49: Future

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A/N: chapter 3/3 of the ones to be posted throughout this day, hope you enjoyed it!

"From this point on, there's no certitudes. Only guesses and probabilities. There's no plan or guide to what you must do, but there's clues that we can follow. True Alphas were born into this world with a goal: to give the wolf community a new beginning. Wolves were greedy creatures, selfish power-hungry beasts. Alphas used their strength not to lead, but to dominate others. You, Jungkook, were meant to teach them what truly an Alpha should be like. A leader, a caregiver, someone who uses the strength and power that he was given to help, to protect, to care and nature. The True Alpha was the beginning, the Luna the end. An end without an end, an end that continues on stretching and multiplying into space and time – a lineage. True Alphas are not ordinary wolves, they're larger, their bone structure is harder. They were meant to be indestructible forces of nature, the symbol of greatness. Giving birth to one of them is not easy and I assume it's risky; not everyone would be able to endure it. Most likely, the reason why Jungkook's mother survived labour was because Jungkook was brought back into this world without any wolf in him, without any power. He was a blank canvas, an empty box. Hani was made to endure it, she's the only one able to preserve True Alpha's existence. Furthermore, Hani's blood is clear, pure. Through her, the essence of True Alphas is preserved and nurtured without it ever being compromised. Their power and strength can only run through Hani, can only be fuelled and multiplied through her. She must undergo a cycle that, according to the prophecy, will eventually lead to the rebirth the world needs. The cycle has 3 distinct phases and each of them is ruled by a different body part that the Luna must learn to tame. The Maiden, symbolized by the waxing moon, ruled by the heart. It's the time of growth, of beginning. The Mother, symbolized by the full moon, ruled by the uterus. The time of fertility, of fulfilment. At last, The Crone, symbolized by the waning crescent, ruled by the head, the mind. Completion, time to rest. When those 3 phases are done, they merge. The rebirth happens, a new moon."

"The prophecy?!" Overwhelmed, Jungkook's heart beat out of tune in his chest. Hani was blank, motionless. "What are you even talking about?"

"The prophecy that you'd come back. Both of you. That you'd..." Sighing, Jinsang closed his eyes. Emotion, a wave of intense emotions exploded from his heart; it coated his voice, turned every word into a shaky one. "You'd rebirth the happiness that once lived in this place, that you'd... bring back the pack that used to live here. One by one. You'd save us all from the imminent destruction, the catastrophe that lingers around, ready to strike, on the day we all become blinded with our own selfishness."

"Our role is to create a new world, is that so? To offer a new beginning to all wolves? A new chance at a better life like the one we have been given? A rebirth to all?"

"Although there's no way we can be certain of it until it happens..." Jinsang smiled tenderly at Hani while he spoke; his eyes glowed with the adoration he had for the girl and, in his heart, he felt a spark of hope igniting. "I trust that's what you're both destined to do"

"With that in mind, then there's two possible reasons as to why Ulric is hunting us down. He either wants to stop this new world, this rebirth from happening or... he wants to make it his own, to build it to the image he loves. A new hell, then." The Alpha spoke calmly, yet, his heart and mind were drowning in a bundle of fears, of insecurities and anxieties concerning what the future laid ahead of them. "Is there any way, Ulric can use Hani to manipulate or create a rebirth?"

"Alpha, are you asking me if he can impr-"

"Yes" Sharply, Jungkook stated and his eyes flashed a devilish red at the older man. "I am asking you that."

"No. Like I said, it requires a True Alpha. And there's no way he can become one without being chosen by the goddess to take on that role. He'd have to somehow obtain the same strength you carry, in order to do so."

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