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Days passed, dark and lonly days. It felt weird. I wanted to dissapear from the earth for some time, just to think and be away. Since Jungkook broke up with me Ive been a mess, been in mine room all day. Checking Twitter and Instagram. We were still trending, guess his plan didnt work. He hasnt called me or try to contact me. Was this a real break up? The Jungkook I know would never. Thats why Im confused, so confused.

"Yah Lalisaa!" Jenny storms in the room, we were backstage at MMA to preform. "Youre still not dressed yet?" I slide in mine seat holding mine phone, she walks closer and takes mine phone from me. "No phone for you untill youre dressed." She looks around for probanly mine dresser and makeup artist, but I told them to take five minutes off. Then her eyes met mine. "Lali, dont do this to yourself. I know its hard but please.." I nodd and stand up. She huggs me tight for some seconds. "Now get ready." I do as she says. Wearing the dress that was ready for me. We already did our rehersals and vocal warming up. Rosé walks in with a pizza box, she glares at me.

"You want some?" She says as she opens the box and picks up a slice. I smile and walk over to her and she holds her pizza in front of me, taking a bite I close mine eyes. So good!

"Girls! Its time for the pictures at the idol spot." Our manager comes in after a while. We all walk to the big area to the Idol spot, bowing to the people who are sitting there we sit down. People are looking at the big screen like it was a magic show. Then it hit me, its them. Bts preforming Idol, you see Jungkook dancing on the big screen. I try not to look, nodding mine head a bit to the beat I try not to make things obvious, Lisa just act normal

But what is normal?

"You can't stop me lovin' myself
Hoo, hoo
지화자 좋다
You can't stop me lovin' myself

Oh oh ooh oh
Oh oh ooh oh oh oh
Oh oh ooh oh
덩기덕 쿵더러러 얼쑤
Oh oh ooh oh
Oh oh ooh oh oh oh
Oh oh ooh oh
덩기덕 쿵더러러 얼쑤

I'm so fine wherever I go."

The music blasts in, and right at that moment I see a whole crew of men holding cameras, flashing their way over to us, taking pictures and videos. I breathe in and out. Jenny leans over to me. "Just smile." She whisperes and I smile a little.

Looking at the screen I see them all dancing really passionate. "Lisa!" I hear Jisoo calling me, the girls were all standing. "You girls are up next." Our manager says standing next to Jenny guiding us backstage, picking up mine microphone I check mine hair and makeup. Rosé fixes her dress.

"Stop it JK." I hear Jimin laugh followed by Jin laughing.

"You cant stop me lovin myself!" Jungkook immitates his part of the song. Jin lauges again, they walk backstage. Its been days since Ive seen him. I dont know if Im ready to face him. Jimins arm is wrapped around Junkook's shoulder as he tries to stop him and Jin just follows them.

"Let me go." Jungkook says in a high note what caught the girls attention, they look at me and stand close by which Im thankfull for.

His eyes met mine. He stops walking what made Jimin and Jin stop too, Jungkook steps forward to walk up to me. "Girls you are up." Our manager says and guide us to the stage, walking pass Jungkook I walk op to the stage. I feel him staring at me, feeling his eyes.

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