43: Journey

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The northern border of the pack was, minute by minute, getting filled with groups of people that arrived. They all carried their belongings with them. Uneasiness painted their faces and some of them mumbled under their breath words of hope and reassurance to their own selves. Others said their goodbyes to relatives and friends, even lovers and families had decided to separate from one another, so as to protect the other. The Alpha had been there for a few hours, already, waiting for each of them to show up. The night was still dark, morning was a distant thought. It was one of those nights that led one to think morning would never come; that, for some odd reason, the sun had forgotten his job. However, Jungkook, like his betas, anxiously wished to leave. They had to make sure they took advantage of the natural veil the night provided them with, before the sun exposed them to any passer-by. The Alpha marched from one side to the other of the mass of people that gathered there; checking with everyone that they were coming and that no one was missing. Following behind him, the 6 betas continuously answered the thousands of questions Jungkook was asking them: if they had memorized the path he had drew on the maps, if he needed to go over the different strategies he had planned, in case someone attacked them, if the groups they were going to lead were sort out, etc.

Meanwhile, Hani cradled the sleepy toddler in her arms. With his head resting on her shoulder, Fai struggled to stay awake. In fact, the Luna's warmth and the way she gently caressed his back, were lullabying him back to sleep again. His eyes blinked rapidly, trying to shoo the sleepiness away; yet, eventually, they would close and with his mouth hanging open, light snores fell from his lips. Beside her, Lily shared her worries with her friend. The newborn baby was tightly tucked in a sheet that Lily had wrapped around her torso, which mimicked the feeling of her arms. The fear was clear in her voice, the dread evident in her eyes. Lily didn't know what to expect from this journey, neither could she reassure herself that it was safe for her and the baby; still, she was too stubborn to leave Hani alone in this, not after fully understanding what was at stake. However, she really couldn't help delivering all those emotions and pressures onto the Luna that, aware of the responsibility that weighted on her shoulders, listened and kept her own, locked at the bottom of her belly.

"Hey, baby" Gently, the Alpha called out for her; carefully and lowly, so as not to awaken the sleeping toddler in her arms. His hands rested tenderly in her back as he whispered to her ear. The Luna turned around to face him, ready to hear whatever instructions he had to give her. "Have you seen your father and Alec? There's something I want to discuss with them before we go"

"They are right over there, Alpha" Quickly, Lily replied; her back straightened and her eyes widened, slightly. In the days that went by, Lily and Alec's demeanour had changed in front of Jungkook; it seemed, in Hani's eyes, that the Alpha was seen differently by them, now. Instead of speaking to him casually as if he was an old friend; an unwavering respect and obedience coated every single one of their words, of their actions. It honestly, surprised Hani, she really didn't know what to think of it. "I'll go get them for you."

"There's no need" Calmly, Jungkook stated, giving Lily a grateful smile. "They are approaching us, anyways."

And, in fact, Haewon and Alec trailed towards the Alpha, followed by a group of their own. Namjoon, spotting the group, jogged up to reach Jungkook; in his hands, he carried a map, filled with scribbles and doodles that, previously, the Alpha had prepared. One by one, the betas joined the group and nodding their heads at one another, Namjoon handed the map to his Alpha. Haewon stood face to face with Jungkook, similarly to how his men faced the betas. Lily threw a curious glance at Hani, to which the girl, smiling rather playfully, shrugged her shoulders too. Lily was not used to the Alpha's promptness, neither to his habit of changing or densifying plans last minute.

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