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"Mommy." Jae runs up to me, after searching for a while after our preformance, the girls and I split up to look for Jae, thankfully I found her. Kneeling down I hugg her tight.

"Where were you?" I ask looking at her.

"You said you would come to me, so I went looking for you." She explains.

"But I told you to stay with Sooyung baby." I tell her. "Something could happen to you." I hugg her again.

"Im a big girl." She says and holds up her fingers. "Im almost three." She smiles. I smile looking at her.

"He helped me too mommy." Jae points at someone behind her. Oh no, what is he doing here? Jungkook stood meters away from us holding a coat and some candy. He looks confused and shocked.

"Did he help you baby?" I ask swallowing. Jae nodds and walks over to Jungkook. Oh no.

"Thank you." She says bowing lightly.

"Hey no need to thank me." Jungkook kneels down. I swallow, seeing him how he is with her makes me emotional. So many things are going through mine head. "Im glad you found your mommy." He smiles. Closing mine eyes for a second I walk over to them.

"Thank you." I say as well, standing behind Jae holding her shoulders. Jungkook looks up at me and smiles. The guy who broke up with me, the guy who didnt talk to me or picked up mine phone calls is now here, smiling at me. Talking to our daughter. "Lets go Jae." I say after a while. "Say bye."

"Bye." She says waving. I bow and turn around. Then I get pulled back, Jungkook holds mine wrist. Confused I look up at him.

"Can we talk?" He asks. I laugh out of frustration.

"Jae you go to our room baby." I whisper in her ear. She nodds. "You know where it is right?."

"I know mama." She says and looks at us for a moment then leaves. I turn around to look at Jungkook and step back.

"You want to talk now? Now?" I laugh.

Jungkook takes a breathe and stands tall. "Is she mine?" He asks.

"Excuse me?" I say

"Jae? Is she mine daughter?"

"What do you mean is she your daughter." I ask him, how dare he ask questions like that.


"Please dont, I dont want to talk to you right now." I say and turn around, but got pulled back again.

"She is mine huh." He looks at me biting his lips. "Jae." He whisperes. "When were you going to tell me?" He asks, is he kidding right now?

I laugh."Where were you three years ago when I called you, wrote you letters and even came by but couldnt get in huh? Jungkook answer that question first before you ask me anything." I tell him. "Where were you?" I whisper, feeling tears coming. But I keep myself stable. He froze, looking at the floor keeping his eyes open.

"You dont get to talk to me Jungkook, while I tried to tell you three fucking years ago, but you didnt let me. You cut me off completely." I shake mine head. "I raised her on mine own, you didnt want to do anything with me or with us." I begin to cry, why? Oh my god, wiping away mine tears I swallow.

"You think I would let you go knowing you were pregant with our child." He says.

"You didnt want to know Jungkook." I say coldly.

"Please hear me out." He protests. "Lisa..."

"No, I dont want to see you. Its over Jungkook, we broke up." I say coldly and walk away, hearing him calling mine name. I ignore and walk, walking in the hall I lean against the wall wiping away mine tears and breathe in and out.  He knows, he knows. He saw Jae, what was he doing here?

Inhaling some air I walk backstage to our room, opening it I see Jae laying on the floor drawing.

"Lisa, where were you?" Rosé says closing the door behind me.

"Jae said you were talking to a guy." Jenny joins. I close mine eyes for a bit.

"Let her sit down." Jisoo says. Sitting down I look at the girls.

"I saw Jungkook." I breathe, "He knows."


Oeehh ma heart.
Im gonna cry

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