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"Mommy!" Jae shouts standing next to mine bed like every morning

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"Mommy!" Jae shouts standing next to mine bed like every morning. She lays down next to me, kissing mine cheeck and smiling.

"Morning baby." I say andopen mine arms to hold her. "Sleep well?" She nodds and stares at me. "Should we make pancakes?" I ask.

"Yess!" She shouts excited and stand on mine bed ready to jump. "Pancakes!" And she does a happy dance.

"You go to the kitchen okay, Im coming." I say amd hold her wrist to stop her from junping. She smiles, jumps off mine bed and runs to the kitchen. Standing up I tie mine hair in a ponytail, walking to the kitchen I see Jae picking out plates. "Okay, what do we need?" I ask her.

"Umm, eggs? Milk.." she guesses looking in the fridge.  "take them out now?" I nodd and we make a batter. Some flour, eggs amd milk. Making the first batch Jae looks over and we flip them together. "Smells good." She smiles at the pancakes. Then the doorbell goes, what made Jae run to the front door.

"Jae, wait!" I say and try to flip the second batch or else theh would burn. Washing mine hands and drying them I run up to the front door which she has already opened. Jae leans shyly against the door talking to a guy, who was kneeled down holding her hand.

"I saw you before." She says playing with his fingers. He had black pants, white hoodie and a bucket hat.

"You are a smart girl." The guy says. I know that posture and that voice. What is he doing here? How did he found out where I live.

"I am." Jae says smiling.

"Jae, what did I tell you about not opening the front door." I say walking to them.

"Im sorry mommy." Jae pouts.

"Its fine baby." I kneel down to face her. "You go taste one pancake okay." I wink at her.

"Really!" She says and smiles widely. "Bye Jungk... I forgot your name." She says looking at Jungkook who was still kneeling.

"Jungkook." He winks.

"See you Jungkook, bye." Jae says and storms away.

"Bye Jae." Jungkook says, but I dont think she heard that. Standing tall I see him standing too, pushing him back I step outside and close the door a little.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I ask. He sighs and licks his lips.

"I have mine ways Lis." Lis, he always called me that, his nickname for me. Of course he has his way.  "She is mine too." He says stepping closer.

I laugh. "Yours too? Since when? Two days ago, try three years Jungkook! She is mine, she never will be yours. I tried to tell you you know." Im so angry at him, how dare he coming here and acting nothing has happened.

"I was angry.." he starts looking down.

"Thats why you shut me off?" I laugh. "You were angry because? Oh who cares.." I say and turn around, but get pulled back. He looks me in the eyes amd swallows.

"The day I came to talk to you, you wernt there. I drove to find you and saw you with Jackson, fucking smiling at you and walking together." He said in a angry tone balling his hands, but he stays calm.

"With Jackson?" Im confused, but then it hit me. "Jackson came with me to get the test, I didnt want to go with the girls." I say. "Why am I telling you this, i could told you this three years ago Jungkook." I say and hit his chest, feeling tears coming down. "I tried so hard to tell you, I felt so lonely. I had hope in you, I believed that you would come m and everything wpuld be fine. But I gave up, seeing her crying and asking me where her father is all these years made me realize that I should be her everything. Her mother, father and her bestfriend." Tears roll down mine cheeks. Jungkook licks his lips as he closes his eyes for a moment.

"Youre not alone anymore." He says trying to touch mine hand, but I step back.

"You dont deserve her Jungkook." I whisper. "You dont deserve to be in her live."

"You cant do this Lisa." He says. "You cant keep her away from me."

"Watch me Jungkook." I say and turn around. "You cant come after three years and act like nothing happend." He cant and he knows. He knows me.

"I will fight for her, I fucking will. I want to be in her life and also in yours Lisa, because I never stopped loving you." I look back and bite mine lip.

"Its too late Jungkook, too late."  I whisper and close the door, leaning aginst it I wipe mine tears away.

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