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"Talk to me, Vi." Colby said as I rested my cheek on his chest. We were still sitting in the hallway, but I had stopped crying.

"I can't." I whispered and picked at a loose string that was on his pants. "We're gonna find them, even if I have to play the Ouija board on every inch of the earth's surface, you will get closure." He said as I breathed a short laugh.

"I'll never know if it's them. It's fine. It was dumb of me to think I could talk to them." I said and sat up straight, rubbing my nose as I stood up. "You aren't dumb. Stop saying that." He said as I shook my head and walked back into the room.

I was dumb for thinking they were talking to me. I was dumb for thinking that they were giving me signs. I was dumb for thinking that they were even out there.

They were dead.

They were gone forever.

When I walked back into the room Sam opened his arms for a hug. "Are you doing okay?" He asked as I nodded, "Fantastic. What are we doing next?" I asked and leaned over to throw the Ouija board in the box.

"Vi, you don't have to pretend like you're fine." Daisy said as I shook my head. "I'm not a child. I'm already over it, let's just go." I said then grabbed the backpack and slung it over my shoulders.

"Well we haven't been in the basement yet, we can go there." Sam suggested as I nodded and led the way. "Violet." Colby said and jogged up to me. "What?!" I asked, feeling the annoyance pool in my chest.

"Stop running and just talk to us." He said as I shook my head. "I'm fine. My parents are dead, they aren't coming back to talk to me. They aren't going to say goodbye. They're just dead. That's it. That's the reality I just learned now leave me alone." I said as he clenched his jaw and stopped me from walking any more.

"They might be dead but their souls are still alive, Vi." He said and turned me to face him. I looked over at Daisy as her jaw clenched.

Oh, she was mad.

"They might not be physically here, but they are still alive right here." Colby said and pointed at my heart. "They may not have come through the Ouija board tonight and something might be messing with you but they are still with you. Don't lose hope in that." He said as tears formed in my eyes.

I rubbed them away angrily, being annoyed at how emotional I've been then looked at Colby. "Just drop it for right now." I said then turned around again. "Come on." I said and gestured for them to follow.

Sam jogged up to be able to walk next to me, "So have you read about the basement?" He asked as I sighed with relief that he wasn't going to lecture me.

"No, there's not much information about it." I said with a sigh. "Yeah, I couldn't really find anything either." He admitted as I shrugged. "Well, I guess we're gonna have to discover some stuff then." I said with a grin and lifted my fist so he could bump it.

"Okay guys, we have to wear masks since there's a lot of shit down here." Sam explained as he turned me around so he could get into the backpack. "Is it even safe to be down here?" Daisy asked as he handed her a mask. "No idea, but we're gonna do it anyways." Sam said and handed Colby and I our masks.

As soon as we all had our masks on we started walking down the hallway. There weren't many rooms that were safe to go into but there were a couple at the end of the hall.

"Holy shit." I said and started walking into the room at the end of the hall. There were these big chairs, that had metal coils around the arms and headrest. "What is that?" Daisy asked as I let out a breath.

"That's an electric chair." I said then walked over. "Don't touch it, Vi." Colby said as I reached my hand towards it. I looked at him and smiled reassuringly. "It won't work anymore, don't worry." I said as his face softened slightly.

"I did read about this, they would try electroshock therapy. It obviously didn't work and killed a lot of people because there was no control." I said to the camera as I pointed to the coils. "Why would they think electrocuting someone would fix their mental health?" Colby asked as he came over to me.

"They didn't know much about mental health back then. Hell, people were put in here for cheating on their spouses. You could literally do anything and be thrown in here." I said as I turned towards the little tray that was next to the chairs.

"Shit." I whispered and looked at the tools sitting on the cart. "What's that?" Daisy asked as she came over.

"These are the tools they would use for the lobotomy's. Another fucked up method of medicine." I explained as Colby reached for one of the tools. "Hold on." I said and grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"These things are really rusty, and we honestly don't know where they have been." I said and looked in his eyes. He smiled softly and nodded, pulling his hand slowly from mine.

Daisy huffed then walked toward another part of the room. "Daisy, are you okay?" I asked as she rolled her eyes. "I'm great. I think you should worry about yourself." She said as I shook my head. "What the hell?" I asked and walked up to her.

"We'll talk about it later." She said then turned around to look at the charts on the wall.

I knew she was mad because of Colby being so concerned about me, but acting out like a child wasn't going to work for me.

I walked over to the guys, "Can you give us a minute?" I asked as they nodded. "We'll be right out here." Colby said and took my hand, squeezing it gently.

I was surprised he did that in front of Sam but he honesty probably told Sam about us, since he wouldn't have an astronomical meltdown like Daisy would.

As soon as they left I turned to Daisy. "You have to stop acting like a child, Daisy." I said as she whipped around, "oh, I'm acting like a child?! You're the one being a shitty ass friend!" She exclaimed as my jaw clenched. "What do you mean?!" I asked as she got in my face.

"You know I like them more than you do! You know I'm the actual fan here and you're just overpowering me! Plus you keep fucking flirting with Colby, and you know I like him! You're so fucking selfish, Violet." She said as I clenched my jaw.

"Have you ever thought that maybe the world didn't revolve around you? Did you ever think that maybe I deserve to have fun too!? You've been nothing but a child this whole damn trip, and you expect them to want to hang out with you?!" I asked getting angry.

"Violet, shut the fuck up." She said as I shook my head. "Stop trying to control me! Stop acting like you're better than me because your mommy gives you whatever you want." I said as she balled her fists up.

"At least I'm not the crazy one!" She yelled as I clenched my jaw, "I'm not crazy." I said as she barked out a laugh. "Please. You're crazy enough to hear voices and see shit in here. None of us are, it's just you and it's because you belong here." She said coldly as she got in my face.

"You're supposed to be my best friend..why are you treating me like this?" I asked as she shrugged, "Because I'm your best friend! Nobody else wants to tell you that you're crazy. They're too scared of you." She said as I shook my head.

"Sam and Colby don't think I'm crazy." I said as she laughed and shook her head. "Yes they do!" She said as I shook my head, "If they did then why would they be hanging around me more then?!" I asked feeling the anger building up again.

"Because they feel bad!!!" Daisy yelled as I scoffed. "Dude, why are you SO mad?! What did I even do to you?!" I screamed feeling the anger boil over. "You won't stop leaving Colby alone! He's mine, Vi!" She screamed as I breathed a laugh with a smirk.

"If he's yours then why is he kissing me?" I asked before I could even stop myself.

"He is not! See?! You're CRAZY!" She yelled as I took a step closer. "I'm not crazy. He really kissed me." I said as she shook her head. "SHUT UP!" She screamed then pushed me back sending me to the ground.

I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I threw my arm down in an attempt to catch myself.

I screamed in pain as the sound of my arm snapping filled the room.

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