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Weeks passed, Jungkook came whenever he had time to play with Jae

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Weeks passed, Jungkook came whenever he had time to play with Jae. They get along pretty well which Im happy about. Only I havent told Jae, I think its too soon but also not. She sees Jungkook as a good friend like BamBam. But I think she likes him even more than BamBam, he baught her all presents. Im actually glad he is in her live, she deserves the best.

"Mama is Jungkook coming today?" Jae jumps up to me.

"I dont think so baby." I say and she looks down. She likes spending time with him, like I see it in her eyes. They bright up when he is here.

"But I miss him." Mine heart! Its been two days since the last time he was here, he must be busy like always. "Can we call him mommy?" I swallow and nodd after a second. She jumps on the couch next to me and waits patiently for me to open facecall voa Whatsapp, giving mine phone to her she lays on the couch waiting for him to pick up. I walk to the kitchen to do the dishes, but still watching her.

"Hello." His raspy voice speaks. "Jae?"

"Hey!" She smiles happily moving with her leggs.

"How are you?" He asks calmly laying down on his bed.

"Im good, but are you coming today?" I laugh in myself, she is so fast foreward.

Jungkook laughes and closes his eyes. "Is mommy okay with that?" He asks. Jae sits up and looks at me, then she runs up to me holding the phone. Looking at me with her puppy eyes.

"Its okay." I say.

"Mama says its okay." Jae repeats watching Jungkook.

"Only if you want it and have time Jungkook." I say, knowing that he is really busy and he needs to rest too. Jae watches him.

"Of course I want it, I just have to look when." He says and looks in the camera.

"Yay." Jae jumps. Jungkook smirks and licks his lips.

"I will text mommy okay Jae." Jae nodds and gives me mine phone and jumps away.

"Thanks Jungkook." I say looking at the camera. He looks like he just woke up, or Jae woke him up. He plays with his hair.

"Hey no problem, stop thanking me. I should be thanking you."

"She really likes spening time with you." I say watching him. He smiles shyly and looks up at the camera. "Just text me whenever you come." He nodds and and says a thank you.

Later in the evening the girls came."Wow Lisa this smells amazing." Rosé says, I have to say when ai got Jae I have been cooking a lot. Im pretty good though.

"Yah Lisa, look at you cooking so good." Jenny says picking out plates.

"Jae come sweetie." Jisoo says to her, Jae runs up to us and takes a seat. When we all sit Jisoo fills our bowl with noodles, with chopsticks we eat in silence.

"Did you had fun today?" Rosé ask Jae. Jae shakes her head. I know why she is upset, Jungkook hasnt text me yet which means he is pretty busy.

"Jungkook would come, but he didnt." She plays with her food. Rosé looks at me and I shake mine head.

"Maybe he is busy." Jenny says. "And will come later."

"But he promised." My poor baby, she really likes him. I need to tell her, I need to. After dinner Jae went to her room to draw something. The girls and I are in the kitchen cleaning.

"She really likes him." Jenny says giving me a plate and I nodd.

"When are you going to tell her?" Jisoo ask.


"He is doing his best to be a part of her life Lisa, he deserves it." He is, everyday he texts me if I need something. "I know you still love him Lali."

"We all know." Jenny says with a wink, wait what? Is that true? I mean he was mine first real love, I do still care about him. I always will.

"Now she is quiet." Jisoo laughs.

"Then you know." Rosé smiles. "Well, the kitchen is all clean. Thanks for the meal Lali." Rosé says and wears her jacket.

"Are you all going now?" I ask walking after them to the front door.

"Yes we have to." Jisoo says and opens the front door. Giving the girls a hugg they leave, closing the door I sigh. After some seconds there is knocking on the door. What did they forget this time? Opening the door I see him. Jungkook in an oversized hoodie, some pants and a hat.

"Hey." He stands tall with his hands in his pocket. "Sorry I didnt text you, it was quiet busy an...-"

"Dont worry." I cut him off. "Im glad you came." He smiles and walks in.

"Mama who is that?" Jae leaves her room with a paper in her hand. Her eyes land on Jungkook, she is shocked, her eyes sparkle and she runs up to him.

"Princess." Jungkook kneels, holds her tightly and lift her up.

"You came." She whispers.

"Of course." He winks. Watching them having this intimate moment is what I wanted when I gave birth to her.

"I made this." Jae says and holds up the paper she has in her hands. Jungkook takes the paper with his free hand and looks at it. "Its you, mama and me." She says proudly. She drew us, holding hands and smiling.

"Wow Jae, its so pretty. You are talented." He says. "Is this for me?"


"Hello, and for me?" I ask her. When Jungkook is here all her attention for me is gone. "You forget me when Jungkook is here." Jungkook laughes turning to me.

"No I dont." She says and holds her arm out to hold me, what made Jungkook stand next to me and close. "See." Jae says. She is a smart kid.

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