter at sunflwerbrock. Uhhhh my favorite color is yellow and I'm just really excited to be here with my best friend." Daisy said and looked over at me with a smile.

"I'm Violet, I'm 21 almost 22..uh I live with Daisy in Colorado, I'm a echocardiologist and I work at diner. I'm really excited to be here too, it's been really fun." I said quietly as I blackened Sam's eyes out, giving them a caved in look.

"Holy shit, so you're like...smart." Sam said to me as I laughed, "not smart, just really into science and hearts and stuff. Echocardiology is actually pretty easy, anyone can do it." I said with a shrug.

"Vi, stop being so humble. You worked your ass off to get through that program. You're smart." She said as I shrugged. "Smart, but really dumb at the same time." I said with a laugh.

"You're not dumb." Colby said quietly as I shook my head. "Dumb for going into the asylum at night, it's scary as hell guys." I said to the camera and shuttered.

"Yeah, so scary honestly." Daisy said as the guys chuckled. "Yeah, these girls are tough. This place is legit." Colby said as we continued doing their makeup.

They asked us questions and made jokes the entire time making this a really interesting video.

"Woah! This is really good, Violet." Sam said as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Thank you." I said as Daisy showed Colby his clown makeup. "I don't know guys...I think we might have won." Colby said as I scoffed.

"You wish." I said and stuck my tongue out at him. "I guess we will leave it up to the viewers, what do you guys think? Who wins? Let us know in the comments." He said as he and Sam modeled to the camera.

As soon as we finished with the video we took a few Instagram pictures for them since both Daisy and I actually did a good job with their makeup.

"Alright, time to switch it up! Come here, Vi." Colby said and patted the bed next to him so I could sit down.

"Why do we have to switch partners?" Daisy asked as she pouted. "To make it more interesting. We can't have the same team win twice." Colby said as I sat down next to him. "I guess that makes sense, Sam and I are gonna win anyways." She said then went to go sit next to Sam.

I grinned as Colby nudged me with his shoulder. I could feel the sparks flying between us even if we weren't touching. It made us being a secret a little harder because all I wanted to do was hold his hand and cuddle with him, but I couldn't.

We filmed Sam's video, which was somehow even more fun than filming Colby's. They weren't very good at makeup at all so Daisy and I really just looked like complete messes.

"I'd say we won but...I don't think we did." I said with a laugh as I looked in the mirror. "What are you talking about? You look great!" Colby said with a laugh as I rolled my eyes. "I look like I have some sort of disease." I said and pointed to the blue paint that was randomly smeared on my cheek.

"I think you look good." He said with a shrug as Sam finished the outro to the video.

"It's getting late, we should probably clean up, eat, then go to the asylum, huh?" Sam said as I nodded. "We're doing the Ouija board right?" I asked as I grabbed a makeup wipe and started to wipe my face with it.

"You know, you're probably the only person in the world who is this excited to use a Ouija board." Sam said as I laughed. "Yeah, I just want to maybe talk to my parents." I said quietly. "Well I hope we get to." He said then patted my leg.

Daisy and I ended up going back to our room to get cleaned up and ready to go. "Do you really think it's a good idea to try and contact your parents? Especially after what you saw the other day?" Daisy asked nervously as I washed my face.

"I don't know...I just feel like I need to try, ya know?" I asked as she smiled sympathetically at me. "Yeah, I understand. I hope you can finally get that closure you've been looking for." She said as I nodded.

I don't think I would ever get over my parents death but maybe getting to say goodbye to them would be a good thing for me.

I've been to countless therapy sessions where I've said goodbye to them, I've written them letters. I've sent balloons up to heaven for them. I've done every thing in the grieving book.

I still just felt incomplete.

"I hope so." I whispered then changed into warmer clothes and a beanie.

I couldn't help but feel like tonight was going to be crazy. I was a little worried about it but overall excited.

When we got back to the guys room we ordered some food, the headed out to go back to the asylum.

"Are you guys ready for attempt number two at staying all night?" Sam asked as I nodded. "We're gonna go it this time!" I said excitedly as Colby subtly rested his hand on mine.

When we got the asylum my body shivered involuntarily, almost as if it could feel the negative energy. "You okay?" Colby mumbled as I nodded. "Let me know if that changes." He said as I smiled up at him. "Will do." I said then went to go help Sam unload the equipment.

I grabbed the Ouija board and smiled. "Please work." I whispered and hugged it close to my body then started walking towards the main entrance.

"Okay, so before it gets dark I think we should come up with some sort of plan." Sam said as we all filed into the main lobby.

"How about we go to the kids wing tonight, maybe we can meet Lilly." I suggested as he nodded. "That sounds so creepy." Daisy said as she stepped into Colby.

"Lilly is a nice spirit, don't worry." I said then turned to Sam. "That's a great idea. Where did you want to play the Ouija board?" Sam asked as I shook my head.

"I don't know, I wish I could remember where I was when I saw my mom...even if it wasn't really her I feel like that would be a good place." I said with a sigh, feeling frustrated that I didn't know where I was when that happened.

"How about we just do it in the surgical wing since that place has the most activity." Colby suggested as Daisy took another step closer to him. I felt my heart break a little more seeing how badly she wanted him.

I should let her have him.

"That sounds good." Sam said as I nodded. "Okay, let's get set up then." Colby said then handed us each a flashlight.

We sat around for a little while as we waited for the sun to set, then we made our way to the kids wing.

Tonight was going to be crazy.

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