26: Ties

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The dream had ended the night for the girl. The hours that followed it were spent staring blankly at the night sky. She shivered, even if she was tucked carefully under the covers, with only her head peeking out. Trapped in that state of emptiness and confusion, she wasn't aware of the passage of time. It was only when the first morning sunrays sneaked inside the dark room, that she realized she hadn't slept at all. She sat in bed and her hand clutched his shirt – she had been wearing it ever since she had arrived there. Worried, her hands fumbled the shirt, searching for her heartbeat with her fingertips. It was faint and she felt breathless yet, at the same time, suffocating; as if her lungs were about to explode, for there was too much air in them. Hani felt odd, to say the least, and she blamed it on the nightmare she had. Maybe she just needed to get out and get some fresh air. Actually, she hadn't really left that room since her and Jungkook argued; a part of her was scared of facing him, looking at him, him noticing her. It was hard to calculate what would her reaction be or his. Would he run towards her? Sheltering her in his arms, kissing her cheeks feverously while hopelessly begging her to come back home? Or would he turn around, walk away from her, not giving an ounce of attention to her existence at all? She couldn't blame him, she didn't know how to approach him as well. Like a scaredy cat or a child during a thundering night, she hid herself away from him; hoping things would calmly, peacefully and naturally go back to how they used to be. But... she wanted to see him. To be able to look at him in the eyes, hear him speak, brush her hand past his – briefly and slightly, just to feel a bit of heat -, to have her feet walk beside his and luckily, perhaps, end up catching him staring lovingly and tenderly at her, like he always did. To that possibility she clutched onto and jumping from the bed, Hani decided to take a chance.

So, now, outside of the cabin, bathing in the sunlight of that first day of March, Hani sat. Next to the pond, at the centre of the labyrinth, Hani was on the marble benches with Fai on her lap. He was pointing at the different coloured fishes that swam, waving their tails rather comically, racing one another to the other side of the pond. Kicking his feet in excitement, Fai giggled, once a braver fish, waddled closer to them. Chuckling alongside him, Hani slowly and very carefully got up. She crouched down by the pound and gently she placed Fai in between her legs. The toddler, immediately, decided it was best if he was sitting and so, balancing his body, skilfully, he fell on the ground on his ass. Hani stared at him amused and watched him, with his eyebrows scrunched in concentration, try to reach the fishes that swam. Laughing, Hani tried to explain to the toddler that he couldn't take them out of the pond and that's not how you should play with them. Still, the boy was stubborn and persistent; the more Hani tried to pull him back, the more he leaned his body forward. Eventually, Hani had the brilliant idea to drift Fai's attention to something else – food. Quickly, he turned around, forgetting his new friends. With his arms wide open, he stared at the Luna, waiting for her to pick him up. Once she did, his arms naturally wrapped themselves around her neck and the same thing to her waist, his legs did. He clutched onto her, similarly to a koala; as always, gazing at her with his sparkling, gentle eyes. Hani tenderly brushed his dark locks which were growing rapidly and they sprang up from his head, creating funny and strong little curls. The boy nuzzled himself against her chest, after Hani handed him the wooden wolf toy which, tightly, he held in his hands. According to Zhelan, Fai refused to let go of it. He did everything with that toy. He slept with it, placed it next to him while he ate, played with it... Needless to say, he was very proud of the wooden wolf and he wasn't really fond of sharing it. He was really protective over it, didn't allow his own grandfather to touch it. Apparently only Hani and Jungkook were allowed to, most likely since they had been the ones who had given it to him.

As they made their way out of the labyrinth, Hani felt Fai wiggling his body in her arms. Confused, she wondered if the toddler was uncomfortable in that position; however, he quickly let her know he wanted to walk, by lively swinging his legs front and back. Hani had just put him down, when the toddler sprinted away from her. His little feet moved rapidly and he, somehow, resembled a penguin, since he still wasn't very confident in his feet. Still, he dashed and Hani, in panic, started calling out for him to slow down. Her own feet took off after him and giggling mischievously, Fai stopped to steal a glance at the Luna, only to run off, once again. His figure disappeared from her eyes briefly as he turned left on the maze; Hani's heartbeat was growing more and more nervous, frightened and worried for the toddler. Breathing rapidly and heavily, she made that same turn but, when she did, her feet stopped. All of her did.

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