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"Start the music." Jungkook says holding the picrophone in his right hand, his left hand he hold out for me. I hold his hand and he looks in mine eyes.

"Euphoria." He starts singing, he walks to the middle of the stage holding mine hand. With a smile on mine face I follow, looking at Jimin he just sits on the ground looking at us and taking videos.

Jungkook lets go of mine hand and starts dancing to to the song, I try to dance too by looking at him.

"Take mine hand now, you are the cause of mine euphoria." He sings and jumps up, trying to copy his dance moves which is pretty hard. I hear Jimin laughing.


"5 minutes.." Jin says walking in his outfit to tell the members, I just sit on the couch watching them all.

"5 minutes to go." J-hope says and fixes his hair in the mirror.

"Wheres JK?" Namjoon asks. He was still not here.

"Brushing his teeth." Jimin says closing the door.

"Im here." Jungkook says and walks in, he gives me a smile and sits down next to me. He is wearing a big black hoodie, black pants and Nike boots. I wish I could steal his clothes.

"Lisa you know where to sit right?" The stage man asks. I nodd holding mine big hat, Im going to sit close by the stage wearing a mask and a hat so people wont notice me. "Great, boys 3 minutes get ready."

"Microphone!" Suga says and hold his microphone, everyone stands up to get their microphone. Standing up I stay behind them, Jungkook fixes his earpiece and hold his mic. He walks next to me and wraps his arm around mine shoulder.

"Im so grateful that you are here." He whisperes. It was hard to hear him, because you hear the Army screaming for them. I just smile.

"Im excited." I say as we walk behind the boys.

"Enjoy the show Lisa." Namjoon says.

"Rapmon, let JK talk to his girl before he is going on stage." Hobi says and I just amile shyly. Jungkook looks at me and scratches his neck.

"You know how they are." He laughes.

"Yeah. You look absolutely hot in all this." I say holding his hoodie.

"Oh yeah." He smirks.

"Yeah, I think it would look good on me too." I laugh looking up at him. He holds me close to him.

"I think so too."

"Okay everyone in their places." The stage man says.

"Enjoy." I say smiling at him. He looks so happy. He smiles widely and licks his lips.

"I will be watching you." He winks and gives me a quick kiss and runs up to the others, he stands on the big metal lift.

"Lisa, this way." The stage man tells me. I wave to the boys for the last time and follow the man to mine place, wearing mine mask and hat Im all ready seated in mine seat. You hear the music, the Armys screaming hard and then the boys jump on the stage. It got even louder, people were screaming and shouting.

"Hello Army!" Jimin says and jumps in the air.

"We love you Jimin!" I hear all girls yell. "Lets goo." Mine focus is on Jungkook, they all stand behind V ready to preform Fake Love. I watch how good they dance, its really cool to see live. They are amazing dancers.

"Love you so bad, love you so bad.." j
Jungkook sings and lifts up his hoodie and continue dancing. The crowd goes wild.

"Im so sick of this fake love, fake love..." I sing along while watching. Its just so good. I clap looking at them with a big smile. Jungkook fixes his hair and lickes his lips, our eyes meet and he winks. And I just smile.

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