05: Beginnings

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The door opened, slowly, as if it weighted a ton. Namjoon locked eyes with the Alpha and his heart fell to the pit of his stomach. Jungkook's hair was messy, his eyes were glossy and purple bags hang from them. The Alpha looked like someone had ripped something away from him, something that, for some reason, he couldn't retrieve. Jungkook ignored the worried gaze and just nodded his head, telling Namjoon to get in. Then, he walked away, leaving the sorrow filled friend behind.

Jungkook's body fell on the couch, his legs were wobbly, his chest hurt. He closed his eyes and sighed. He tried; he really did. He tried to sweep the conversation he had had with Hani away from his mind. Sweep the broken glow in her eyes, the tear-stained cheeks, the life that had washed away from her body. Yet, the memories glued to him, the painful memory of the hurt he had caused – the reminder that only him was to blame. Even if it had not been his fault, he'd still feel guilty about it. Wasn't his job, his duty as her mate to make sure she never felt any pain, any sadness in her heart?

"Do you want me to come back later?"

Namjoon's voice interrupted the Alpha's self-destructing thoughts. He turned around, spotting his friend standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room. Truthfully, Jungkook wasn't ready to have this conversation with Namjoon. He didn't have the energy or the motivation to do it. All he could focus was on Hani, on his sad and lonely mate that was probably crying her eyes out as he talked to Namjoon. But he couldn't just do what he wanted. If he did it, he'd be acting against her will. Perhaps she wanted space, time away from him. Maybe it was good for both of them – despite how much Jungkook despised the idea of it. Still, Jungkook was completely, utterly, submitted to his mate. He was the little star that orbited around her, that depended on her light to live. He orbited around her, sheltered her, cared for her. He did everything for her. And just like a star without a planet to décor, if she wasn't around, he'd wither; he'd slowly loose colour, loose its shine and, eventually, would fall from his place in the sky. Freefalling and crashing into a nothingness to vanish on. So, if it was space that she needed, he'd give it to her. Distance was better than vanishing.

"It's okay" His own voice surprised him. His voice was hoarse, gruffy, painful. "Just... Just sit down, it's fine"

Jungkook felt the couch dip next to him. He could feel Namjoon's worried glance on him, glued to his figure and analysing every single one of his moves. Still, he ignored it. Instead, he reached out to grab the papers Namjoon had placed on top of the table. Passing his eyes quickly through the pages, Jungkook got a hold of his mind.

"Is Minki reporting?"

Jungkook was the first to start the discussion about what had happened during his absence. He wanted to get it done as fast as possible, so that he could, then, talk with Hani about their relationship. Namjoon shifted uncomfortably in the couch, sensing the tense atmosphere that the cabin carried. There was an itching in his conscience that propelled him to ask, yet, reading the glossy eyes of the Alpha, Namjoon refused from doing it. A side of him tricked him into believing things would be better. After 3 days, back at the pack, Namjoon hoped that Jungkook and Hani were feeling better. No wound heals instantly, does it? Why would he think that a wound that you cannot see, cannot treat with medicine and bandages, would disappear that easily?

"Yeah... Yeah he is" Namjoon cleared his throat and started explaining how Minki's mission had been going. "It started by being weekly but... we started putting the pieces together, Jungkook. Minki told us about the intruders and Ulr-" Namjoon almost let the name slip from his mouth. Immediately, he swallowed it right in. His hands were shaking, Jungkook's eyes had a mischievous red glow in them. "Well, about him and his reaction. We figured that it was you, so we asked Minki to start updating us more regularly ".

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