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I dont know how late it was, but we kept watching Anime. I still am, Jungkook is passed out on the couch. He is laying on his stomach asleep. The girls went to bed a while ago, and Im still here watching Anime.

I know Jungkook works hard and has no time to rest, he looks so cute though. I watch his face as I lean forewars and smile.

Suddenly mine phone rings, I got scares so I pressed the green button as fast as I could. Not even looking at the number or name calling me.

"Hello." I whisper a bit, not wanting to wake Jungkook up.

"Lisa?" And I recognize the voice, its Jimin.

"Hey Jimin." I breathe and lean back.

"I know its late, but is Jungkook with you?" It was pretty late at night.

"Yeah he fell asleep."

"Thank god, I called him so many times thats why Im calling you now." Jungkook always tuns off his phone when we are together, just because he doesnt want anything work related or any calls and text messages. He told me once and I do the same. "Can you wake him up and tell him we need him right now, we gotta work on our dancing."

"Oh right, yes will do."

"Thanks Lili!"

"No problem Jimin." I smile. "Bye." I say and hang up.

I try to lay down next to him and stare, feeling him wrap an arm around me and holds me closer. "Kookoo, you need to wake up." I whisper. He just humms and turns his face.

"Just five minutes." He mumbles.

"Kookoo." I say and sit up, he tries to hold me bit Im faster. "Jimin called." I start.

"Jiminssi?" He mumbles.

"Yeah, he couldnt reach you." He humms again. He is such a deep sleeper. "He said you guys have dance practice.." I start.

"How late is it?" He asks fast.

"Like two in the morning." Jungkook sits up fixes his hair as hebwatches the clock.

"Shit." He mumbles and closes his eyes for a moment, rubb his eyes and yawns. "Im late." He says and pick up his phone to open it. "Got 20 missed phone calls." He leans back in his seat for a second then stands up. "Im going." He says and kisses me on mine forehead and lips as he walks to the front door. I walk behind him, Jungkook opens the door and steps outside.

"Dont overwork yourself, you really should get some rest." I say and he turns around leaning against the doorpost.

"You think."

"Yeah Jungkook really." Its not healthy to work all the time and work really hard.

"Cant baby." He says and kisses mine cheeck. Then I hear his phone ringing. He picks up. "Jiminssi!!" He closes his eyes for a bit. "Im on my way, Im in the car! Im not lying.. Jimin!" He smiles at me and holds mine cheecks in his hand and kisses me one last time. "You open the door Im almost there." He says as he waves and runs away to his car.

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