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The boys making fun of me is always happening. Even when Lisa is here, everytime. Just because Im the youngest they play with me.

"Lisa when are you coming over to our house? You havent been there in a long time." Jimin ask curious as he leans in and looks at us.

"Dont know honestly, soon I guess." I know she is busy, she works really hard. So its hard to make time for eachother, but we make it work.

"Well, JK has a present for you." V winks playfully and gives Jimin a high five. Did he just...

"He does?" Lisa asks and looks up at me. I sigh and lean in mine seat. Those guys, always...

"Are you guys done?" I ask and stand up, holding mine hand out for Lisa. She looks me in the eye and stands up holding mine hand.

"Whay, hey where are you going? It was just a joke. JK..." Jimin says

"I know hyung." I smile, I just wanted some time alone with Lisa. Holding her hand I walk to a different room close by, closing the door I lock it. Just in case someone tried to get in. Turning around I see her leaning against the wall.

"Jesus, finally." I breathe leaning against the door. Finally alone, where we can talk. Dont get me wrong, I love mine hyungs, but sometimes..

"Do you really have a gift for me?" Lisa asks. I look up at her and smirk.

"Yea, I do."

"Jungkook, thats so sweet."

"But its not finished yet, well kind off. Almost." Im a really creative person, she knows that. And I love to do creative things with what I love. "You should come by." She walks up to me and wraps her arms around mine neck.

"Its been so long since Ive seen you." She places her head on mine shoulder.

"I know, Im so sorry." I whisper holding her closely. Mostly it was mine fault, I always said no to meet up. We were really busy with the new album, songs and dances.

"Its okay, I just missed you."

I smirk. "Girl I missed you more." I kiss her cheeck and her lips.

Suddenly I heard some knocking on the door. I close mine eyes and breathe in and out. Why now?

"We shoudl go." Lisa says takijg a few steps back. " I should go to Jenny! Jenny, shit I forgot. She wanted some food, shit." Lisa worries.

"She can wait a little longer.." I try to distract her by pulling her back to me.

"No no, she must be worried. Jungkook!"

I swallow as I look at mine girlfriend who worries about her hungry friend. "Behind you is a jar of candy." I just spot the candy jar.

"Really." She turns around and jumps a little out of joy, she takes some candy bars and looks at me. "I should go first okay."

I just nodd. "I will call you, promise." I say with a smile. She gives me a quick kiss and opens the door and leaves out of mine sight. After some seconds I leave the room and go back to the boys.

"Hey where were you?" Suga asks noticing me.

"Suga, help me Im dying." V says holding the controller in his hands, clearly playing call of duty. "Hey Jungkook, where Lisa at?" V concentrates on the game.. "Suga hurry up! Im dying, save me!"

I shake mine head and walk to the couch.

"JK! Where were you my boy?" J-hope ask sitting down next to me.

"What dp hou think Hobi?" Jimin says standing behind us. "Lalalalisaa." He sings.

"Romance." J-hope says.

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