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"Hey we are." Rm begins.

"BTS." We all say at once. Its time for another BTS run. I always love to do these.

"Today we are outside in a gamehall." Hobi says excited.

"Yeahh!" I say loudly. I love gaming, to be here and play is fun.

"He is very excited." RM says and I nodd.

"Jungkook games alot, he has like two computers so he can play non stop." Jin says to the camera.

"Yeah, he beats all of us." V says.

"But that one time..." Jimin starts. And everyone looks confused. I knew what he was going to say, but good he didnt. "Nevermind, JK is the best gamer." Jimin continues and holds mine shoulder.

"Lets play!" Suga says and we walk over to the different games.

"Racing game!" Jin says and sits on the stool. "Who, who?" He asks. And RM joins.

"So its Jin against RM." Suga says as he watches the boys.

"You ready Jin." RM asks and he nods. You see the guys are very concentrated.

"Oeh jin is going fast." Hobi says leaning against the chair. After some minutes of watching them race RM wins.

"Yeahh." He shouts. And Hobi takes place on the chair, Suga on the other.

"Sugaaa." Hobi yells as they start the race.

"It seems so cool." V says laughing as he sees that Suga bumped into a tree. Then everyone starts laughing.

"Im going against you." Jimin says jungping.

"You have no choice to win." V says. "He is a beast." And Jimin starts to laugh.

"I winn! Suga you were good too." Hobi says smiling.

"Next Jimin Vs Jungkook." V says.

"You sure Jimin?" RM asks him while laughing.

"Yeah." He says and takes a seat. I also sit down and look at the screen, chosing mine car I was all ready.

"Lets go." I say.

"Im going to kick your ass." Jimin says. he was too focused to say that to me, he missed the start.

"Jimin!" V shouts and I laugh. He cant beat me. Jimin screams as he starts the game, I was already number one.

"Oh look at Jungkook." Jin says sitting close by.

"Aahh." Jimin shouts.

"He crashes, he crashed." Suga laughs. "Oh my god!"

I try to stay focussed as I ride the last round.

"Jungkook spare me please." Jimin whisperes. I dont say anything back as I keep mine eyes one the screen. I see RM recoring us.

Once I drive through the finishline I stand up and nodd to Jimin. "You were what?" I say. V yells and jumps next to me holding mine shoulder. Hobi puts on mine hoodie cap and screams.

"Thats my boy!" Jin says proudly. "If he lost it would be shameful." He whispered that part.

"Hey Im older than you!" Jimin stands up opposite of me.

"Oooohh." Suga shouts. V holds me by mine shoulders and Hobi stands next to me. This is some great content, I smirk and lick mine lips.

"Just because youre handsome doesnt mean I will forget this." Jimin says. I start to lauhh, but I keep it cool.

"JK won!" RM shouts. I scream and show mine arm muscles as I walk to Jimin.

"Okay we get it." He says laughing.

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