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"We need to talk to them." I said and pulled the Ouija board out of the box. "Woah, wait a minute. Do you really think that's a good idea?" Colby asked and grabbed my hand, stopping me from pulling the board out any more. "I don't know, all I know is that we need to help them." I said and pulled my hand back from him.

"Okay, we can try to talk to them, but if anything starts to happen we are leaving." Sam said as I shook my head. "We can't run until we help them." I said hearing the little girls cry in my ear. She needed help from whoever that man was.

"Vi, you're acting crazy." Daisy said as I snapped my head at her. "I'm not crazy." I said as my eyes filled with tears. "No, you're not. Maybe we should just take a breather before we do the Ouija board." Sam said as I looked at all of them. "Okay." I said as Colby pulled out a water bottle for me.

"Daisy, will you come with me to get the blankets from inside?" Sam asked as she nodded then went with him inside. "Are you okay, Vi?" Colby asked and pulled me in for a hug, then kissed the top of my head.

"I'm fine, I'm just sad...I don't know. I just feel like we are here for a reason. We have to help them." I said and looked up at him as he brushed my hair behind my ear. "We're going to try, okay?" He asked and pulled me into his chest again. I nodded and let myself relax into his chest for a second.

I felt really safe and comfortable in his arms. I knew he would protect me if anything happened, even if it got caught on camera.

It didn't matter.

He was going to keep me safe.

I knew I didn't need him to do that, because I could handle myself but the thought of him caring enough to want to protect me caused butterflies to fill my stomach.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" I asked and leaned away from him. "No, Vi. I don't think you're crazy and you shouldn't think you are either." He said as I took a step back from him, since I heard Sam and Daisy coming back.

"Here, V." Daisy said and handed me a blanket. "Thank you." I said then went to go sit on the ground.

I didn't really want to take a break from the investigation, but I knew they were all going to make me.

We sat around and ate snacks, and just hung out for a little bit so the tension in the air could break up. After about twenty minutes though they decided it was time to go in and do the Ouija board.

"So...I don't know if this is the right time for this, but do you think because your parents passed you have a connection to the other side? Because you're the one that's seeing and hearing all this stuff." Sam said as we walked through the halls.

"It's possible. I mean, I've always been into the spooky stuff so maybe I just opened myself up to it a little more." I explained and tightened the blanket around my shoulders.

"That makes a lot of sense. Remember when we kinda opened ourselves up at the Queen Mary?" Colby asked Sam as we walked. "Yeah, that was the best evidence we've ever gotten too." Sam said as I grinned.

I remembered watching that video with Daisy. She was always so excited about getting to watch their videos. I started to feel bad because she was falling into the shadows on this trip, but she was the only reason I was here.

I needed to back off a little bit.

"That video was crazy." Daisy said as she grinned at Colby. "Maybe we should just open ourselves up and see what happens. We just set the cameras down and just use eachothers energy." Sam said as I nodded silently.

"I don't know...that sounds scary." Daisy said as I took her hand. "You don't have to play, Dais. It's okay." I said quietly as she nodded. "It will work better if we all play I think. More energy." She said as I nodded. "Let ya know if you need to tap out."I said as she nodded.

When we got to the surgical wing I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I heard noises from down the hall.

Maybe Sam was right, my parents were the bridge between me and the afterlife, since I never got closure with them either.

"Where should we set up?" Sam asked as I shrugged, still holding the Ouija board in my arms.

"Did something happen? You're being really quiet." Colby said as I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. Just observing." I said then pointed towards a random surgical room. "Let's do it there." I said then started walking.

Sam set up the camera as I sat next to Daisy since she sat next to Colby. "Okay, just keep an open mind." Sam said as he sat across from me.

We put our fingers on the board then pushed it around in a circle. "Ouija we are here." We all said in unison.

I felt my heart start to race at the thought that I was possibly about to contact my parents. "Is there anyone here?" Sam asked as we all stared down at the planchette.

"Is anyone doing that?!" Daisy shrieked as it moves to yes. "No, I swear I'm not." Colby said as I shook my head. "None of us are doing it." I said and kept my eyes glued on the board.

"What's your name?" Sam asked as the planchette moved. It slowly spelled out John which made my heart sink.

It wasn't my parents.

"We're you a patient here?" Colby asked as I focused on the board. It went to yes as my brows scrunched. "When were you a patient here?" I asked keeping my voice steady.


"Damn..I'm sorry." I said quietly then looked up at Daisy. She was sitting there with a terrified look on her face as she kept her eyes on the board. "You okay?" I asked as she nodded slowly.

We ended up asking a few more questions before the board stopped responding.

"Maybe we should do some-" Colby started but was interrupted by the planchette moving. "S....t.....a....y. Stay." Sam said as my eyes widened. "John?" I asked as the planchette moved to no.

"Who are you?" Daisy asked as the planchette moved. "B....u...n...n..y. Bunny? Your name is bunny?" Colby asked as my heart dropped to my ass.

"Oh my god..." I whispered as tears immediately sprung to my eyes. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Colby asked as I looked up at him. "I'm bunny." I whispered then looked at the board.

"Dad? Is that you?" I asked as Daisy sucked in a breath next to me. It slid to yes as I started to cry, "I miss you so much daddy....I miss you." I whispered as Daisy brought her free hand to my back, rubbing circles into it.

"Are you okay? Is mom there?" I asked as the planchette moved to no, making my heart shatter. "You're not okay?" I asked shakily as I wiped my cheek. The planchette went back to no. "L-let me help you. How can I help?" I asked frantically as Daisy sucked in a breath.

"S....t....a...y. Stay? For how long? I'm not going anywhere." I said as the planchette moved "f....o...r...e...v...e...r. I can't stay forever..." I said as Daisy tapped on my back. "Mr. Richards. If it's you, what's Violet's birthday?" She asked as I scrunched my brow at her.

The planchette moved quickly to goodbye causing my heart to shatter into a million pieces.

"Goodbye." The guys said as I stood up, brushing my hands against my pants as they shook uncontrollably.

Did I just talk to my dad? Or was it some sort of demon trying to mess with me? It didn't matter, I ended up feeling worse than before.

"Vi..." Colby said as I tried to keep myself together. "I'm so sorry, V." Daisy whispered as my lip quivered.

"I need a minute." I whispered then walked out of the room. I slid down the wall outside of the door and just cried into my knees.

After about a minute of this someone came and sat next to me. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm so sorry this happened." Colby said quietly as he pulled me into his arms.

I turned and cried into his chest as my heart broke even more. I never cried before this trip. I had worked so hard to weld the wound of my parents death shut.

I had worked so hard to grieve properly and I just took ten steps back.

I was starting to think this trip was a mistake.

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