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"Euphoria.." I hear his angelic voice what makes the crowd go wild. They all scream and hold up their phones. Jungkook sings and dances. He is so good, such a good dancer, singer and preformer. I really could learn from him.

Jungkook flies above me, he smiles and waves at some fans. "JUNGKOOK!" girls behind me scream, looking up I see him right above me. Looking at him I wave a little.


Walking backstage after the show I take mine mask off and go to the boys room. Guessing Jungkook will be there. Knocking on the door I wait.

"Coming." I hear Jin's voice. He opens the door. "Lisa, come in!" He smiles and hold out the door for me.

"Hey , great show. As always." I say, he stands there holding a chips package and eating some while nodding along what I say. "Jungkook is not here?" I ask looking around, he is the only one here right now.

"Oh no, I think he is getting some fresh air upstairs." Upstairs as in at the top of the building? I nodd and turn around. "Wait Lisa! Tell him to bring me some noodles when he comes back." He says with a mouth full chips. I laugh and leave the room, waking up the stairs I arrive at the rooftop. Like Jin said he is here. Sitting at the edge of the building, wearing short sleeves and leaning his elbows on his knees. He was not alone, Jimin is also there. They were laughing and pushing each other away.  I walk closer, but they didnt notice me.

"I swear today was amazing, it felt so right." I hear Jungkook say.

"Yeah." Jimin asks and hold him by his shoulder. "Is it because of Lisa?" Jungkook is looking for any answeres. "I knew it! Jungkookie." Jimin messes with Jungkook's hair.

"Stop it! Jiminssi." They laugh. "The weather is nice."

Licking mine lips. "Hey." I start. The two turn around.

"Lalalisa!" Jimin shouts. "I will just leave." He says and stands up.

"No no." I say. He looks up at me and smiles then he walks away.

"Bye JK! You are the cause of my euphoriaaa." He sings while he walks away. Jungkook looks at me with a smile, he holds out his hand for me to hold.

"You enjoyed the show?" He asks pulling me next to him, sitting close to him he leans with his head on mine head.

"Im so jealous." I start, I feel him looking up at me. "You are so good Kookoo, for real! Im so proud of you." He is such a talented guy. "I could learn alot from you." I say looking up at him.

"Lisa." He groans. "Thanks." He smiles "I can always do better though, look at you! You dance amazing. Speak for your self girl." He playfully pushes me and we both laugh. He looks at the sky for a second and turns to me. "I have to tell you something." He licks his lips.

"Tell me." I smile leaning against him.

"I wanted to tell you, so I asked the members to shut up about it." He seems nervous, he closes his eyes for a moment and looks up at me. "We are going to leave for a world tour." World tour? Now? "The album is out..." he talks further but mine mind was somewhere else. I should have seen this coming, of course, the album dropped. After the album drops the tour starts which means Jungkook will leave to preform, which means we wont see each other. "Lisa?"


"You okay?" He looks worried.

"Im fine, I zoned out, but I understand. I understand, we we..."

"We can do this, we did it before so why not now?" He huggs me, Jungkook is such a good person.

"I love you Kookoo."

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